The Fool is one of my favorite cards; within just this one card are messages about adventure, opportunity & ease.

There are in fact so many different elements to the Fool card, that over the millennia, there have been several theories and tons of scholarly thoughts published on the topic of understanding it in entirety.
Because there are so many aspects carved within the ink of this card, the Fool can seem confusing at first, at least until you realize that is part of it's message; treading into the unknown.
This is part of what makes this card one of my favorites; there are just enough elements and symbols within it to keep it eternally interesting, yet not so many things that it takes forever to memorize the various different interpretations and presentations when laid with other cards under various question topics.
Before I share some more thoughts, I've thrown together a list of various astrological, magickal, numerical and virbational associations, which I find are helpful when learning to work with the vibe of the Fool in all ways:

Chakra: Root Chakra & Sacral Plexus
Primary Element: Air
Planet: Uranus / Oranous / Caleus
Associated Deities: Zeus? / Aditit (Hindu) / Dayeus /
Runes: Berkanan, Dagaz, Perth, Wunjo
I-Ching Glyph: Wu Wang - Innocense without Rashness
Colors: Yellow & Orange
Psychological: Id - Inner Child/Being
Stones & Gems: Agates, Herkimer Diamonds, Lepidolite, Tourmaline, Turqoise
Hard Symbols: Dogs, Mountains, Roses, Staffs, Sun, Pomegranites, Men/Boys, Scrotums, Feathers, Torches, Beacons, Blue Sky, Clouds, Butterflies, Staves/Wants, Bushes/Leaves, Ocean, Trees, Cliffs, Walking, Shadows.
Number: 0 - Masculinity, Infinitey, Absence of Everything, Potential for Everything, Blank Slate, Release from Cycle of Rebirth/Death, Beginnings after Endings, Adventure, Mystery.
Vibrations: Paths of Least Resistance, Innocence, Beginnings, Guidance, Fearlessness, Hope, Curiosity, Excitement, Ease, Expansion,