Saturday, March 7, 2020

Manifesting Lessons - Learning to Laugh with the Universe

These thoughts came to me while writing a post on FB. They felt worthy of sharing here too.


This world is full of duality.

I'm definitely learning this from my dance of Unveiling Authenticity.

Like, even the difference between duplicity & duality - definitely a Gemini & Cancer type lesson.

Often, those of us with a strong Gemini andor Cancer placement or two, go through the first part of life, constantly trying to hide one side of ourselves; usually for fear of what others will think - especially if we fully embraced our authenticity & vulnerabilities; including anger, hurt, fears, confusion, anxieties, regrets, and most especially; Love - which we've often felt hurt by sharing in the past, usually by being rejected or used by others who weren't in alignment with their inner beings like we were in those moments we took leaps of faith motivated by the kind of inspired bravery only genuine love can fill us with.

Though, b/c we often were young when these things first happened, and didn't yet realize how others treated us, wasn't an indication that we were wrong or weak for being brave enough to be vulnerable & authentically express ourselves - it was an indication that they were on a different vibration than we were, and Spirit's way of showing us contrast - for each of us to ask things like:
"Is this what I want?"
"What do I want?"
"Do I want a cold, lonely and toxic relationship filled with unrequited love, where I'm constantly fighting to prove my love, loyalty, worthiness, invulnerability, and faithfulness?
Or do I want a relationship that's fun, healthy, intimate, loving, reciprocal, warm, playful, and filled with an intuitive understanding & faith that love, respect, loyalty, and longevity are always there?"

At the time, not knowing what we all eventually learn; we often fell into one of many unfortunate flavors of toxic feminity/masculinity, especially if we tried to seek counsel from friends or family who were stuck in vibrations of toxic independence, codepedence, or victimhood - getting ourselves stuck in those energies too. Usually ending up locking a part of ourselves away; withholding our true desires, needs, wants, wishes, and anything we fell into believing was a "weakness".

Then, as per the way manifestation works - we attracted more ppl who matched that vibration; ppl who were hiding away pieces of themselves because they felt victimized, yet wouldn't allow themselves to really feel that way - keeping them stuck in that identity. Ppl who over-rely on looking/feeling "strong", because they don't want to feel or be seen as being weak; which ends up manifesting situations where they constantly feel weak, insecure, threatened, and powerless. Then those ppl attract more ppl who also hold those vibrations, attracting to us what feels like a cold, cruel, & unfair world where we feel trapped in constant struggles, drama, and "problems".

Then the universe brings us more of the same - cuz it brings us what we focus on & think about most often - until it creates enough pain that we finally burst out of our shells, stop caring what anyone out of alignment with us thinks, and start pursuing good feeling thoughts, activities, and experiences.

Then we get hit with "old momentum" from our past consistent thoughts, being given the resistance needed to keep choosing what we want. Often going between falling back into our old ways, and rising up into our newer more fun alignment, until our higher vibration starts to become our most consistent alignment.

Then the day comes & we finally we "get it", and then we LAUGH.

We laugh WITH the Universe - with Spirit; the first & biggest clown ever!

Then we see; it was never about "strength vs weakness" or "good luck vs bad luck" or "compatibility vs incompatibility" or "right vs wrong" or "good vs bad" or "what's close vs what's far" or "worthy vs unworthy" or "good vs bad" or "easy vs hard" or "acceptable vs unacceptable" or "powerlessness vs powerfulness" or "controlled vs uncontrollable".

It's always only ever been about - "what do I want to create & how many ways can I find to laugh, play, grow, and have fun while the universe brings me what I want?"

Once we "get it", the manifestations start pouring in at such a pace, it feels magickal, miraculous, and synchronistic - which is soooooo fun. Then it becomes the new normal and picks up enough consistent momentum, that whenever we are faced with any old momentum, we see it for what it is - just another opportunity to reaffirm what & who we really want - which removes it's old power over us.

Then we start only lining up with the ppl, adventures, and experiences that fill us with feelings of ease, joy, authenticity, empowerment, worthiness, fun, love, magick, and sustainable abundance. That becomes the new normal - or at least it feels that way until we realize it's actually always been the REAL normal - we just got out of sync with it for a little while, so the Story of Us could gain those plot twists, contrasts, and epically romantic chapters that make any story really delicious and worth experiencing.

Then we start embracing the wonderful absurdity of life, and the dualities.

Like that we're both always consistent AND changeable.
Seeing we can have core convictions AND be adaptable.
We see we strength is flexibility AND vulnerability.
We learn to embrace our dark, light & gray sides; learning they're all beneficial in different ways.
We see how we're ever evolving beings & yet our core selves - our  souls - our loving inner beings - never truly change.

Then everything starts unraveling & rewriting itself to match up to us.

Anything ww previously thought of as a "curse", becomes a Blessing.

Anything we previously thought of as "bad luck", rejection, redirection, or an ending, is seen for what it's really always been - Opportunities.

Then we recognize who & what have come in our lives, to provide us with these opportunities to choose what we want.

Some come to offer us opportunities for giving & recieving of genuine & lasting unconditional love.

Others come with opportunities for learning healthy & sustainable self love.

Others come with opportunities to alleviate our insecurities, fears, traumas & anxieties, and show us how to show ourselves how worthy, capable, supported, more than adequate, and wonderful we really are.

Others come with opportunities to find and manifest new beginnings, and show us how to show ourselves we're so powerful, that anything done can be undone and rewritten. That we can have our cake and eat it too; AND that it can be easy and fun - and that anyone who says otherwise, are just opportunity providers - for us to keep choosing and manifesting what we want.

Then we laugh some more.
Spirit laughs even more.

Then life gets really fun 😉


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