Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Silly Rabbit Tarotscopes for Wednesday February 26th 2020

Today the Moon is in Aries, which means you can take off from the starting line, but that doesn't mean you'll be able to move very fast. Instead, while your body moves like it's caught in mud, your emotions will likely feel like they're moving at lightening speed. It will likely actually catch you up super fast, with any emotional issues you've been trying to repress, or haven't had the time to deal with.

It might not be comfortable, but it'll be worth it. Roll with it as well as you can.

Aries - 8 of Swords Reversed

Today you breaking free of any nightmare commitments, putting down addictions, and flowing with your emotions. Good job Aries! Flow with this energy, especially if Aries is your Moon Sign. It'll feel so good.

Taurus - King of Swords

You might find yourself battling some anxiety today Taurus, but so long as you center yourself on logic, truth, and the future outcomes you want to manifest, then you'll come out on top. 

Gemini - Queen of Cups

You might be faced with the icy sword of someone you've wronged lately Gemini, likely with your own swords. Spend time today, thinking about what you really want in life. Avoid drugs or alcohol, as they could dampen your manifesting abilities.

Cancer - Wheel of Fortune Reversed

If a recent situation you originally thought was a "wish come true", seems to be getting worse and worse, then it's time to refocus. Spirit is telling you your destiny is not in this sour situation, and that it will only get worse if you keep trying to make it work. Avoid drugs and alcohol today, and focus on what your heart yearns for. Maybe even wish on a few Stars tonight, or talk to your ruling planet - Mother Moon.

Leo - 4 of Swords Reversed

If you're feeling exhausted today Leo, it's because you're keeping yourself in a situation that's already expired. You have the World Reversed AND Death Reversed I'm your Shadow Cards. This tells me that 1. You're not listening to your Intuition, and 2. if you continue in this situation, not only will you no get any rest, you'll also likely burn some very important bridges. Which wouldn't be the end of the world, but you certainly don't need less support or more work in your life right now.

Cut your losses, lick your with, let you pride down, and go wherever feels most like "home" to you, so you can get some rest. After you rest, you'll have a better idea of what to do.

Virgo - the Tower

Today the universe is going to shake the ground beneath you Virgo, especially within your Relationships. Find something to hold onto, but don't fret to much about it. The tower is helping you. Behind it is the Temperance card, which means healing and creativity. If you can play, listen to, or sing some music today, it'll feel very healing for you. Just put on whatever makes you "feel" today, and let whatever the tower shakes up, remain in the rubble. At least for now.

Libra - the Chariot

Today's Message from Spirit is pretty simple Libra; today it's time to reconcile, and once that's done, you'll have a pretty victorious day. Apologize if you need to, or accept an apology coming to you.

Scorpio - Queen of Cups

You've been feeling out of sorts lately Scorpio, for many reasons. Today, focus on just feeling what you feel, feeling worthy of feeling how you feel, and think about love in positive ways. That will manifest what you're heart truly desires.

Sagittarius - 8 of Cups

If you're faced with any sticky communication issues today, just walk away. Focus on whatever makes your heart and soul feel good, regardless of what anyone else thinks. You can always come back and communicate later. Ppl will understand.

Capricorn - 10 of Cups

Today life will feel pretty good Cap. You might even find it's a day filled with love, healing, reassurance, and long awaited communications. Keep focusing on what you want and know is coming, and when you have trouble with that, pet the cat 😉

Aquarius - 4 of Swords

Rest today Aquarius. You've completed an important karmic cycle, and have earned a mini staycation or fun night out. Though only if you make sure to spend some extra time mediating and sending out positives prayers and thoughts today. Either way, at the end of the day, you'll feel reborn.

Pisces - 7 of Wands Reversed

Don't back down today Pisces, especially if you've been feeling tread upon by anyone. Especially anyone you're in a family situation with, whose been making you feel like any attempt to connect with them on a deeper level, has only resulted in more fighting. If you can hold your ground a little longer, you'll get your happy family back sooner than you think. Just keep your mind open to that happening in a different way than you originally thought. 

Make sure to cross check all your placements if you know them!

Silly Rabbit Daily Tarotscopes for Each Sign for Feb 25th 2020

We're still in the process of leaving the new moon in Pisces, and entering the Moon in Aries. Which, for anyone with an Aries Moon, means starting a whole new emotional cycle. 

Then, with the Sun and Mercury Retrograde still in Pisces, we're all still feeling at odds between action vs rest, and following our head vs our heart.

So with that in mind, here's your general daily card! Make sure to check ALL your primary placements - including Western & Vedic if you know it (message me if you don't).

Aries - Death Reversed

You've got the 7 of Swords in your shadow card today Aries. This tells me you're strategizing and planning. Likely to get something back that you've lost, or feel was stolen from you.

With the Death card in Reverse, this tells me you're thinking about bridges you fear you've already burned down. Just keep in mind Aries, that once a bridge is burned, there's room to build a new bridge. Don't be afraid to reach out to anyone you feel you've burned with your fiery ways. It might not be easy. Though it'll be worth it.

Taurus - 10 of Wands

It might feel like you're carrying a great burden today Taurus, especially if there's some communicating you'd like to do and for whatever reason, cannot do.

Do take time today, to examine what you're carrying. See if there's anything you can set down and come back later, to help lighten your load. This process might not be super easy for your earthy nature in this watery Pisces season, but it'll be worth it, as it'll help you sharpen your intuitive skills. Especially if you refrain from any gossip, promiscuity, or general bitchiness - either to yourself or to others. Practice self care today. This storm will pass.

Gemini - 3 of Pentacles Reversed

You seem to be having a heck of a week Gemini. Today doesn't seem like it's going much better, and I'd imagine it's tied into what you're supposed to be learning this Mercury Retrograde. Check out my post about that from yesterday to learn more. Until then, this card tells me that you're likely stuck in a 3rd party situation where you're not getting the financial or social assistance you want, and it's tied to your Shadow Card: The 5 of Swords Reversed - meaning you've likely been letting your evil twin side out far too often lately, and have made some messes you need to make up for. Today the universe is telling you to get out of your head, stop feeling like a victim, apologize where appropriate, and do some good deeds without expectation of return. That will help start rebalancing your karma.

Cancer - Hermit Reversed

When I started pulling your cards, a song came on my YouTube, called "Sometimes when we touch" by Dan Hill. Listen to that song today, and let yourself feel your feelz. And don't try to bs me or spirit! You're holding onto a lot of feelings. You've been pregnant with them for a while, and considering you have the Empress and the 4 of Wands in your Shadow Cards, this tells me that you're feeling antisocial, exhausted, and disconnected from someone who your heart still calls "home"; your Empress. This is likely someone who is both your dream lover, and someone who has been in your dreams a lot lately.

The Hermit Reversed is telling you that these feelings and crappy situations are only going to continue until you start feeling your feelz, and ask yourself, "what do I really want?"

Once you have your answer, it's time to commit yourself to doing whatever it takes to get back what or whoever you lost or left out in the cold.

Leo - The Chariot Reversed

Ironically, the Chariot is a card of Cancer. Though it's full of Leo symbolism. In upright, this is the "Victory" card, and in the deck I use, it even has 3 Little Birds on it - which is a Bob Marley song, about how everything is gonna be alright.

Unfortunately Leo, you have the Chariot Reversed, and it's over the 8 of Cups and 2 of Wands in your shadow cards. That means you've spent too long in a situation that hasn't been good for you, and left a situation that was good for you; which is understandable with all the cosmic energy in confusing Pisces. You likely thought you were making a choice that felt better than what you had, but the universe is showing you now, how you were stuck in the "the grass is greener" syndrome. Cuz the grass is only greener where you've tilled, tended, and set up a foundation for it to grow in healthy ways. 

Once you've had some time to lick your wounds, take the time to consider how to reconnect with your loved ones the right way the first time. It'll be worth it.

Virgo - 4 of Pentacles

This card is the "Mixer". It shows someone who is overly cautious about his/her heart, and using money to block his/her heart chakra. In your shadows is the 8 of Pentacles Reversed and the Ace of Pentacles Reversed, which tells me you've been putting on a show of being "just fine" in a situation you were most certainly not "fine" in, that's likely been draining you of money, energy, and time. Whatever this situation is, it's time to get yourself out of it, and return back to whether or whoever you left behind, who used to help you manifest the security and comfort that helped you be open with your heart.

Libra - 10 of Cups Reversed

In your Shadow Cards is the High Priestess reversed and the 9 of Cups Reversed. Did you party a little too hard this last week Libra? 

If so, it's got you're whole family feeling like their emotional cups are all spilled over. If this is on target, then go take a look at the Mercury Retrograde lessons you need to learn, and get to learning, so you can have your happy family again.

Scorpio - Temperance

Today you are going to feel tempted to focus on a love situation that has seriously tested your faith and ability to trust in your own intuition. Remember that what you know to be true, is true. You're soulmate is coming back to you. The two of you just might need to take some detours until they're ready to talk. 

It might not easy for you to focus on work or play today, but that's what the universe is telling you to do. It may feel absurd, but it's what will work. Do what you have to, to make today a fun, playful, and healing day. Everything else will work itself out.

Sagittarius - King of Wands Reversed

Normally, I'd say this card is yours, but I'm being told this isn't actually your energy today Sag. There's someone else in your vibration; likely a man but could be a woman, likely who you've not been communicating with lately, who has been acting like a dick. You're noticing today, they've been trying to have their cake and eat it too - which would be fine if they were being an upright King about it. 

Just know Sag, that big daddy Saturn is high in the sky right now, and he's making sure we all get our just desserts. So make sure you're minding your P's and Q's, including in your thoughts and in your heart. Cuz whoever this is, they're already feeling the karma of reaping what they've been sowing lately. 

Capricorn - Page of Swords

Cappy, your shadow cards tell a story of someone who owes you an apology, who pushed you to pull out your Queen of Swords Reversed, which you used to cut their far to inflated ego down a good 5 notches. Which they needed. Though because you can be quiet scary in that energy, they are worried about whether or not you'll even be open to accepting their apology. They've likely been lurking in your social media or looking over any work you do online, trying to get an idea of your mood, especially if you fully cut them off recently.

And from what the cards show, it looks like they've been through one hell of a huge tower moment in their life. The lose of joy, trouble in their friendships, being drained of money and resources, they've likely been cheated on, and on top of all that, they lost you - and they're now finally feeling the pain of that loss. 

Stay open Cappy. You know you want to hear from this person. Just don't let your guard down completely until they've been fully honest with you. Not just because it will tell you if they're for real, but because they've clearly put you through a lot, she you deserve a full apology from them. Maybe even a little groveling. Especially cuz you likely warned them multiple times to check themselves. If they didn't listen...well...Karma is a bitch; which means you don't have to be, but you're still a Queen/King. Just polish your crown while they own their bs.

Aquarius - 6 of Pentacles

The universe is offering you some serious help today Aquarius. It seems like you've learned something that's helped you level up Spiritually, Financially, and Familially. You might still feel a bit like you're walking through knee deep mud, but so long as you keep moving forward, as slow as it may be, then you've got the Divine guidance, protection, and abundance setting up all the cooperative components ahead, that you've been praying hard for. You'll literally get too have your cake and eat it too.

Just make sure you keep moving forward. Even a few steps at a time, is still movement. You've got this Aquarius!

Pisces - Wheel of Fortune

It looks like you've lost a fair amount of pain lately Pisces. Some of it your own doing; some of it the doing of others who thought they could take advantage of your giving and forgiving nature. 

The good news is, the wheel of destiny is turning today, and bringing the world upright again. Which means the drama will stop, the conflict will stop, and anyone who used to bring warmth and fun into your life, will return.

Have faith Pisces. The universe took you through this detour to help manifest your dreams. It's happening. It might take a little longer, but the more you can stay positive and open to it happening in ways you haven't expected before, then the universe will bring you all sorts of pleasantly unexpected surprises - maybe even a few today 😊

Monday, February 24, 2020

What Each Sign is meant to learn during this Feb 2020 Mercury Retrograde in Pisces

It's the height of Mercury Retrograde in Pisces that started last week, and will keep causing delays and slow downs until this next Sunday - and then slowly lift starting this upcoming Monday.

So I thought, why not talk about what we're all learning?

Make sure to check your Sun, Moon, Rising, Venus & Mars - and if you know it, cross check your Vedic chart.

So here goes something...lol

Aries - 10 of Pentacles Reversed with 6 of Swords Reversed over the 8 of Swords

Because your Shadow Card is the 8 of Swords, that tells me Aries, that what you're meant to learn this Mercury Retrograde in Pisces, is how to let go of any victim mentalities or ppl in your life who are stuck in victim mentalities, especially when it comes to do with homes, family, money, and healing.

Look around you Aries. What's making you feel locked in bondage that doesn't serve you? You might have to use your intuition to find it, which isn't so comfy for a fire sign, but it's valuable to learn. Once you do, you'll have the security and support you really crave, with a new found freedom you never expected.

Taurus - 5 of Wands Reversed and the Hermit over the Ace of Wands

You're meant to learn how to harness your own creative energy during times of chaos, conflict, confusion, and delays. The cards are pretty straight forward in this. So take this time to find stability from your inner being and spirit, rather than your family, loved ones, or other usual sources.

Gemini - 8 of Swords Reversed and 8 of Pentacles Reversed over the 7 of Swords Reversed

Because your Shadow Card is the 7 of Swords reversed, tells me this Mercury Retrograde is meant to help you face the music, take any consequences for negative actions you've caused from being stuck in a victim mentality andor letting yourself get caught up with others who are stuck in victim mentalities.

Once you face the music, you will free yourself from most everything that's held you back in life, and will start attracting the romantic and financial circumstances you deserve. 

Cancer - 10 of Swords Reversed with Knight of Wands Reversed over the 6 of Cups

True to your sign, the cards are telling me that you're learning to heal relationship issues that have haunted you for a very long time, Cancer. With your Shadow Card as the 6 of Cups, you have a similar task to Gemini, but rather than your challenge being about facing consequences, it has more to do with you learning about Reconcilation. Mostly Reconcilation within yourself, but also with past Lovers.

With the 10 of Swords reversed right next to the Knight of Cups Reversed, this tells me that you're likely holding onto a situation that you know won't work, that leaves you feeling drained, and that doesn't feel romantic at all. That situation is ready to be released. Once you reconcile that within yourself that's been preventing you from accepting situations that are truly good for you, then the universe will start helping you achieve all you've been struggling too.

Leo - High Priestess Reversed with Page of Cups Reversed over the 5 of Swords

What is the cost of "winning" right now Leo? Right now, the universe is going to keep knocking your ego down, notch by notch, until you decide - would you rather be "right"? Or would you rather be "happy"? Being right can feel good, but it's usually only temporary. Feeling happy, especially in a struggle free way, is much longer lasting. 

This Mercury Retrograde is showing that most of this desire to be right, leave others in the cold, or hold up your swords, is mostly about your own thoughts. That's not too be confused with saying you've not been wronged. It's simply in learning to discern when to pick up your swords and walk away, and when to let things go.

Trust your Intuition Leo. It will lead you to the love, joy, and recognition you desire and deserve.

Virgo - 2 of Pentacles and Temperance over the Knight of Swords Reversed

This Mercury Retrograde is causing you to slow down and examine where you've either created conflict with words (or lack of them), or where you're afraid to go after what you know brings you joy and healing, because you're afraid of conflict and hurtful words that might come flying at you if you open yourself to it.

The cards are telling you, although it might feel like a sticky situation at first, you will come out on top, once you overcome this conflict avoidance. 

Libra - 10 of Wands and 9 of Swords over Temperance

This Mercury Retrograde is literally hear to teach you healing through patience and temptation. Especially when it comes to learning not to wrap yourself up in so many burdens, peace keeping missions, and family matters, that you don't deal with the thoughts keeping you up at night, and causing so much anxiety in your life.

This week, take care of any burdens of communication, especially anything causing you to feel like you're pulling your hair out. Put down anything not meant for you, and move forward with a lighter load. Then just don't forget these lessons, so you don't have to repeat them.

Scorpio - King of Wands and Page of Pentacles over the Moon Card

Your Shadow Card tells me that what your learning Scorpio, is how to hold onto the kind of faith you cannot always see right in front of you. The kind of faith that ensures even when it seems like the Moon has eclipsed what your heart desires, and the only thing you have to go on, is an intense intuition. 

Learn to hold onto this faith without letting yourself become obsessed with it, and you'll naturally attract the love, money, apologies, communication, and reciprocation you so deeply crave. 

Sagittarius - Ace of Pentacles with King of Wands over the 8 of Pentacles Reversed

Sag, if you want to feel like the king/queen of your Castle, then this Mercury Retrograde is asking you to slow down and look at where you've had issues fully committing; especially to passion projects. 

Deal with those commitment issues, and you'll release a lot of well earned abundance your way.

Capricorn - 10 of Swords with the 2 of Pentacles over the Ace of Cups Reversed

As unfair as it feels, considering how much in your life that you've had to go without reciprocal love in your life Capricorn, the Mercury has yanked back the key to your cups, to help you deal with thoughts and anxieties that keep you from joyfully and playfully manifesting the love, money, and commitments you deeply desire and truly deserve.

If you can identify the 10 thoughts or anxieties that are holding you back from flowing into the next cycle, then you can have your Ace of Cups back - your true love - flowing and renewed.

Aquarius - Ace of Cups Reversed with the Magician over the 10 of Pentacles Reversed

Your learning is related to Capricorn ls, but the focus is more about teaching you how to manifest the love, money, fun, and magick you want, by creating earthquakes in your family and financial sectors.

Take this time to contemplate which themes have been playing out in your life, that have held you back financially, familially, and romantically; especially if you've spent a lot of time over focusing on where you feel a lack of love. Then your happy family situation will come back, fully renewed and more committed than ever. 

Pisces - High Priestess with 6 of Wands over the 9 of Cups

Your learning lessons from Mercury are kind of amusing. It's about you learning that wishes really can and do come true; especially in terms of your love life, when you learn to trust your Intuition and give yourself credit for the magickally strong Intuition you have.

Though until you really feel the realness of your own connection to the universe, it could be that you'll likely be faced with any hedonistic obstacles you've previously been leaning on, or that you've been codepedently enabling others in your life to use as a crutch. This could include drugs, sex, gambling, shopping, workaholicism, and anything else we often use to escape the reality of our situation.

Take the time now, dear Pisces, to abstain. Sober up if you need to, clear your space of anyone who isn't on board with this clearing out, pull out your favorite writing impliment, and start focusing on what you want desire in your heart. Write it down without the "buts". Then know it's already yours.

Happy Mercury Retrograde!! 🤣

Sunday, February 23, 2020

Silly Rabbit General Tarotscopes for Monday February 24th, 2020

I'm gonna just get right to it! These are general one card messages for your Zodiac Sign. Make sure to check all your Sun, Moon, Rising and other placements for a fuller picture.

Send me a message at MadamThanatas@gmail.com for a personal reading ❤️

Aries - 3 of Wands
Today is the day to look behind the curtain of your own mind, and examine the skeletons you've left back there. Take a good look at them. With all this Pisces energy, and Venus in your sign, it's a good time to face any fears that have been holding you back and manifesting repeating cycles that only make you miserable. Face those shadows and come out of this Mercury Retrograde in Pisces as a new person ready to pursue all sorts of adventures you've held yourself back from before.

Taurus - Queen of Wands
Today is a day for you to own how absolutely irresistible you are Taurus. Everyone else sees it. You're the only one who puts doubt in your own mind about it. So if you're feeling less than Irresistible Af, use some of this Pisces energy to examine your insecurities, and mother/father wounds, to see how you're holding yourself back from Manifesting that fiery, passionate, and heart-forward life you deserve. 

Gemini - 9 of Cups
There's something you're wishing for Gemini, that you're not getting right now. With this Piscean energy, it's likely that you're not feeling like you're getting the love or appreciation you feel you deserve, and are yearning to either go back to someone you feel was your soulmate, or to move forward to find someone who could fit that bill. Either way, this card doesn't usually come up unless you're unhappy with the current situationship you've manifested. And if that's true, than it's time to pick up the Ace of Wands, and follow Spirit into yourself to see where your thoughts most often go; If that's back to a certain place, then go there. If it's back to a certain person, then reach out to them. 

Cancer - the Death card
This card is laying on top of the 4 of Swords and the Reversed Lovers card, which tells me Cancer, that there's been a recent choice you made in Love and In relation to money, that you regret - one that has left you feeling restless, exhausted, broke, and ready to tell everyone "Off with their heads!"

If I'm not wrong, then now is time to use this Death card energy to face your fears, clear your space, and allow the old you die - the old you who manifested whatever situation is making you feel so happy; so you can embrace becoming the new you. Which, as you know, might not be as comfortable as you'd like it to be, but it'll be worth it. Cause by the time you're done with this Phoenix moment, you'll come out on top in ways you've never even imagined before.
Also, Cancer, because of how Pluto aspects your sun sign right now, as well as because of this Pisces energy, it's likely that you have hidden enemies right in front of you, who you might not be able to see because of the Neptunian energy causing so many challenges with seeing reality. Guard your energy Cancer, you are an Empath. The kind energy vampyres find most delicious, and have no problem feasting on beyond your limits.

Leo - 8 of Swords
There seems to be some kind of battle going on in your mind, that is keeping you from the love, money, and happy endings you want and deserve Leo. It's not all in your head, but whatever war is going on in your head, is what's keeping you trapped in it. It's time to take off the blindfold, listen to your Intuition, pick up your cup, and walk away.

Yes, you have likely invested a great deal of emotion, energy, and money in the situation you need to leave behind, but at this point, the only reason to stay, would be your own stubborn desire to "win"; which will be at your own expense. 

Virgo - King of Wands
You're likely going to feel very passionate today, especially when it comes to uncovering deciet and lies. Especially in relationship to getting rid of anyone or any situation in your life, that feels like it's breaking your boundaries or creating pointless struggles. 

Be careful today Virgo. Hidden enemies are all around, and many of them are skilled in exhausting you until you don't even want to uphold your boundaries. Don't let them get ya. Use this King of Wands energy to stand your ground.

Libra - King of Cups
Today you might be feeling loved or loving. Passionately so with Venus in Aries. Though all this Pisces energy, especially with the Mercury Retrograde, is not gonna let you enjoy it, until you fess up and face the consequences of something you know you need to make up for. Know this Libra, once you do this, you'll be opening up your money Vibration, and healing some of your Mother Wounds. It'll be worth it.

Scorpio - Judgement Reversed
Today might not feel like a pleasant day Scorpio. You might feel judged, abandoned, disrespected, or left to be your own hero. Part of this is a manifestion of your own self doubt, and letting yourself dive too deep into your own darkness. Focus on work today. Hone your craft. Think good thoughts. Have faith that Spirit has your back. Be authentic, and know that the good you've put into the world is already materializing in your world. So long as you can keep yourself out of shitty thinking, you'll start seeing it today.

Sagittarius - 8 of Wands
Let yourself play today Sag. You've got good boundaries, some strong sex appeal, and plenty of communication coming at you. Just be mindful that we have lots of Piscean energy around - so keep your Intuition sharp, so you can see through an deceit, as well as general miscommunications; which happen fairly often when we're in Mercury Retrograde.

Capricorn - Page of Pentacles
You might not feel very recognized today Capricorn, but don't let that get you down too much. The seeds you've planted, have already taken root and sprouted, especially when it comes to money. You might also be recieving an apology today, so don't be too dismissive of others today, especially if you've been putting your focus into your work today.

Aquarius - the Hanged Man
Today you're mind is focused on the past, especially when it comes to money matters. Try not let this Mercury Retrograde get you down. It's meant to help you slow down, look at what has been holding you back, and center yourself in loving mother energy (regardless of your gender). 

Pisces - Wheel of Fortune Reversed
Even with all this cosmic energy in your sign, you're not feeling very romantic Pisces, and it's likely because you're currently facing some unsavory circumstances in your life right now, that you might've brought on yourself by focusing more on what you don't have and don't want, than on what you do have and do want.

Take the time today, to think about what you want, when no one else is influencing you or inserting their opinion. That's where your soul is urging you to go. Face any fears you need to face, that are holding you back from going where you want to go most. Then make the call. Pick up the phone. Or just go there.