Trying something new today! I'm gonna do an "overall theme" for ALL signs with a "Shadow Theme", and an affirmation.
Today's overall theme(s):
7 of Swords Reversed (7oS)
Queen of Pentacles Reversed (QoP)
Today's Shadow Theme: The Tower
All Signs Affirmation: "I'm worthy of putting my peace of mind first" & "The Truth Sets Us Free"
The Rev QoP seems greedy today, and is attempting to cover up the Rev 7oS - Consequences; likely the Tower - which I'm getting the sense is going to be chaos, drama & destruction from a mixture of mostly older negative behaviors, poor decisions, and choices made from victim mentalities. Many of these are going to be things that occurred near the end of December 2019 and the first few weeks of January 2020. Think back to that time, and think about any choices you may have made then, which could come back to haunt you today.
Or if you already feel haunted by any decisions you made during that time, especially in reference to joining forces with any greedy, ungrounded, or victim mentality types - or - if you made poor decisions that left an upright QoP in a crappy position that's left her feeling unsupported - today is the time to correct those mistakes, and face the music (consequences) - or face the consequences of the universe blocking your every path forward until you do - it's your choice.
The good thing is, the Tower is often followed by Freedom from not fun circumstances or relationships, and the opportunity to start fresh & new. So get your adulting shoes on, get ready to clean up some messes, and get your head out of victim-space - cuz that's the only way to soften todays tower, learn from the Hanged Man, and start Manifesting the life you really want.
Alternatively, if you've already been practicing personal empowerment & healing yourself if victim mindsets, then today is a great day for some spring cleaning & reorganizing of your stuff. Just be mindful that others are likely to be going through tower moments, especially anyone you know whose been stuck in victim mode for too long. Try to refrain from getting involved unless you have to in order to protect your family or friends, or you really feel called to by your true-heart. "Helping" because you feel obligated, fearful, guilty, or like it'll prevent some kind of conflict, will only get you tangled up in drama you don't need right now. It could also likely put you in the "hot seat" to take the blame for someone else's mess. Avoid that by going where the energy feels calm, inviting, safe, and empowering in gentle but secure ways. Or go for a good long drive by yourself. Then think of all the things and ppl that make you feel good about yourself, and practice getting into a joyful state of childlike wonder, curiousity, playfulness, and love.
It's also a good day to focus on healing your mother wounds - especially with the Moon still in Taurus. Something to think about, anyways.
Okay! Now it's time for each Zodiac Sun, Moon, Rising, Venus & Mars signs daily card!
Aries: Reversed 4 of Wands
Shadow Card: Reversed King of Cups
Affirmation: "Heathy Boundaries are Healing."
Have you been ignoring your intuition andor signs/synchronicities from Spirit lately Aries? If so, that's why your home or relationship feels like an emotional combat/conflict zone that's got you feeling like a wounded warrior today.
Want the misery to end? Take the time today, to think about your boundaries - have you held healthy, flexible & reasonable boundaries? Or have your boundaries been too rigid? Or none existent? Have you allowed someone into your space you should've had better boundaries with? Have you used your boundaries to push away those you should've let in?
Think about how you've been using or neglecting to use your boundaries, structure, your inner monologue (thoughts), communication skills, andor your sexuality to create or have neglected to create healthy circumstances, foundations, relationships, habits, behaviors, or spiritual practices. Through meditation, listening to your intuition, and talking to a few emotionally stable friends - today you'll figure out how to rejoin your head & your heart to heal your home & make it a place where there's more than enough room for, self-respect, peace, and quiet in it - consistently.
Taurus: 5 of Cups
Shadow Card: Fool Reversed
Affirmation: "Today I won't cry over spilt milk. I'm just gonna clean it up, pour a new glass, and share it with a good friend."
Someone is thinking about you today Taurus. Someone who regrets acting reckless and foolish recently, whose likely found themselves in some trouble from jumping into what they thought would be a great "new beginning", which hasn't turned out the way they thought it would be. This person likely has strong Aries, Leo or Sag placements, andor they want to feel like a passionate Fire King & don't where they're at. They're exhausted. They've likely awakened today, or are about to. Either way, they're ready to free themselves. They're thinking about their options & wondering if you're still one of them - as they now recognize you for the Empress you've been this whole time.
Gemini: 10 of Swords
Shadow Card: Queen of Wands
Affirmation: "I am worthy of thinking & speaking nicely to myself, and putting my needs first."
Either you're ready leave a situation or relationship that's brought you nothing but anxiety, backstabbing, and betrayal - or the universe is telling you now is the time to cut your losses before you get stabbed. The amount of money, emotions, energy, and other resources you've already lost, are only going to increase if procrastinate this any longer.
Today, focus on what or who inspires you today & avoid negative thinking; it'll only manifest what you fear. Then get your thoughts aligned with gratitude, get your emotional "zoo animals" back into their proper habitats & well cared for, and start focusing on manifesting a new beginning that calls to your heart.
Cancer: the Emperor
Shadow Card: 2 of Pentacles Reversed
Affirmation: "I am worthy of standing in my power and putting myself first."
You've been juggling a lot lately Cancer; aren't you tired yet?
The universe wants you to know you don't have to juggle anymore. You can feel like that Emperor; the one whose learned his lessons, has earned his right to run his palace the way he sees fit, and have lots of fun doing it.
When you're ready to take your seat in your thrown, there's someone in your life with a strong Aries placement or two, who either has a cat, or is mischievously wise like the Cheshire Cat - or both; they can help free you of your burdens & manifest the victory you seek. All you have to do is be mature enough to ask for their help, own your own bs, and feel worthy of the freedom, support, assistance, self-love, abundance, boundaries, responsibility, and fun that comes with ruling a kingdom.
It's also important to start saving money now. Any small amount you can store away now, will soon save you.
Leo: Page of Pentacles
Shadow Card: the Chariot
Affirmation: "It's not about the destination, it's about enjoying the journey."
Small & pleasant communications with a grounded Earth (Cap, Taurus, Virgo) energy person - likely whose younger then you & possibly good with gardening, will help you begin to build momentum you need to help you manifest the freedom, love, stability, focus, & abundance you know you really want.
Virgo: King of Cups
Shadow Card: 6 of Cups Reversed
Affirmation: "I'm worthy of choosing my own pace, & being sure about what I want."
You're feeling emotional today. Though that's not a bad thing, especially if you're thinking about reconcilation with someone you've been feeling disconnected with, who you feel safe being emotionally honest around & who cares about what YOU want. They'll help you free yourself from any commitments or situations you know aren't good for you, which have left you feeling like you have to hide who you really are. You don't have to rush though Virgo. Go at your own chosen speed.
Libra: the Empress
Shadow Card: 8 of Wands Reversed
Affirmation: "I flow with the path of least resistance and most fun "
If you can loosen up and let yourself have a little fun, you'll get into the flow of things and back into easily Manifesting. The path there likely requires some communication, recognition, and checking to be sure you have healthy boundaries. It's also a good day to be sure you're making choices that are really in alignment with your true-heart.
Scorpio: 6 of Swords
Shadow Card: Knight of Wands Reversed
Affirmation: "I gently row, row, row my boat, down the healing stream."
There might be chaos occurring around today Scorpio; or at least messages of others going through some heavy stuff; though so long as you can keep your thoughts & vibration aligned with your inner being, the loving energy of the Empress, and the childlike wonder of Alice in Wonderland herself, then you'll like barely notice it.
You do you today Scorpio. Don't worry about any hotheads, sharp tongues, or wannabe scorpions today. Just work on healing, daydream about traveling, and be kind to anyone who crosses your path - yes, even those who haven't earned it or who're cruisin for a bruisin.
Sagittarius: Queen of Pentacles Reversed
Shadow Card: Strength
Affirmation: "Joy vibes will help you rise."
You're either going to feel a little ungrounded today; especially financially, or there's an ungrounded person; likely a woman, who will test your strength today.
If you focus on being playful, embracing the absurd, and knowing that true strength is an calm inner knowing that comes from vulnerability, authenticity, flexibility & self-love - then everything will come up roses for you Sag; including finding out others are facing the consequences of their actions. Especially any actions others may have taken to intentionally or unintentionally offset you financially or disturbed your relationship.
Focus on reflection today Sag, especially on how you can playfully bring in more money.
Capricorn: 7 of Cups
Shadow Card: the Moon
Affirmation: "People love and have faith in me - I love and have faith in me."
You've got options today Cappy, and they all look pretty good. Try your best to stretch your intuitive skills in choosing how you'll play today, but don't be afraid to ask your guides for assistance or clarity when you need or want it.
Otherwise, keep your faith, don't attach yourself to any particular outcome today, and build your skills in enjoying the pleasantly unexpected fun, surprises, and absurdity along the unfolding path ahead. Following your heart & having fun today Cappy, won't lead you wrong.
Aquarius: Strength
Shadow Card: 4 of Cups Reversed
Affirmation: "How can I be of service today in joyful ways?"
You're ready to play today Aquarius, and the universe is gonna help you out. Embrace the absurd, follow your heart, and keep your mind open to the many ways through which joy, money, and the love you really want - can manifest into your life today.
Pisces: the Death Card
Shadow Card: 6 of Swords
Affirmation: "I'm worthy of embracing change, and all the pleasantly unexpected experiences that can flow in when I'm open to them."
The Death Card is one that speaks of change, transformation, rebirth, and magick - for you, it also means healing, writing, creativity, and freeing yourself in a grounded way. Have faith in wherever your heart calls you to, and know you're being watched over by friends, spirit guides, and someone who loves you dearly but may not be able to tell you right now, as much as they might really want to.
Contact me for your own personalized reading!
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