Monday, May 28, 2012

Monday May 28th Through Friday June 1st 2012

Okay, ignoring my clearly way to long ADHD induced absence from writing last months Tarotscopes... and going right into your week ahead... It looks like this week is going to be rather emotional, somewhat competitive and there will be a strong need to seek balance whenever possible.

Monday in particular seemed to be filled with negative anxiety or fear surrounding a routine, relationship or something that you don't want to stay the same anymore and the Reversed Four of Cups. Monday also happens to be the day we roam into the Virgo moon, which means that its time it's time to get Vestive, I mean, give thanks to Vesta for her virginial energy. She will help you hold onto your innocence, give it all up for the pleasure of it or help you uncover some sultry secret that you may or may not have been expecting. Whatever news or events come your way, make sure that you draw the line in something more concrete than sand, but be careful that you don't unnecessarily burn any bridges either.

Tuesday is about home, family and work. Things may be going well, but from your perspective it might not seem like things are so 'hunky-dorie'. Remember that sometimes life is just unfair, and that usually it has less to do with your circumstances and more to do with the view point you're currently using. The Ten of Pentacles Reversed reminds you to reserve your strength for bigger battles.

Such as the one coming up later Monday evening or sometime during Wednesday when the Five of Wand Reversed appears. It looks like some Aries energy has forced it's way onto your weekly horoscope, which leaves you with only two options - offense or defense? It looks like there is no way to run or hide from these relationship, work or family related challenges, but from what I can tell, there is no reason you can't change your perspective and view these challenges as fun chances to test your own mettle.

Thursday looks much more relaxing as the card of Temperance gracefully highlights your day, encouraging you to seek balance in your spiritual, physical and emotional worlds. Friday we can see the reversed King of Wands, who doesn't look like he's in a great mood. He is your partner, father or boss and although his sword may seem mighty, today he's only acting out because of his secret inferiority complex. So while I don't suggest you take any crap that you don't deserve, if this man is someone who is usually in better graces, you might consider just letting him have his moody day - it won't last too long.


Well my fellow Cappy's, it looks like this week is going to be one of those weird miracle weeks - where everything seems to fall into your lap, even though your level of procrastination seems to be higher then usual. On Monday we'll see the entrance of the Virgo moon coming to prod everyone into looking over their lives with a fine toothed comb. Under normal circumstances you would mind the opportunity to dive into your clutter and clear it out - though this time it seems like Vesta wants you to focus on something deeper, which isn't your specialty. She knows that it makes you nervous, anxious or hesitant anytime you have to think about serious relationship, career or family affairs that involve secrets, disagreements or big changes.

Just remember that the Six of Wands is upright in your week, and this highlights you and several large victories in terms of business, education and spirituality. You win some, you lose some, right? This pattern will continue from Monday until Wednesday morning when Libra comes to take over the moon, giving Venus the spotlight in your week again. It appears that she's none to happy that you've been tristing with Vesta, under-focusing on love or keeping secrets from an important person in your life. Though it seems that she's not out for revenge this week, but instead she's decided to work with her current Retrograde and come into balance with Mercury Direct who has just gone into Gemini along with Venus and the Sun. That means that this week is good for communication, transportation and opening up new avenues - though with Mars AND Mercury in Direct, there is going to be plenty of friction involved. Not that we Cappy's usually mind that at all, it kind of fuels the inner goats nature to do it anyways, and that's what brings the victories.

Later in the week, as the Libran Moon gives way to Scorpio, you're not going to feel like working at all - which is fine, if you can be comfortable with that. Thursday and Friday are the days that the universe wants you to balance out and have some fun. All work and no play make Capricorns dull!


You're not really digging the recent Mercury Direct into Gemini Aquarius - it makes your mind work so quickly that you tend to over look things, have more typos or you find yourself speaking in shorthand. Either way, the reversed Ten of Wands tells you to slow it down this week. Mars Direct is coming at you with some intense energy early in the week, so Monday through early Wednesday you're going to want to let someone help you carry your load, lest you drop it all and have to start all over again. Remember that it's not bad to want help, and it will be there the moment you open yourself up to it.

By the late afternoon of Wednesday, we'll be going into a Libra Moon which will last until Friday morning, when it goes into Scoprio. What this means for you, is that during Wednesday and Thursday, you want to focus on BALANCE as much as possible. This is especially true for you because you have the Knight of Swords as your underlying energy, and he is known for going way to fast while delivering his news to you. The latter half of the week should go much better for you as the Scorpio Moon comes home to roost, though it still isn't a good time for traveling or trying to cement any contracts, deals or sign anything. Wait until after the weekend.


You're feeling a bit emotionally bound up in the beginning of the week Pisces. It looks like the Devil card has come to reside with you on Monday and Tuesday, which highlights the mix of Venus Retrograde and Vesta energy conflicting with your water ways. Remember that it won't do you any good to be a smart mouth, get into arguments or to be defiant to those who hold some authority over you. On Wednesday and Thursday while we're in the Libra Moon, you'll find that it's not a great time for making money, but that's okay because you would much rather relax and go play, wouldn't you? The reversed King of Pentacles says you should follow your intuition and seek balance. If that means having some fun after having worked so hard all last week, then go for that!

At the end of the week the reversed Six of Wands shows you have a big change coming in business, relationships or family. The energy looks to be positive, even if the event doesn't initially seem to start out that way.


You're finally going to get some things accomplished this week Aries, and it's about time to. Mercury Direct in Gemini is lending you his power, which is symbolized by the Magician arcana card. This means that you'll have luck under just about any element you choose during the beginning of the week, especially anything that has to do with business, relationships, health or spirituality. The starts are shinning for you now.

In the middle of the week, between Tuesday and Thursday, you seem to be in a foul mood due to one or two of your responsibilities. These just aren't days you feel like being responsible over much of anything, and the reversed Emperor sympathizes with you over that. He suggest that you take it easy and seek balance - so if you're feeling like there is to much work going on, go out and have some fun! And remember, although we can't shuck off all of our responsibilities whenever we feel like it, we can take a break from them all when we need to.

During the end of the week as we go from the Libra moon into the Scorpio Moon, it will be time for you to make a decision, start something new, end something that hasn't been beneficial for you or to get grounded. The Tower is highlighted, so know that while it may not seem all that exciting int he moment, later on you will see just how this sudden change has benefited you.


You're grooving with Vesta's energy in your own sign right now and that's important this week, because as things move along, you might find a few times where you need to step back and remember that things don't always seem so bad. It looks like this will be especially important on Monday and Tuesday as the Five of Cups Reversed lays down before you, encouraging you to remember that although you're life may not feel complete just yet, you still have a strong foundation of energy to build on. So don't give up on that relationship, exercise regimen or new career - it will get better!

The Ten of Wands comes in to highlight the rest of your week along with the Queen of Pentacles, both whom tell me that you'll be really digging the energy head towards you on Thursday and Friday. It's all about Taurus right now, and that suits you just fine.


You need to slow down this week Cancer. I know things are feeling good with work and travel, but if you go to fast, the momentum will carry you past your goal (and not in a positive way). The reversed Knight of Swords highlights the early part of your week, so while the moon goes into Virgo on Monday, you will be feeling the need to get up and move, even if you have no idea where you want to go. This energy will last until Wednesday afternoon, which means it would be better for you to hunker down and chillax, then to get on your high horse and go no where. If you try to force this energy, you're going to be dealing with a lot more conflicts then you're up for - so you have been warned.

The rest of the week looks to be much more complimentary to your energy as the moon changes into Libra. It would be the perfect end to the week if it weren't for this pesky Three of Swords at the end of your week. That card tells me that you are either acting injured when there's nothing wrong with you, or you are allowing someone else to place their delusional woes and worries onto your shoulder. Remember that the worst parts of our lives often only appear to be really bad - later on in life it will seem just as it really is - another passing moment in a long life of ups and downs.


Holy energy Leo! You're cards jumped right out at me this week, which means the universe has several important things it wants you to be aware of. The first is that you are on Venus's nice list this week, and she is sending you the Lovers card - which is not only good for those in intimate relationships, but it is also good for those of you Leo's who've found yourselves in positions of high political office. This means that while the moon is in Virgo from Monday until Wednesday evening, it's a great time to finish or start projects, sign new deals or ask for their vote!

The middle of the week highlights the reversed Nine of Pentacles, meaning that you're going to get a bit of a pinch from Vesta in Taurus, who wants you to come down from your ego inflated cloud 9 for a minute and find balance. If you put the horse behind the cart, you'll find yourself in a huge financial risk along with some famous Leo's in the spotlight (keep an eye out for political scandals surrounding leo's this week!). As the moon goes into Libra at the end of the week, the Empress comes into your sights to bring back that abundance love, money, resources and success you've been after.


Virgo you're feeling vocal this week, and you'll be endowed with the success of your words as the week begins. You could charm a lion out of his most recent kill, talk a goose into laying a golden egg or cuddle safely with a porcupine if you wish it to be so. This is mostly due to the moon being in YOUR sign Monday through Wednesday, and it will be a few moons before she comes back to that station, so take advantage now!

The Nine of Pentacles appears to be reversed in your charts, which isn't as bad for your week as you might think from first glace. She is actually sending you positive vibrations this week and only cautions that you slow down and take some time to think about your significant other, relationship or family this week (if you're committed), or to take some time to pamper your physical self if you're currently unattached.

Thursday the Scorpio Moon makes you a bit moody as you feel the withdrawal from your sign. Don't be to weepy, as the Four of Cups is only blocked in your tarotscope for this week, which means that you'll have a chance to get out of your boredom, depression or anxiety as Friday rolls into town.


Wow you have a busy week this week Libra! The first half starts out with you carry a heavy load of anxieties about health, business or relationship issues. The Nine of Swords and Seven of Swords reversed show me that on Monday and Tuesday you should avoid doing anything overly physical, signing any contracts or making any oral deals. It's just not a good time for it.

Thankfully, if you can keep from getting to depressed from the energy of the beginning of the weed, you'll find that the Ace of Pentacles lands in your land, bring you some intense financial energy as the moon gracefully goes into your sign. Bonus! Because you're ruler is Venus and she is looking for places to send her positive energy to while she's in reverse, you're going to see a big boost in your romantic sector as Thursday comes around. You'll want to be careful though, because Vesta is clearly jealous that you've had so much time with your planetary Mother, and she wants to join in to, even if that means being a third wheel. What this means for you is that the end of the week highlights seductive secrets, adulterous affairs, hot confrontations and frictional love energy. If your taken, the High Priestess whispers to you to defuse the rough energy with some laughter and then take advantage of all that built up moment in your partner. If you're uncommitted for now, then she suggests that you take some time to meditate and find your inner balance. Shouldn't be any problem for the sign of the scales, right?


This week you feel kind of like you've been left with the stick. You've become so crucial and powerful lately, that hardly anyone steps back to see that you really need a lot more help then you're willing to let yourself ask for. That will be the trick this week as you try to get through the Virgo and Libra energy that asks you to find the balance this week.

This might seem especially challenge Monday through Wednesday as the Moon card comes into your stars and highlights the need for you to learn to feel comfortable in the unknowable. I know that you feel better when you know what's going to happen, but sometimes the best experiences in our lives only came about because we learned to trust our intuition and learn to listen when the world asks us to slow down and delegate.

You'll catch my drift as you find yourself ending the week. The moon is going right into your sign on Thursday morning, which puts you right back in the thrown. though I am telling you right now, that if you don't get your team together and delegate some of your work by Wednesday at least, you're going to find yourself in several business, relationship or health jams by Friday night. Don't let that happen Scorpio!


You might be feeling like the thrown is sitting on you this week Sagi, and you're right! It should be the other way around. Which means that you'll need to work on turning that Emperor Reversed back to his upright position. This will be easier than it appears, as you have the Eight of Swords in your weekly scope, which means that although you might feel blind and powerless - you're NOT. All it takes to turn your week around starting on Monday, is to remove your own blindfold and follow your intuition towards the actions that will unbind your wrists.

This is all highlighted around the Virgo moon which causes you to slow down and be exacting. The Four of Cups shows that you might not want to do this right now, but sometimes, it is necessary to do the things we don't want to do, and deal with things we don't want to deal with, in order to find the enlightenment hiding just out of our sight. All this translates to finding your inner calm this week Sagittarius - you've been putting so much out into the world to help and do for others, now it's time to do for yourself. Meditation when you find yourself in any rough spots this week, should do just the trick mighty Archer.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Weekend Tarotscopes for Saturday May 5th and Sunday May 6th 2012

This Saturday we are being hit with a BIG FAT emotional Scorpio Moon. It won't be full until about 6pm PST, though I'm sure you're already feeling the momentous build up happening right now. This moon also happens to be a Supermoon or Perigee moon, meaning that it will be 15-30% closer to us then usual, making it appear to be very LARGE.

Interestingly enough, Supermoon's are well known for their magickal attributes, as well as for wreaking havoc down on our world from time to time. So after this weekend report, I'll be giving you another special report for the Cinco De Mayo Supermoon. For now, let's look at more personal things to help you get through your most predictable weekend.

Our theme for this weekend is rebirth, as the card of Death takes precedent over our current stars. The reaper rides in two oversea your weekend, to make sure that you make it safely through the ending of a relationship, job or behavior pattern that is no longer necessary. He will continue to offer is scyth to you, to help clear your way as you take a relationship to the next level, gain that promotion or find new ways to motivate yourself towards success.

Thankfully, amidst all the chaos that Venus and Vesta are still raining down on you, it looks like Saturday is actually going to be a very balanced day. The Star has come down to shine us with her grace, and lend us her life giving gourds. This means that Saturday is a great day for just about anything you wanted to do. And if you didn't have anything particular in mind, the Star will inspire you today. Which will be nice, since I see sunny skies just about all day.

Sunday it looks like you'll be working hard, but the Nine of Wands says it won't be unpleasant if you don't over-concern yourself with your chore list for next week. If you can keep your head clear, you'll have a productive sunday. If you can't, the Nine of Wands suggests you watch your head!


 Your theme for this weekend Capricorn is EARTH-LOVE. Vesta in Taurus, the Heirophant (who is a Taurus) and the Taurus Sun of this month, are coming together to offer you a time to work on your self-discipline and/or to be rewarded for your self-discipline. This is very spiritually important for your Capricorn, especially since your sign is known for it's greatness in self and life mastery. This could be a big weekend for you in relationships, business, social circles and spirituality. The Heirophant whispers to me to remind you that it is best to stick with what "feels right", to stick with tradition or to not be too flamboyant over this weekend. If you can do this, you'll open yourself up to a beautiful next week.

Saturday you've found yourself feeling a bit bound to your home, more so then you would like to be on such an energetic day. Venus is definitely calling you to come out and play, but for some reason the Eight of Swords has you feeling like your surrounded by danger. Vesta isn't helping anything either, as she is fighting for you to hold onto what has worked or not worked in the past. It could be that you have evening Cinco De Mayo plans, but every year before they've all gone bunk. Or it might be that you're not sure about going out on that date, attending a party, starting that new exercise or getting closer a certain someone. Regardless of what you are worried about, the Eight of Swords reminds you that even if you can't "see" the way, you still know where to go and what the right thing to do is. If nothing else, take the day and sit back with the Heirophant, while you contemplate whether or not the person you are with is right for you, whether or not you want to stay with the company or if you need to make any changes in your health regimen.

On Sunday the Hanged Man reverse comes to play. Curiously, you've found him in an interesting predicament. You see, when the Hanged Man is reversed, he's not really "hanging" anymore, is he? In fact, he's kind of just stuck there in a strange non-suffering state. And while you might think it's better that way, without the suffering of hanging, there is also no insight gained, no well of knowledge visited and no spiritual ascension. The only thing left to do at that point, is to untie the rope that keeps him from floating away and let go. When the Reversed Hanged Man appears in your scopes, it usually suggests that it is time to get a hold of yourself if you've been over-indulging, letting your health get out of hand or you've been over focusing on a relationship problem. It's time to just let it go so that you can take care of more important life matters. The Hanged Man assures me that later on down the road you will gain the insight you've been looking for, but now is not the time, and there is no way you can force it to happen sooner. For now, just relax and learn to be comfortable when you reach a crossroad. There is no reason you have to make the choice now. The relationship, business or health matter can wait until the week starts.


It looks like a great weekend for playing, imagining and picking large pretty flowers! This is because the Six of Cups is presiding over your weekend Aquarius. The child in this card represents your Inner Child, who is tired of doing all that mundane adult stuff and is ready to come out and play with that Dwarf who represents the side of you that intuitively connects to the wonder and magick of the earth and human nature. So you'll probably be feeling pretty nostalgic about one thing or another - which is fine, but just don't forget to reconnect with those of us in this realm (at least occasionally).

On Saturday it looks like the Hermit has come to lead you toward a Venusian lair of love, and he suggests you should take the time to explore any past relationships that come into your thoughts today. It could be that a past lover has come calling or that you've been thinking about contacting an ex or "the one that got away". Make sure to seriously consider if this is the direction you want to take your life right now. Didn't you leave them for a reason? If it's not an issue with romance, you'll be battling on the business front, where an old partner, co-worker or friend might be coming back into your world and you'll want to really think on it before you agree to let them work with you again. It's definitely not a day for making any deals, signing any contracts or confirming any dates.

On Sunday you're feeling that Scorpio Moon and the emotional nature of the world is really killing your buzz. I can tell because you have this Reversed Judgement card in your Sunday scope, and it's telling me that you might act irrationally today, or that you might be allowing yourself to get into another negative thought pattern. The Guardian in the card reminds you that it does no good to jump to conclusions about anything, even if it seems like all the evidence points one way, it might be that you're not seeing the whole picture in your home life, relationship or business.


It looks like you're feeling a bit impractical this weekend Pisces, and you're definitely going to be in that "where's my mommy" kind of mood. This is mostly do to the Vesta in Taurus, who is driving you to seek comfort and some pampering this weekend, though the emotional Scoprio Moon doesn't help anything. You would think your fishy sign would love all that extra water energy around, but it really just makes you even more emotional then you normally would be. On the upside, you'll also be feeling extra intuitive, artistic and loving.

On Saturday I can see that Venus is making you look deeply at what is making you feel trapped or bound to the Devil's wall. It looks like there is someone in your life who might not be that good for you right now, as they are really stifling your creative energy and passion. It could be that it's time to take a look at how you are communicating with this person, or it might be that you need to consider releasing yourself from any commitments now. The Devil Reversed often represents the times in our lives when we've formed the illusion that we're trapped by a commitment or obligation, when really, we've always had a choice and we've always had the power to change our situation. Now is the time for you to open your eyes and really SEE Pisces. Is it really your relationship that's holding you back, or is it the way you are LOOKING at the relationship? Is your job really THAT horrible? Or is it just that you've grown bored with what you do... Think about it Pisces, in the world of the Devil card, time is suspended - so take as long as you need. When you're ready, he will gladly offer you his torch to find your way into the daylight.

On Sunday you've got two aspects to deal with, that are being lead by the energy of Saturn from that Devil card. The Reversed Two of Wands will preside over most of your day, and he says that now is the time to make a choice. Though he chuckles a little at your horrified look, because he knows that regardless of the choice you are about to make, the outcome will be good. You have a strong intuition now with the moon so close and your emotional energy so charged up. You can look forward to a sweet afternoon surprise in love, business or travel. Following that you have the Reversed Judgement card, which heads you not to jump to any conclusions. Yes, they may have declared their love in a sweet sonnet to you, but that doesn't mean they are ready to take the ultimate step with you (yet), give them a chance to catch up to you. If you're looking for love and you weren't really all that impressed with the options Venus has sent you so far this weekend, be patient, you have options and you shouldn't be in any rush.


I want you to know that although this last week was probably not on your list of favorite weeks of 2012, there was a purpose to it. Aside from hardening your mettle, it was also about helping you learn several important life lessons that you will help you follow your path to success this year. This weekend's theme is the Three of Swords and it's going to be about recognizing that the hard, painful or stressful parts of life are just as necessary as the happy, pleasurable and passionate parts. This might seem like a sad prediction, as will some of the upcoming weekend events, but in order for you to get something out of the energy coming to you from the watery Scorpio Moon, you'll need to remind yourself that things are rarely as bad as they seem. The strongest rays of light are found in the darkest of caves.

Interestingly enough, it looks like you're going to get a return on your investments this Saturday. And while this will be mostly good, the Seven of Pentacles Reversed reminds you that if you've been putting more negativity into your world then positivity, then that's what you'll be getting back. For the most part though, it looks like it's going to be a great day for receiving spiritual insight, life experiences and financial education.

Sunday looks like one of those days you just don't feel motivated to do much of anything. On any other weekend I'd tell you to go relax, but the water from the Scorpio Moon is threatening to rise up and flood your Tower (reversed), which doesn't leave you with a lot of time for contemplating your decisions. Whether it's time to end that relationship, get out of that job or end those negative thinking patterns, now is the time to jump or be pushed.


Happy Birthday to those of you celebrating this weekend. It must be interesting having a birthday on Cinco De Mayo weekend. It's probably pretty hectic to, and even if you don't have a birthday this weekend, I can tell that this Scorpio Moon has got you feeling the anxieties of the world around you. And I don't mean to read you like a card, but the Nine of Swords clearly shows me all your thoughts are up on the wall. This weekends theme is going to be about making a decision to toss those swords away or to clean, sharpen and polish them.

Saturday it looks like you're going to find the world is reacting a little slow for your tastes. You're ready to jump out there and cruise the countryside with the Knight of Wands, but he's in reverse, meaning that it's just one of those days when you hit all the red lights, miss that important phone call or find yourself stuck in traffic. You've also got the Tower Reversed presiding over your scope from Saturday evening through Sunday morning, which means that you're going to have to make some changes in your life. Some of the changes couldn't be physical, but most of them will be in the form of the thoughts traveling through your mind. Do you really want to continue panicking about all the things going on in your life right now, or do you want try on a new perspective and start to see the good that is already all around you?

I'd imagine you want the latter, and that you'll gain the proper view, which will open up the opportunity for you to accept that energy that Venus is sending down to you, whom are a child of her planet, and she is giving you the coveted Two of Cups! This means that Sunday will be a FANTASTIC day for love, business and emotional experiences. Soak it up, you deserve it!


Gemini, your theme for this weekend is about LETTING GO. Letting go of your anxiety about the house, letting going of your fears that he or she isn't being loyal to you, letting go of any negative anticipations that you've been allowing to encircle your life. Let them all fall down and you'll find that the power in the Scorpio Moon is freeing you from the restraints of the Eight of Swords that has been holding you back.

And, *Great News*, once you're done dwelling on the past, you're in for quite a weekend! Saturday you're charmed life is going to bring you a chance dance with the Magician himself. He will be making it happen all Saturday long, which means you'll be radiating pure magick when the moon is full around 6pm. This means you'll be able to manifest just about anything your heart desires, be it a romantic Cinco De Mayo dinner with your lover, a big windfall for your wallet or a playful and exciting night on the town. Just be careful, as all that power can sometimes go to your head.

Keep a leash on your ego and you should be able to carry all that positive and powerful energy in your Sunday when the Two of Cups comes to play with your stars. There's no irony in the fact that the Two of Cups IS the card of Gemini, and it's also the card of True Love, which means your love sector is in the super hot zone this Sunday. And as long as you don't allow yourself to fall back into the rut of negative thinking patterns, you should be able to enjoy this energy all the way into next week. Way to go Gemini!


Your feeling ultra seductive, playful and romantic this weekend Cancer, which is good news for anyone in who comes within your orbit. The Emperor is reversed, which is your theme, and as bad as we usually interpret 'reversed tarot cards', in this instance, it's actually quite positive. It signifies that you will be feelings some relief from your kingly (or queenly) duties this weekend. The only downside to the reversed emperor, is that while you may have lost some of that weight on your shoulders, you've also lost your crown, which means you'll be head over heals for most of the weekend. Whether or not that turns out to be a good thing, is up to you.

This Saturday leads your world with a Scorpio Moon, bringing you plenty of watery emotional energy to swim and feast in. To compliment this, you have the King of Wands watching over your home, health and romance sectors. He is wise and will be lending you some of his insight to help you combat the energies of the reversed Emperor. The King wants you to be able to enjoy as much of this weekend as he can, so he's gearing up to bring you a huge burst of positive energy at work, in love and with your spiritual endeavors. You will feel most powerful by the time the moon is full around 6pm, which works out perfectly, since that's about the time work ends. The king does all this freely as a gift to you, but he does leave a cautious warning: Don't push yourself to hard. We all know that you have a habit of overworking yourself sometimes Cancer, and now is the time to stop and enjoy the positive stars that you've earned. So say "No thanks" to overtime, let the house stay a little messy or go head and order that extra large steak on the menu - you deserve it.

Sunday looks to be even better as the powerful Empress comes to play. She is drawing on the energy being released from the Scorpio Moon that came on Saturday afternoon, and she's using that energy to make you into a magnet for abundance. This will have you glowing radiantly as Venus shines her rays of love down on you. This bodes well whether you are working or playing today, and hey, why not do both? Just make sure to take some time for yourself if you start feeling overwhelmed by the amount of people who've found themselves attracted to your wisdom, physique and charm. Even celebrities need a break sometimes!


You're just not feeling in balance this weekend Leo, and it's because your Fiery nature is just smothered by the Watery energy of this Scorpio Moon. The good news is that by Sunday evening, the moon will be changing into Sagittarius - also a Fire Sign - which will bring you back into your element. Until them, your theme lies with the Three of Wands Reversed, which tells you to rest and take it easy this weekend.

This is good advice too, since the King of Wands Reversed is going to be presiding over your Saturday as the Moon in Scorpio reaches it's full power by early Saturday evening. This means that there could be a man or woman in your life who is extra moody right now, or that you are particularly moody right now, and it surrounds an emotional issue. Try to bit your tongue and refrain from saying anything to hurtful Leo, as now is the worst time to do so.

On Sunday you've got the Lovers Reversed, which means Venus in Gemini is taking a special interest in your Sunday. Throughout most of the day she will be putting your mind to the test and asking you to analyze any relationships you're currently in - be they love, career or friendship. By the even, you'll be back in your Fire element and know just what you want to do, just in time for the new week to start.


The World has slowed down for you this weekend Virgo, and it suggests that you slow down to. This weekend looks to be rather enjoyable for you, so your keyphrase for this weekend is - "relax and go with the flow".

The Scorpio Moon has balanced you out pretty well on Saturday as the Sun card rides in on her huge pony, to bring you positive energy in all areas of your life. All this great energy has filled up your emotional cup and you'll be feeling freer today then you've felt in a long time. This is good news, and the energy will probably continue through to next week. The only hitch in all this, is that Vesta in Taurus has taken it rather harshly that you - a star born under her own influence - have allowed yourself to be so enchanted by Venus's energy. She has come down into your evening as the Reversed Queen of Pentacles and is reminding you not to let your head float up into the sky. It's fine to enjoy all this positive energy, but there are still things down here on earth that require your attention.

The Queen could also represent an actual person, or an aspect of yourself. If she is a person, she will be a woman with light brown hair, who comes to you to speak of money troubles. If she is an aspect of yourself, it is just your logical inner voice making sure you don't forget about the logical side of yourself, which can happen sometimes when you're having a lot of fun. Thankfully, she's got a strong influence with you, and she'll be making sure that you see a good financial return, a further commitment in a relationship or just some generally good news as the Sunday brings in the new Sagittarian Moon.


Oh Scorpio! What a weekend you have ahead. It's a Full Supermoon IN YOUR SIGN! Even before I draw the cards I can tell it's gonna be one hell of a weekend for you. One the cards are out, I can see that your theme for this weekend is the Nine of Wands, and he tells me that you have a big opportunity to enjoy this weekend, but you'll only be able to take advantage of the opportunity if you stop letting your anxieties get the better of you. You've been working hard all week, now stop and just relax!

Saturday you'll be feeling like the Emperor as you gather up the powerful energy of the Scorpio Supermoon. You'll have everything you could want or need as the day proceeds - power, money, authority, love, devotion. Everyone is on your side, working for you or trying to please you in some way, and you're really grooving on this power (who wouldn't be?)

The only problem is, this sort of power has a way of going to one's head, and it looks like you've somehow gotten yourself into a rock and hard place by Sunday. It's not really a bad thing, but this is were that Nine of Wands really needs you to pay attention to his advice. The choices that lie in front of you may seem huge, unreasonable or hard to choose from, but really, they are nothing when you think about all the choices you've already made in your life and all the decisions yet to come. Allow yourself to let go of your anxiety and turn this Two of Swords reversed back into her upright position. Only then can you hear and head the messages being sent to you from the new Moon in Sagittarius.


You're obviously in a playful mood this weekend Libra, I can tell from this Page of Wands reversed in your main theme for the next two days. He shows me that the Scorpio Moon has really gotten you in touch with your emotional side, and you're digging that energy. Just make sure that you don't allow yourself to be too emotional or to give to much weight to the things that happen right now. It's not a good time for defining the difference between fantasies and reality right now.

Saturday as the Supermoon in Scorpio begins to build up, you're going to be feeling rather Kingly (or queenly) as the King of Cups comes to sit on your day. He's bringing you lots of playful, romantic and sentimental energy to enjoy most of the day, and he says that you should be prepared to be feeling extra frisky around 6pm when the moon is at it's fullest. And hey look at that! If you don't allow yourself to be distracted, it looks like the Ace of Pentacles is going to come along and bring you some of that fantastic Vesta in Taurus energy. This means you could see a financial windfall, find some money, earn some extra income or even win the lotto.

As Sunday brings down your Supermoon high a bit, you'll be feeling a bit foolish as the Fool comes to brighten your day. He tells me that it's a good day for you to start new projects, declare your devoted love, or to go sky-diving, if that's your thing.


You're clearly not enjoying all the water energy swirling around you right now Sagittarius, and I do understand. You're a Fire Sign, and fire and water just don't mix well. Either the fire evaporates all the water into steam, or the water extinguishes the fire. One way or another though, you'll make it through this weekend, and into a fresh week in a Sagittarian Moon - how perfect! You're theme for this weekend is going to be about making wiser decisions. This emotional Supermoon hasn't got you thinking straight, and so you'll have to be extra disciplined if you don't want to find yourself making promises you can't keep or agreeing to do something you really don't want to do.

Saturday has you feeling rather nostalgic Sagi, and you're in the mood to play. Hold onto the energy as long as you can Sagittarius, because as the moon comes to it's fullest point on Saturday evening, you're going to find it harder to fight off your anxiety, frustration, combativeness or impatience.

That abrasive energy is going to stick around for a while on Sunday and comes to you in the form of the Queen of Wands reversed. She tells me that you have somehow upset a woman in your life, or that a woman has upset you. Either way, it's a danger game to mess with the Queen out of her element, as she is already on high alert. Try to make amends, and in the mean time, beware of sharp or pointy objects around you. Thankfully, when the moon goes into Sagittarius by Sunday evening, you'll be feeling much more assure of yourself and it looks like you've worked things out with everyone. The Three of Pentacles says that now it's time to party!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Special Report - Beltane Tarotscope for May 1st, 2012

"It is said that wherever she walked, small flowers and shamrocks would appear. As a sun goddess her gifts are light (knowledge), inspiration, and the vital and healing energy of the sun."

Beltane is a sabbath close to my heart, as I have always felt a strong connection with Brigit, who was born in the first morning flames of Beltane. Not to mention my Gemini Moon side always gets so excited during the spring time. So I thought that I would do a special tarotscope for the Beltane, and since I'm going to do it anyways, I thought you might enjoy seeing it too. So for those of you trying to plan a festive bone fire lead evening, here is your May 1st special report:

It looks like the the early hours of the day while we're still adjust to the new Virgo moon, the Queen of Wands is doing her best to reconnect us to Brigit, the Goddess of Home, Hearth and Enlightenment. The only problem is, it seems like there are so many mundane earthly things distracting you, that you're not quite able to receive her power or messages. Because of your lack of ability to connect with your higher power, Strength Reversed is going to be making it difficult for you to see all the joy, opportunities and adventure around you, but she reminds you that it only takes a change of perspective to bring her right side up again. This might seem easier said then done, as the Seven of Cups floats through your consciousness, but really, it's not that hard either. You'll come through in flying colors, making the right choice no matter what you choice, which will help you reconnect with your spiritual side as the Page of Cups offers you his chalice to finish your ritual, communicate with your lover or be artistic in some way. His energy will carry you through most of the day.

As the evening comes, the Ten of Wands shows that you're going to be in for a lot of work if you want to get those fires lit before sunset. He's got a big bundle ready for you, though it looks like you'll need to deal with the hold ups, slow downs or normal issues of hosting a party. You can handle it all though, and by morning you'll be feeling the power Brigit has lent you for the next few days. Use it wisely. 

Tarotscopes for Monday April 30 - Friday May 4th, 2012

Vesta in Taurus - Venus in Gemini
This weeks theme is Emotion, which is most symbolically represented by the suit of cups. To be more specific, it is the Two of Cups card that holds the highest presence over our week, and as the lovers gaze into each others cups, so to will you gaze into the soul of another this week. This current theme is part of a skyward war going on between Vesta the Lady of Seduction and Venus the Lady of Love, that will go on until Vesta enters Gemini and compliments Venus-Gemini-Direct. Until then, the two Goddesses in the sky are going into a Valkyrie like battle of wits as they aim to gain the most love from those of us here on earth. 

The cards are showing me that, Monday morning is going to kick off an diverse ray of energy, as each Queen claims reign over her domain, and tries to dominate the other as well. Vesta is leaving her fiery stint in Aries and is coming into her Earth Goddess zone in Taurus. This means that all signs (especially Taurians) are going to get a burst of urges that make you want to push forward, make the commitment, stay in the comfort zone, be seductive or fight to keep something from changing. Because of these astral elements, it's a great week to spend in the garden, to work on your business goals or to romance someone special.

The Taurian energy infusing Vesta brings a lust for comfort, materialism and seductive romance, which clashes with Venus's need to create, discover, take risks, seed new ideas, open up communication and reach into the great unknown. Venus in Gemini is all about the new and bold, while Vesta in Taurus is about more of what's known or what is hidden just beneath the surface. What makes things even more interesting, is that the history of Venus in Gemini... If you weren't aware... Some of the events that have passed during or shortly after a Venusian transit in Gemini:
  • Magellan set sail to prove the earth was not flat during transit set sale during the transit of 1519-1526 
  • The transits between June 1761 and June 1769 brought us the "world brain" as astronomers around the world began globally communicating for the first time, resulting in the discovery of Uranus in 1781. 
  • Shortly after the Transit of 1874 was when Edison brought us the first Telephone.
  • In the 2004 transit, several things happened - The European Union expanded to it's largest size ever (inducting 10 more countries into it's boundaries), SpaceShipOne became the first privately funded space plane to enter orbit and NASA sent their Mercurian MESSENGER into the orbit of Mercury during the same venusian transit.
So if you haven't noticed already, this week will kick of a transit of FIRSTS, and on top of it all, we are going into a moon under Virgo, the sign of the Virgin, which ironically links right up to Vesta (have you ever heard of the "vestal virgins"?) and I find it less than coincidental that the first card of the week for us is the Magician - who happens to be the child of Virgo (Vesta) and Gemini (Mercury). The Magician brings us a powerful mixture of Air and Earth as he opens us up to the possibilities in our world and encourages us towards our goals. Monday and Tuesday are great days to manifest your dreams, desires and goals in any area. The Magician is multifaceted in that he applies himself as a master of all worlds - business, love, health, family and spirituality. 

This is all well and good up until Wednesday when the moon changes into Libra, handing Venus the spirit stick, which she uses to hurl a wind storm at Vesta, and inadvertently this throws us a curve ball with the Reversed Seven of Cups. This card is often mislead when reversed, because it actually has a more positive meaning in reverse than it does in upright. The reversed Seven of Cups is a sign that although you've been confused about how to move forward, you are now beginning to see the path forward, so on Wednesday and Thursday - make the choice, cement your plans or make the ultimate commitment.

Thursday evening on into Friday brings us the Two of Pentacles and the reversed Eight of Swords, which brings more of that powerful earth-air-vesta-venus-gemini-taurus combo. Because there is so much going on during the end of the week, I suggest you actually try to lay low as much as you can. Not because you haven't got the power or know-how to move forward, but because it's going to be one of those days where you feel totally stuck trying to juggle everything going on in your life. If you can resist the urges, this too shall pass.

You're playing the part of the Emperor Reversed today Capricorn. That means that although there seems to be plenty of opportunities available around you, it isn't likely that you're going to notice them do to that bad mood the Leo moon left you with. Thankfully, the Three of Pentacles enters your Monday chart with Vesta in Taurus and the Moon in Virgo. That's like Triple Earth Energy for you (Capricorn-Taurus-Virgo), and in one way or another, you're really going to feel it. With the current Venus-Vesta interlude happening above, I'd reckon you're going to be feeling neglected, smothered, lustful, romantic, seductive, giving and a bit selfish. I know you're not used to this many emotional states coming at you all at once, even if you have an Air or Fire Moon sign, and it's the Gemini that Venus is in, that is really making things so complicated. To make matters worse, it looks like the Reversed Queen of Swords is slicing through your Tuesday to get to the heart of a matter of the heart, the wallet or the home needs. She could be a real person, whom you respect, or it could be a part of yourself. Remember that this Queen has two sides, one of which you can't always see. It is the other side that is often more important than the side she shows you, so try not to take it personally if she's being a bit pushy or ornery.

Wednesday and Thursday will be two more mixed days. The Three of Wands is upright, signifying that you've finally pinned down the Venus in Gemini for a moment and are able to see your choices more clearly. And being the practical earth-cappy that you are, you chose to focus more on work, which is good in a financial-spiritual sense, but it this Nine of Wands reversed tells me it's just not what you wanted. You'd prefer to be dancing seductively as a Vestal Virgin or leading the battle across the sky as a Venutian Valkyrie, though things are just not in place for it now, and you made a wise decision to focus on the more mundane takes during the middle of the week as the moon leads herself into Libra. Friday we're going to be entering a new moon in Scorpio, which will really open up your inner senses. You'll be feeling extra intuitive and contemplative as the day goes on, which is fine, but don't let yourself get carried away. The Ten of Cups reversed reminds us that our lives are often better when we don't dwell on the imperfections or lack around us. If you can remind yourself that you have a lot, and that there are opportunities all around you, you can take advantage of the Eight of Pentacles that highlights plenty of opportunities to utilize those many skills you have, to bring more income and romance into your weekend. 


This week is going to be one heck of an adventure for you Aquarius, not that you didn't see that coming. The Magician is sweeping his wand over your week, bringing you challenges, triumphs and learning lessons throughout the next five days. The day starts out slowly as your signs windy energy fizzles out on the ending Leo moon. The Three of Wands appears first in this weeks scope for you, and that is a good thing, because it means you're finally starting to see the opportunities available to you. And now that you can see them, you can finally make the choice to finish the job, make the commitment or stop procrastinating on that project. Whatever you do, the Eight of Wands says that Monday and Tuesday are not good days to start new projects, make new deals or worry about the arrows that fell flat. The Vesta-Venus play going on overhead is going to effect the balance of your love life in the middle of the week, and it looks like you're going to have to make a big choice concerning the Sun and Lovers Reversed. And trust me, this isn't a choice you want to ignore, because the Tower Reversed reminds us that we have two choices: Jump or Be Pushed.

This issue looks like it's going to carry on to the end of the week and by Friday, when the moon goes from Libra to Scorpio, you're going to really be wishing it were over with, solved or put behind you. If you dealt with the issue, then know it will pass soon. If you didn't, as I'm worried you didn't, you're going to be facing another issue that you don't want to deal with (which scorpio moons are known for - the issues we don't want to deal with) concerning a choice from the Two of Wands Reversed and a feminine issue concerning the reversed Queen of Cups. Coincidentally, the Queen of Cups is Scorpio, and that means you're going to be feeling extra emotional, so try not to splash to many people with your water as you bare your emotions with a shaky hand.


After such a cruddy weekend, I have good news for you Pisces, things are about to look up. As we change out of the Leo Moon, whose fire rubs your watery sign the wrong way, we're going into a Virgo Moon, which means it's time to get out of that bad mood and make some Mud Pies! Your theme this week is Personal Power and Manifestation as the Ace of Wands represents your underlying mission in this life.

The Star is gracing you with her presence on Monday and Tuesday, bring you plenty of emotional and spiritual energy to replenish what you lost over the last weekend, and then some. During the middle of the week, I want you to be cautious not to be overly guarded about your money, emotions or possessions. You have the Four of pentacles in your chart, and he reminds you that while there are bad, scary or yucky issues in life, without them, the good wouldn't be as great as it is.

Thursday and Friday you're faced with a choice as the Libran Moon brings you into balance with Venus. The mixture of Venutian-Gemini-Libra energy, along with the Sun who rides herself right into the end of your week, means that regardless of what you choose, commit to or open up about - will be the right choice and bring you more happiness.


I'm sorry to say that this week just doesn't look like your week Aries. It's not all bad, but with the earth coming at you from Vesta in Taurus and the Moon in Virgo, it's like your fire just had a huge wad of mud laid on top of it. Venus will also be trying to reach you this week, as she sends you a gust of Gemini air to keep your spark alive, though it looks like it's not going to be enough to really nourish your flames. So hold on Monday as the Blocked Page of Wands brings you some ackward news that you're not quite sure how to handle. It looks like the news is either coming from someone younger that you work with, a sibling you're not really fond of, or someone from your past that has gone well past wearing out their welcome.

On Tuesday it looks like you've lost control of a relationship, your emotions or a business partnership, and thinks may be looking rather grim. The Reversed Three of Swords compliments you on being cautious right now, but it also reminds you that often times things look worse then they appear at first. Being the quick fire sign that you are, you'll catch on quickly and make the decision, come through on your end of the deal or right your wrongs when the Chariot Reversed appears. This will be especially helpful on Wednesday as the Tower forces you to make a spontaneous decision regarding the balance of your life, it's foundations and where you see your relationship, business or health in the next five years. The Moon will have changed over to Libra by then, and this forces you to look deeply at issues concerning your social circles, intimate relationships and/or charities. Try not to let yourself get to self-indulgent as the Magician Reversed comes into your Friday and the Libran Moon gives way to Scorpio. Remember that not everyone functions on your level, but that doesn't mean they are a lost cause. Seek the information between the lines today, and you'll ascend yet another level.


Monday looks to be a bit cold and blue for you Taurus. The Ten of Swords lays exhausted on the ground, baring his swords brutally for the world to see. He tells me that the Venus-Vesta battle is hitting you pretty hard as the Moon transitions into Libra. It looks like something happened Sunday or early Monday during the Leo moon that left you a little scorched, and now you've become distrustful of those around you. If you've been asking yourself lately whether somebody can be trusted, the Ten of Swords sends a big fat NO answer to you. The same goes for any work, relationship or financial issues. Though keep in mind, that just because one person or situation didn't work out the way you planned, doesn't mean that the rest of the world will die away too. It just means that now you've made room for new doors to open and fill your life with new opportunities. Now, being the Taurian you are, I know that you really didn't want anything to change right now, and the Reversed Star signifies just how emotionally injured you're feeling about this. Vesta has your heart right now, and if your issue was romantic based, you might be feeling the need to go out and reconnect to yourself through some physical, material or recreational pleasures. This is fantastic if your single, but if you're not, or you're not sure that you're single "yet", then be careful about the choices you make on Wednesday, as the Eight of Cups encourages you to consider what you might be leaving behind if you walk away now.

It looks like things really start looking up as Thursday nears and the moon comes fully into Libra. Now you're really feeling the love of your mother planet Venus, and she is sending you plenty of replenishing energy and opportunities with the King of Pentacles. He says that it's time you get off your fanny and do something, build something, go somewhere or start a new project. The moon will be going into Scorpio on Friday, which just so happens to be your day of the week (Venus's Day) and as such, you've received the Six of Wands - the card of VICTORY. So whatever it was you were dealing with through the week, will end well for you no matter what you decide to do. This will put you in a good mood, finally allowing you to take advantage of the Two of Cups shinning down on your stars - so be prepared for romance, adventure and emotional nourishment.


Boy has Venus got some interesting adventures in store for you this week Gemini! She is presiding as the high Queen of your sign, and manifests herself as the Queen of Wands in your scope this week. She tells me that she plans to make sure that you have some fun this week, so be prepared. On Monday, it looks like the Devil is in the details, and you'll need to iron out an issue involving passionate love, business or art. If you can find away to keep yourself away from negative thinking patterns, you'll be more able to accept a positive win from the Five of Swords on Tuesday and Wednesday, instead of that worthless victory we usually see.

On Thursday you're feeling like the Fool, and that's put you in a good mood. Take advantage of that Venus power, as she decides to play nice with Vesta for a moment and allow some of that Taurian love and Gemini romance to hit your chart. Relax, open up and meditate on the direction you're going in now. Do you want this relationship to continue, end or stay where it is? Friday looks a bit dull as the Five of Pentacles reversed brings the emotional Scorpio Moon to you. Remember that sometimes it's more fun to give then to receive. Getting something back is just a bonus.


This week is actually looking really good for you Cancer, though it may not seem that way from you point of view throughout the whole ride. Though your mood changes as quickly as the moon, and since she is going from Leo to Void to Virgo to Void to Libra to Void to Scorpio. With all that energy PLUS the Venus-Vesta battles overhead, it's no wonder you're so up and down about things this week. In the beginning of the week, the vestal virgin's quickly lap up the left over Leo Moon energy and take over your ego, which helps you take advantage of the King of Pentacles on Monday and Tuesday, who is lending you his power to make some extra money, shore up any last minute details or win favor from your court. The only string attached to this, is that the Eight of Swords reversed AND the Nine of Swords reversed are also in your early week scope and that means that although you know it's time to move forward, make the commitment, pick something or talk about it, you just don't feel ready. It's the will of the Eight of Swords urging you forward that clashes against the fears of the Nine of Swords, fears that are holding you back. If you can see through the illusion of fear this week Cancer, your world will change profoundly.

On Wednesday, as Vesta gives into Venus, the world will start to seem right again as you focus on the home, the relationship or the business, which ever one you've been neglecting the most lately. It is the Ten of Pentacles who cheers you on in your endeavor to grow, commit or look forward. That energy sends you into action in both your romantic and business sectors, which is great for your pocket book and a lover, friend or business partner in your world. Sadly though, as much as this positive energy stays in your stars of business and love, it looks like the reversed Ten of Swords is going to cloud your view with more negative illusions on Thursday, which puts you in a reclusive and down right crabby mood, which leads you to offend the Queen of Wands in some way, as she appears reversed in your later week. It maybe that you said something rash, broke a commitment you made to her or you rejected her in some way. Either way, she is a helpful figure to you and not someone you want to lose to a moments impatience. Let her know softly that you just need some time to deal with your moons, and then you two can work things out. 

This time, it is the illusions of past relationships, jobs and friendships that haunt you, and as Venus and Vesta continue to tug on your heart strings - one pulling you toward something newer and more amazing, and one urging you to hold back and keep what once was but isn't any more. This is a dynamic time Cancer, and while it will be rough, the good news is that you will make it through it. Yes, the reversed Five of Cups agrees that it is not a great feeling to finally let the past rest in peace, but sometimes it is necessary if we want to be happy. You do want to be happy, don't you dear Cancer? This Friday ends in a new Scorpio moon, making you feel extra watery and sentimental, and while it's fine to take time for grief, don't let it ruin your weekend.  


Whether you are a man or woman, this week your role is as the Queen of Swords. This means that you've got a secret side that you're hiding from the world, which is fine, as we all have a few secrets, but the Queen urges you to try and open up this week Leo, let some of the light shin in on that other side of you, otherwise you're tan will be all one sided, and we can't have that. Either way, we can work on your more prickly issues later on, as the Eight of Swords comes in to distract you on Monday, offering your work, opportunities and skill building experiences. That will come in handy as the Ace of Wands brings a financial issue into the picture, which means you'll have to spend more than you wanted to, dig into the savings or find yourself covering for someone elses lack of money.

Wednesday you should really take a rest Leo. All this infighting between Venus and Vesta has got you in a mood, and you're better off if you allow yourself to relax in the Four of Swords tomb. It's blocked today, but in a positive position, which means that if you get that rest, your world will seem right side up again sooner than you think. This will help you make it through the charity, community or financial issue that comes to surprise you on Thursday. More good news heads your way on Friday as the Reversed Nine of Cups is bringing you a rare opportunity to have a very intense wish come true. Take advantage of that opportunity and you'll find yourself in a very romantic and passionate situation on Friday evening, so long as you don't allow the Scorpio moon to get you over-focused on your love life to the exclusion of everything else. 


It look's like you're feeling a bit anti-social this week Virgo. I'm rather surprised by this, seeing as Vesta has you wrapped up in her seductive arms right now. Then again, the Taurian vibes she's reigning down on you, make you all sentimental, and that can cause a lot of inner battles over your commitments, obligations, responsibilities and passions. It looks like most of this bad mood is do to issues at work, where it appears there a small war going on between you and some co-workers, a boss or someone at home whose making your work day hellish. Because the card is reversed, this is clearly an open conflict and one that isn't going to go away just because you push on through it. Step back and get some support, ask for help or be vulnerable enough to say you don't know what to do - and help will come. It will come in the form of the Queen of Wands on Tuesday, who cools you down with a kind wit and seasoned wisdom. She could be a mother, sister, boss or a part of yourself that reaches out a thwacks you on the head with her staff. It's smarts a bit, but you know she's just playfully reminding you to stop being so anally rententive. You don't have to win EVERY time, and even if you do win, that doesn't mean someone else has to be the loser.

Wednesday the World seems right again as you pass into a new phase in your life along with the Moon who dances her way into Libra. You're feeling a bit social, which is important since you're going to want to be out and about if you want to take advantage of the romantic energy that Venus is offering you. Just be careful not to ignore your darker side on Thursday as the Moon Blocked comes in for closer inspection of your inner nature. Remember that we all have a dark side, and it isn't bad, doesn't need to be hidden and we certainly shouldn't be ashamed of it. Be comfortable being who you are, good-bad and everywhere in the middle. Friday it looks like you've got some chores on your list, but you may be short some supplies or resources that you need to get the job done. The Seven of Swords can help you out, but only after you make a tough moral, social, financial or romantic decision. Sometimes you just have to take the good with the bad Virgo, you know how it is.


You've found yourself in the midst of some real competition this week Scorpio, and it doesn't look like it's going to go away just because you flash your deadly stinger at it. No, it looks like Vesta and Venus are in a fowl mood this week, and you're going to have to deal with the energy they're releasing into your world. It won't be all bad, but it does mean you'll need to keep a keen eye open for the things in your life you have to be thankful for, and be mindful not to over focus on what you still need or want.

On Tuesday the Virgin Moon is making your social, romantic or business life into a bid of a muddy mess as the Reversed Three of Pentacles comes to preside over your day. Try to tie a knot at the end of your rope so you'll have something to hang on to until Wednesday brings you the Libra Moon. By then you'll be feeling better, even if the Hanged Man shows that you've had to make some sacrifices this week. He says you'll be feeling so good, that you might feel like blowing some bubbles, collecting sea shells by the sea shore or involving yourself in a deep conversation with a younger man or woman you've had your eye on.


Wake up Libra! I know your just plain exhausted after last week, but this is no time to lay around like the Four of Swords. The prisoner of the tomb reminds you that although it's good to take some time to rest, you don't want to hide away, as your love life, business and inner spirit will stagnate and die away if you do. And I know that the Reversed King of Cups can make it especially hard to want to crawl into the light of the day on Monday, it isn't your favorite day of the week as it is. Though it's still necessary to get out there, and besides, if you can stay active in the beginning of the week, you'll find yourself with some good opportunities available from the card of Judgement, which bestows on you the fine ability to intuitively see just where you need to be and at the right time. The middle of the week are really full of power for you as Venus in Gemini allows you to take on some of her power. Just make sure you use the force for good, otherwise that Reversed Eight of Pentacles will make sure you don't see that financial return, recognition or award you've been waiting on. Friday brings us a new Scorpio Moon, which puts you in another power position with the Queen of Swords. If you are of the Feminine gender, she will fill you up with Vesta's seductive grace. If you're of the masculine gender, then look out for a lovely lady who will sneak up on you and sweep you off your feet.


Holy rusted metal Sagittarius! It looks like you have the best Tarotscope out of all the signs this week, which is so nice to see, since you've been being pounded by cosmic negativity the last few weeks (and then some). Though it was all in the name of growth, learning lessons and positive expansion, so the previous weeks were not lost, even though it may have seemed that way before. Thankfully, you've not only got the Love of Venutian-Gemini Air coming into nourish your inner flames, but you've got a rare opportunity to take advantage of Vesta's Taurian seduction powers. Maybe it's you're wise ability to see the compromise in all things, or maybe it's because all that Earth and Air have mixed well with your Fire, but either way, you've gotten Venus and Vesta to play nice in your sign, and it looks like you'll fully enjoy every bit of power they both send down to you.

On Monday you have the Ace of Cups, leaving you open to the ultimate romantic, emotional or spiritual experiences. With the moon changing over to Virgo on Monday afternoon, I suggest that you try to maintain some of your practical senses, as that Ace will having you feeling rather drunk with power, and you might not be thinking as clearly as you usually do. Be especially careful not to make any commitments if you plan to be under the influence of any liquid intoxicants. Tuesday that handsome king you've been waiting on hand and foot, is coming to return the favor with a financial windfall, romantic gesture or a positive phone call or email about the job or extra work hours you've been waiting to hear about. Wednesday and Thursday you get an extra burst from Venus as her Taurian position combines with the new Libra Moon. Vesta isn't sure how she feels about Venus lavishing you with so much attention, so she sends you the Reversed King of Wands, which puts wrench in your business plans, relationship or transportation for a short while, but it looks like you quickly get the issue worked out and find yourself in the lap of the Emperor. He brings you more positive energy in the form of fuel for your flames. Use it wisely Sagittarius, and the World will reward you handsomely on Friday, with a blast from your past.