This is an overall reading for the collective - all astrology signs and energies for the next four weeks of March 23 to April 20th, 2020
Karma Cards: 8 of Wands Reversed, 7 of Wands Reversed, and Lovers Reversed
Shadow Card: 9 of Wands Reversed, Page of Cups Reversed, and Magician Reversed
be very honest, I'm as surprised as you are that ALL of these cards
came out in Reversed! Though this is one of those moments where it's
important to learn to release any feelings of need to control things and
Embrace the Absurd - which is the first energy I'm getting off
these cards for ALL of us overall. Which will mean something different
for everyone; for me, what it means, is to stop trapping ourselves into
needing to do things that "make sense", to force things to happen when
we think they need to happen, and no longer stopping ourselves from
trying again - whether trying old solutions in new ways, picking up old
projects with fresh eyes, and allowing resets on everything.
one of my favorite forms of embracing the absurd is - when we come
across contrast and problems that we keep feeling triggered and stressed
about, is to step back and ask "what is the most absurd solution I can think of?"
- and then embrace it! Give it a try! Worst case, it doesn't work
either and you can go back to complaining about it, right? =P
to the cards spefically. What I'm seeing in the patterns, is that our
main karma as a collective species, has to do with Wands - Solar Plexus
energy; with hints of Heart Chakra, Sacral Chakra, Root Chakra, and
Crown Chakra. In laymans terms: Our Personal Power, Creativity, Inner
Beings, Sexual Energy, and connection to Spirit/Universe.
what's coming up in this next month between March 22nd to April 20th -
for any who've not already cleared such karma for themselves, are going
to be riddles, obstacles, problems, triggers, opportunities, and
contrast designed to teach us how to reconnect our heads with our
truehearts, our intentions with our inner beings, inner peace with outer
peace, healthy boundaries, self worth, self love, self care,
manifesting, divine inspiration, and reconnecting with that sense of
child like wonder we often disassociate from as we "grow up" - which is
widely misinterpretted as putting yourself last, never really having
fun, being overly self-sacrifical, and losing all sense of joyfulness in
the present, in favor of becoming boring old curmudgeons who never have
time for love or fun or growth because they're overburdened with
responsibilities, obligations, and 'other' usually unnecessary adulting
acitivites believed to be required for social acceptability.
because the Shadow Cards indicate the underlying issues we're facing as
a collective, have to do with the Magician, the Page of Cups, and the 9
of Wands - all in reverse, that tells me we're all learning how to
connected with our wounded healers to learn to love again, like it was
the first time, and using the power of connection with our inner beings
and ourselfs and our lovers in the 5th dimension, to learn how to turn
our soon-to-be-former pains, traumas, and "problems" in true magick,
healing, love, and abundance.
And the way to do
that, is most easily going to be accessed by spending this time over the
next 4 weeks, examining the choices we've made in our relationships -
especially anything to do with faith, fear, conflict resolution,
codependency, addiction, emotional baggage, our pain bodies, our egos,
our anxieties, our attachment styles, our love languages, and what we
need to heal from within, in order to truly be able to express, explore,
give, recieve, believe in, and teach - healthy unconditional love.
is ALL forms of relationships - intimate, romantic, familial, platonic,
friendships, businesses, communal, spiritual, ancestral, and most
importantly - the relationship we have with OURSELVES -
which means there's no more time to bs about what others need, typical
societal pressures, or other wasted effort in trying to blame others,
get others to decide what's right for us, or avoid personal
accountability. hasten this learning process,
the universe is going to restrict, expand, alter, change, evolve, and
throw absurdity, curve balls, tower moments, and phoenix moments at our
commitments, ability to travel, communicate via usual methods, the ways
we're used to working/earning income, technology, recreation, and most
mercurial activities - which is basically like an extended Mercury
Retrograde; with the same Piscean theme, cause Mercury is about to go
back into Pisces - which means we'll either be focusing on coversations
about our truehearts desires, our inner children, any actual children in
our lives, and our elders - and for those of you thinking you'll get
out of this one, if you try, your throat chakras and ability to
communicate at all, will likely be severely restricted by Saturn in
Aquarius - freedom of speech. So make sure you're open to your healing,
keeping yourself accountable in balance with self care and self love,
and that you're ready to feel and talk about your emotions!
To make this time even more interesting, we're learning to communicate our emotions to be able to understand and learn to harness our Tantric Energy - which is based on both emotional and kundalini (sexual) energy, which when understood and used in consensual, ethical, compassionate, self loving, and mutually beneficial ways - helps us learn to manifest and heal - even at great distances!
Which, considering what's manifesting around us to teach us all this stuff, is very useful!
Looking for more specific details for you or about collective energy? Subscribe to this blog, and feel free to send me a message here or on Silly Rabbit Tarotstrology on Facebook.
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