Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Silly Rabbit Tarotscopes for Wednesday February 26th 2020

Today the Moon is in Aries, which means you can take off from the starting line, but that doesn't mean you'll be able to move very fast. Instead, while your body moves like it's caught in mud, your emotions will likely feel like they're moving at lightening speed. It will likely actually catch you up super fast, with any emotional issues you've been trying to repress, or haven't had the time to deal with.

It might not be comfortable, but it'll be worth it. Roll with it as well as you can.

Aries - 8 of Swords Reversed

Today you breaking free of any nightmare commitments, putting down addictions, and flowing with your emotions. Good job Aries! Flow with this energy, especially if Aries is your Moon Sign. It'll feel so good.

Taurus - King of Swords

You might find yourself battling some anxiety today Taurus, but so long as you center yourself on logic, truth, and the future outcomes you want to manifest, then you'll come out on top. 

Gemini - Queen of Cups

You might be faced with the icy sword of someone you've wronged lately Gemini, likely with your own swords. Spend time today, thinking about what you really want in life. Avoid drugs or alcohol, as they could dampen your manifesting abilities.

Cancer - Wheel of Fortune Reversed

If a recent situation you originally thought was a "wish come true", seems to be getting worse and worse, then it's time to refocus. Spirit is telling you your destiny is not in this sour situation, and that it will only get worse if you keep trying to make it work. Avoid drugs and alcohol today, and focus on what your heart yearns for. Maybe even wish on a few Stars tonight, or talk to your ruling planet - Mother Moon.

Leo - 4 of Swords Reversed

If you're feeling exhausted today Leo, it's because you're keeping yourself in a situation that's already expired. You have the World Reversed AND Death Reversed I'm your Shadow Cards. This tells me that 1. You're not listening to your Intuition, and 2. if you continue in this situation, not only will you no get any rest, you'll also likely burn some very important bridges. Which wouldn't be the end of the world, but you certainly don't need less support or more work in your life right now.

Cut your losses, lick your with, let you pride down, and go wherever feels most like "home" to you, so you can get some rest. After you rest, you'll have a better idea of what to do.

Virgo - the Tower

Today the universe is going to shake the ground beneath you Virgo, especially within your Relationships. Find something to hold onto, but don't fret to much about it. The tower is helping you. Behind it is the Temperance card, which means healing and creativity. If you can play, listen to, or sing some music today, it'll feel very healing for you. Just put on whatever makes you "feel" today, and let whatever the tower shakes up, remain in the rubble. At least for now.

Libra - the Chariot

Today's Message from Spirit is pretty simple Libra; today it's time to reconcile, and once that's done, you'll have a pretty victorious day. Apologize if you need to, or accept an apology coming to you.

Scorpio - Queen of Cups

You've been feeling out of sorts lately Scorpio, for many reasons. Today, focus on just feeling what you feel, feeling worthy of feeling how you feel, and think about love in positive ways. That will manifest what you're heart truly desires.

Sagittarius - 8 of Cups

If you're faced with any sticky communication issues today, just walk away. Focus on whatever makes your heart and soul feel good, regardless of what anyone else thinks. You can always come back and communicate later. Ppl will understand.

Capricorn - 10 of Cups

Today life will feel pretty good Cap. You might even find it's a day filled with love, healing, reassurance, and long awaited communications. Keep focusing on what you want and know is coming, and when you have trouble with that, pet the cat 😉

Aquarius - 4 of Swords

Rest today Aquarius. You've completed an important karmic cycle, and have earned a mini staycation or fun night out. Though only if you make sure to spend some extra time mediating and sending out positives prayers and thoughts today. Either way, at the end of the day, you'll feel reborn.

Pisces - 7 of Wands Reversed

Don't back down today Pisces, especially if you've been feeling tread upon by anyone. Especially anyone you're in a family situation with, whose been making you feel like any attempt to connect with them on a deeper level, has only resulted in more fighting. If you can hold your ground a little longer, you'll get your happy family back sooner than you think. Just keep your mind open to that happening in a different way than you originally thought. 

Make sure to cross check all your placements if you know them!

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