Monday, February 24, 2020

What Each Sign is meant to learn during this Feb 2020 Mercury Retrograde in Pisces

It's the height of Mercury Retrograde in Pisces that started last week, and will keep causing delays and slow downs until this next Sunday - and then slowly lift starting this upcoming Monday.

So I thought, why not talk about what we're all learning?

Make sure to check your Sun, Moon, Rising, Venus & Mars - and if you know it, cross check your Vedic chart.

So here goes

Aries - 10 of Pentacles Reversed with 6 of Swords Reversed over the 8 of Swords

Because your Shadow Card is the 8 of Swords, that tells me Aries, that what you're meant to learn this Mercury Retrograde in Pisces, is how to let go of any victim mentalities or ppl in your life who are stuck in victim mentalities, especially when it comes to do with homes, family, money, and healing.

Look around you Aries. What's making you feel locked in bondage that doesn't serve you? You might have to use your intuition to find it, which isn't so comfy for a fire sign, but it's valuable to learn. Once you do, you'll have the security and support you really crave, with a new found freedom you never expected.

Taurus - 5 of Wands Reversed and the Hermit over the Ace of Wands

You're meant to learn how to harness your own creative energy during times of chaos, conflict, confusion, and delays. The cards are pretty straight forward in this. So take this time to find stability from your inner being and spirit, rather than your family, loved ones, or other usual sources.

Gemini - 8 of Swords Reversed and 8 of Pentacles Reversed over the 7 of Swords Reversed

Because your Shadow Card is the 7 of Swords reversed, tells me this Mercury Retrograde is meant to help you face the music, take any consequences for negative actions you've caused from being stuck in a victim mentality andor letting yourself get caught up with others who are stuck in victim mentalities.

Once you face the music, you will free yourself from most everything that's held you back in life, and will start attracting the romantic and financial circumstances you deserve. 

Cancer - 10 of Swords Reversed with Knight of Wands Reversed over the 6 of Cups

True to your sign, the cards are telling me that you're learning to heal relationship issues that have haunted you for a very long time, Cancer. With your Shadow Card as the 6 of Cups, you have a similar task to Gemini, but rather than your challenge being about facing consequences, it has more to do with you learning about Reconcilation. Mostly Reconcilation within yourself, but also with past Lovers.

With the 10 of Swords reversed right next to the Knight of Cups Reversed, this tells me that you're likely holding onto a situation that you know won't work, that leaves you feeling drained, and that doesn't feel romantic at all. That situation is ready to be released. Once you reconcile that within yourself that's been preventing you from accepting situations that are truly good for you, then the universe will start helping you achieve all you've been struggling too.

Leo - High Priestess Reversed with Page of Cups Reversed over the 5 of Swords

What is the cost of "winning" right now Leo? Right now, the universe is going to keep knocking your ego down, notch by notch, until you decide - would you rather be "right"? Or would you rather be "happy"? Being right can feel good, but it's usually only temporary. Feeling happy, especially in a struggle free way, is much longer lasting. 

This Mercury Retrograde is showing that most of this desire to be right, leave others in the cold, or hold up your swords, is mostly about your own thoughts. That's not too be confused with saying you've not been wronged. It's simply in learning to discern when to pick up your swords and walk away, and when to let things go.

Trust your Intuition Leo. It will lead you to the love, joy, and recognition you desire and deserve.

Virgo - 2 of Pentacles and Temperance over the Knight of Swords Reversed

This Mercury Retrograde is causing you to slow down and examine where you've either created conflict with words (or lack of them), or where you're afraid to go after what you know brings you joy and healing, because you're afraid of conflict and hurtful words that might come flying at you if you open yourself to it.

The cards are telling you, although it might feel like a sticky situation at first, you will come out on top, once you overcome this conflict avoidance. 

Libra - 10 of Wands and 9 of Swords over Temperance

This Mercury Retrograde is literally hear to teach you healing through patience and temptation. Especially when it comes to learning not to wrap yourself up in so many burdens, peace keeping missions, and family matters, that you don't deal with the thoughts keeping you up at night, and causing so much anxiety in your life.

This week, take care of any burdens of communication, especially anything causing you to feel like you're pulling your hair out. Put down anything not meant for you, and move forward with a lighter load. Then just don't forget these lessons, so you don't have to repeat them.

Scorpio - King of Wands and Page of Pentacles over the Moon Card

Your Shadow Card tells me that what your learning Scorpio, is how to hold onto the kind of faith you cannot always see right in front of you. The kind of faith that ensures even when it seems like the Moon has eclipsed what your heart desires, and the only thing you have to go on, is an intense intuition. 

Learn to hold onto this faith without letting yourself become obsessed with it, and you'll naturally attract the love, money, apologies, communication, and reciprocation you so deeply crave. 

Sagittarius - Ace of Pentacles with King of Wands over the 8 of Pentacles Reversed

Sag, if you want to feel like the king/queen of your Castle, then this Mercury Retrograde is asking you to slow down and look at where you've had issues fully committing; especially to passion projects. 

Deal with those commitment issues, and you'll release a lot of well earned abundance your way.

Capricorn - 10 of Swords with the 2 of Pentacles over the Ace of Cups Reversed

As unfair as it feels, considering how much in your life that you've had to go without reciprocal love in your life Capricorn, the Mercury has yanked back the key to your cups, to help you deal with thoughts and anxieties that keep you from joyfully and playfully manifesting the love, money, and commitments you deeply desire and truly deserve.

If you can identify the 10 thoughts or anxieties that are holding you back from flowing into the next cycle, then you can have your Ace of Cups back - your true love - flowing and renewed.

Aquarius - Ace of Cups Reversed with the Magician over the 10 of Pentacles Reversed

Your learning is related to Capricorn ls, but the focus is more about teaching you how to manifest the love, money, fun, and magick you want, by creating earthquakes in your family and financial sectors.

Take this time to contemplate which themes have been playing out in your life, that have held you back financially, familially, and romantically; especially if you've spent a lot of time over focusing on where you feel a lack of love. Then your happy family situation will come back, fully renewed and more committed than ever. 

Pisces - High Priestess with 6 of Wands over the 9 of Cups

Your learning lessons from Mercury are kind of amusing. It's about you learning that wishes really can and do come true; especially in terms of your love life, when you learn to trust your Intuition and give yourself credit for the magickally strong Intuition you have.

Though until you really feel the realness of your own connection to the universe, it could be that you'll likely be faced with any hedonistic obstacles you've previously been leaning on, or that you've been codepedently enabling others in your life to use as a crutch. This could include drugs, sex, gambling, shopping, workaholicism, and anything else we often use to escape the reality of our situation.

Take the time now, dear Pisces, to abstain. Sober up if you need to, clear your space of anyone who isn't on board with this clearing out, pull out your favorite writing impliment, and start focusing on what you want desire in your heart. Write it down without the "buts". Then know it's already yours.

Happy Mercury Retrograde!! 🤣

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