Wow! What an interesting weekend we have ahead! The Triple Goddess has shined down on us, bring us through of Tarot's most powerful figures - The Queen of Swords, the Star and the High Priestess. Not to mention heavenly Venus bestowing us with her grace as she swaggers across the night sky for a cosmic connection with the sun. If you look at it from this tarotstrologist perspective, we have the power of Earth (the body) in the Queen of Swords, Water (the mind/emotions) in the Star and Spirit (quantum energy) from the High Priestess. This body-mind-spirit combinations is promising a weekend you won't forget. I'm truthfully not surprised, being Beltane comes May 1st, and that has been a powerful day since ancient times. It's a great time for business, romance, spiritual pursuits, commitments and declarations. So pull out the patchouli incense and get yourself in the mood for this weekend!
And with the height of spring being so near, it's no wonder the world seems to already be singing. The flowers are blooming, the seeds are seeding, the sun is taking over most of the day, and Venus and the Moon are so bright in the clear cloudless nights, that it's a wonder anyone goes to bed anymore. From the looks of things, most of you were able to enjoy the romantic opportunities offer by the new Cancer moon that entered on Friday. Venus was feeling very generous, and the Four of Wands tells me that you are not unhappy for her grace.
Which is good, because Venus does not generally continue giving to those who are not grateful. Thankfully, most of you are not only grateful, you're begging for more - and the Cancer moon that continues on Saturday, is going to do all that it can to bring you what you desire. Though there are some strings attached, as there usually are. It looks as though the Queen of Swords has entered your weekend chart, which means that there is a woman of action in your life who will take up most of your time this weekend. She could be your mother, sister, daughter, boss, former-partner or lover, but either way, now is not the time to get yourself on her crap list. The Queen is telling me that either you need something from her, she needs something from you or that you need to take the leap and just tell or ask her what you've been holding back. I do, I don't, I need, I feel - whatever it is, just get it done and over with.
Thankfully, once you make it through what ever Queen of Swords issues you need to, the Star Reversed is floating into your weekend tarotscopes to help you relax. She is the calm after the storm in her reversed position and she is letting me know that you should green light any emotional of financial projects you were working on or wanted to work on before the Queen came to pick at your consciousness. If you need money, now is a fantastic time to work for it, though the Star tells me it's not a bad day for loans either, so if you need it, ask for it when the moon shifts into Leo on Saturday afternoon. Likewise, if you've got any deep questions you've been meaning to ask your lover, boss or friend, Saturday afternoon or evening the Star gives you the green flag.
Whether your race around the track resulted in concrete actions, or you rolled the car into the crowd, the High Priestess Reversed wants you to take a pit stop and relax for a little while. Many of you asked the question, made the deal or said what needed to be said, on Saturday evening when the Leo moon was strongest. Some of you got yourselves all amped up but didn't quiet get it done, and although I know the Leo moon is still urging you to do something, right now the best thing you can do is to rest as the eternal flame of Vesta is creeping into your charts early on Monday morning, and you'll need all the energy you can gather for that energy! There is no coincidence that the High Priestess is in your Sunday chart as she is very much tied to Vesta. In fact, I fully expect to see her in next weeks charts, though hopefully in upright, as Sunday her plan is to whisper in your ear the right thing to do, the knowledge you seek or the encouragement you need. She is frowning slightly because she is pretty sure you'll be to nervous, distracted or overwhelmed to fully hear her, but she is confident that your spirit guides and subconscious will gather everything and use it to help you out.
The cards all suggest some deep meditation, either comfortably seated in your home or a walking meditation involving some time in a forest or near old trees. I know you feel like you have tons of things to do, but really, just slow down and allow yourself to stop thinking for a little while. You'll come out all the better for it.
The King of Cups is presiding over most of your Saturday, and he is in a generally good mood. He might want to whisk you away somewhere or he might just wanted to have a deep talk, either way, he represents a father figure, boss or lover who really wants to be a part of your world today. The King of Pentacles is also in your scopes for the weekend, and on Saturday he tries to pull you away from the King of Cups, so that you can spend some serious time working on your career, financial or home project goals. It's nice to be romantic, emotional and have fun, but as we capricorns know all to well, you can't be all play and no work.
The High Priestess is reversed, which not only shows that she is just disgusted with the behavior of the two kinds in your weekend scope, but also that there is something you're missing that you should be paying attention to. It could be some inner guidance from your inner child, a message from your spirit guides or just a "you should know better" type of moment. Either way, you might as well er on the side of caution today and watch what you eat, where you step and who you tangle with over the weekend. You'll be thankful you were the slow but steady goat in this race, as the Queen of Cups is coming to call her king back home. She represents an in-law, mother figure, sibling, boss or a part of yourself that is highly emotional on Sunday. She wants to be the center of attention and has decided that there is no way you're going to escape this weekend without feeling some of her wrath.
The Moon in reverse is also around on Sunday, which highlights your anxieties and insecurities about your relationships, business affairs or recent decisions. You just can't make heads nor tails of some major emotional issue, and it feels like the world will be incomplete until you find our way again. The good news is, what you're looking for is right in front of you and once you give up on your insistent need to know RIGHT NOW, the knowledge will be presented to you and you can finally let it go. Once that happens, you'll be open and available for the Six of Pentacles to show you the way to more opportunities to give, gain and grow. Don't miss out!
Saturday night you seem to be feeling a bit of a lag from whatever high intensity activities you were taking part in on Friday night. This makes Saturday morning a good time to just chill and be yourself, allow your energy to strengthen before the King of Swords enters your charts and asks you to get moving again. His wands points in the direction of adventure and business opportunities, and he also challenges you to get out there any take care of any health needs you have.
On Sunday you feel like two very big issues are threatening to tear you apart. One horse could be your business or career, and the other could be a relationship that really needs your attention RIGHT NOW. The chariot suggests that you pull in the reigns and slow things down before the tables turn and you're left behind by your thundering steads. It's okay to step back and say you don't know or that you need more time to think about it. Don't sign any contracts, lock in any deals or go on any major spending sprees today. Just enjoy the pleasure of the simple things in life and then on Monday you can blow the bugle of progress once again.
You are clearly feeling a bit unbalanced as Saturday morning brings the Reversed Star into your chart. She is quickly working to restore your fading energy and keep you in a good mood, but she needs your help if she's to do so. Take some time to yourself to recharge and try not to be to snippy with any one who rubs you the wrong way - it's you today, not them.
As Sunday and the Four if Cups reversed comes around, you're feeling more bored then unbalanced, and you really need some time to just be a couch potato. Take the time to explain to anyone in your environment that you really just need some time to do nothing be in charge of nothing - communicating about it is the only way they are going to know what you need. Being passive-aggressive or ultra-depressive about it will only aggravate and confuse your loved ones, who just want to see you over focusing on the things you don't yet have.
Wow Aries! I hope you're ready for this weekend! It looks like the cosmos is charged up and ready to send you a few thousand jolts of Arian energy, and it insists that you use it on Saturday and Sunday, which I know is going to make you feel rushed and overwhelmed at first, but as you allow yourself to open to the cosmic energy, you'll find yourself right in the middle of one of your best power weekends of the year. To be more specific, the Seven of Wands has come up for Saturday, which means this is a good day to combat home improvement projects, communication issues in the romance department AND any health issues you've been neglecting to look after.
Sunday follows in ascending order with the Eight of Wands, who says that Sunday is a great day to launch new projects, play with your ideas and to be bold. He also says that you should get plenty of aerobic exercise today, as Monday's collision between Vesta and Venus is sure to be romantically exerting for you and you'll want to make sure your endurance level is up there. Meow!
Happy birthday to you Taurians of the 28th and 29th! It looks like this is going to be a decent weekend for you, even if it's not your birthday. I can see from the reversed Ten of Cups that Friday may have resulted in some intimate, familial or other emotional mishaps that you would have rather avoided. The good news is, on Saturday it seems to be over and as a bonus, it's a great day for finding, earning, giving or receiving money. Spend the day with the kids or some good friends and get yourself in a better mood.
This will be important, as it looks like a relationship or business mood is going to test your patience as the Moon Reversed comes to call on Sunday. Suddenly someone is mad when you thought they'd be happy, or they're silly when they should be serious, It seemed like everything was all good on Saturday, what happened? Truthfully Taurus, no one really knows. Just let it pass and things will be fine by Monday or Tuesday.
Two bits of advice for you this weekend Gemini - There is NO use in crying over spilled milk. Once it's spilled, there's nothing left but to clean it up and poor another glass, this time with extra chocolate syrup. The Five of Cups reversed also suggests that you remind yourself to look around and notice what you have in your life and stop over focusing on what you lack on Saturday. Good things come to those who are persistent in their mindset, and not those who dwell on the don't haves.
Now, it might be difficult with the mood your in, but if you can find a way to avoid spending to much much or over focusing on your lack, then the Ace of Pentacles with becoming upright and you might just see some rare business opportunities come your way on Sunday. The Hermit reversed is also in your Sunday schedule, which shows that although you definitely need some alone time, it's not a good day to sit inside and brood. Get out and be social, it will change your outlook just to get out from behind the same old walls.
You're over-analyzing things again Cancer, and while this is a good trait when trying to decide which bottle will unlock the enchanted doorway and which will poison you, though this Saturday it's not a good trait when it comes to dealing with co-workers, family members or lovers. The problem is that when you over analyze, you get yourself all worked up over issues that either aren't that big of a deal, or they could be solved if you'd just take the time to express yourself without pinching those who try to listen or maybe help you. Then Ten of Cups reversed tells me that you're concerned over several financial and family issues that have become overwhelming in your head. Try and take the time and step outside of the weird little world you go into sometimes, and notice that you have way more power and control over your world then it sometimes seems like. Once you recognize that you have the power to control your emotions and that they really don't have any control over you, you're going to feel a burst of energy sent forth by the Ace of Wands, likely on Saturday afternoon or late evening. This will be followed by a regal lap around the court yard with the Six of Wands as you claim victory in your latest step towards self mastery. You've finally gotten the message, understood what you didn't before or seen the bigger picture in terms of business, love or intimacy. Now that you know, use the force!
On Sunday you're new awareness is going to be put to the test, and you're going to have to fight yourself from going back to the "old you" who used to over-analyze things until he or she was so worked up he/she couldn't get anything done. If you can hold back and make a sensible decision without taking too long, or jumping in too quickly and sacrificing yourself too much, then you'll make it through the weekend and on Monday you'll feel like you have a new lease on life.
You seem to be feeling a bit vulnerable on Saturday, and I can understand that after all the changes that happened last week. Just try not to get too complacent this weekend when the Ten of Cups reversed comes into your chart, especially since next week is gonna be another ball of transformations, so you need to be ready. It looks like the Knight of Swords is reversed in your Saturday scene, so I advice caution in vehicles, around sharp objects and with that sharp tongue of yours! It's not a great day for communication or action, so take the time to sit back and enjoy the sun. It is your ruling planet after all, and so it can provide you with the most rejuvenation. Take advantage of that!
Sunday it looks like you've overworked yourself with the Reversed Ten of Swords, and I'm a little concerned that you might have injured yourself accidentally. Be careful Leo! We all know you're tough and capable of tons of strength, you have to sacrifice your body and mind to prove it. Thankfully, it looks like Temperance is going to reign some balance down upon you on Sunday evening, which you really need. Follow your urge to relax and recharge.
It looks like you're in a fairly pleasant mood this weekend Virgo. You made some decent money last week, got a ton of housework taken care or finally put a lot of energy in your garden. It looks like Saturday is going to help you keep the good mood groovin, which is fine with you! The King of Swords is sweeping his steel across your Saturday to help you get more done. It's a great day for Business, Romance and Spiritual endeavors. He asks how you plan to transform your life this weekend.
The reversed Four of Cups takes over on Sunday, and I set you with the task of turning him right side up. If you don't, it looks like you're going to be in one of your "moods" again, and no one wants to see that. It's important for you to remind yourself that just because something didn't go just as you planned, doesn't mean it won't work or that it won't happen. It just means the world guided you down a more efficient path, even if it "seems" a bit messier.
Scorpio... Scorpio... Where art thou Scorpio? It seems like you've been lost in your own world since Friday night or early Saturday morning. You've been thinking about money, relationships or projects just haven't seemed to have been going your way. It just seems like everywhere you turn, the Nine of Swords is there, and she's reminding you of all the lack you have, all the things you don't and all the anxiety inside of you that urges you to get everything you want.
Scorpio, you have an inner strength and power unlike any of the other signs, and if you can keep your mind away from those lower emotions, you'll find yourself into an intimate, positive and passionate Sunday afternoon with the Two of Cups. This is something you not only need, but something that could help bring amazing adventures come Monday.
There are so many things going on for you now Libra, that I'm amazed you can keep your head straight. Though I shouldn't be surprised, seeing as you are the sign of Balance, and are probably the best suited to handling so many spinning plates. On Saturday it looks like your making up for something from Friday, and that means you're going to need to take care of those chores, work extra hard on some projects or tend to the growth of a business. That's a lot of energy from the Seven of Pentacles, the it seems like child's play when you see that the Hierophant is also in your Saturday scope and he challenging you to find spiritual growth, to learn the lesson and to learn some modesty this weekend. If you can do that, and you think you're up for it, the Nine of Cups will appear in the twilight hours between Saturday and Sunday, and the card is offering to make one wish come true for you, just be careful what you wish for!
Sunday I would suggest you stay in and get some rest. Not only because the Three of Pentacles is reversed, but because Monday is going to be one heck of a day for you. Venus is your ruler and she is about to have a powerful tryst with the only other love goddess in the sky, Vesta. So you'll need your beauty sleep. So instead of worrying about all the things you weren't able to finish up on Saturday, spend your time of Sunday in quiet contemplation. You have the Moon card in your scope, so try not to over analyze your thoughts or what's going on around you - this card tends to have a way of making everything seem weird, but it will pass.
You feel the roads are diverging in front of you on Saturday, and I can understand that. The Ten of Swords reversed shares your pain with me, but he suggests that things are rarely ever as bad as they seem when we are really emotional. Somebody did something has you feeling inactive, down in the dumps or stabbed in the back on Saturday, and I understand you wanting to take some time to recooperate. Though don't assume I'm encouraging you to wallow in whatever happened, because I'm not. You're the Archer! Archers are brave, courageous and optimistic. Take on these traits today, and Sunday's reversed Nine of Wands might just come back around and help you get things done.
Alternatively, if you decide to dwell and fantasize about what could have been, what didn't happen or what you don't want in your life anymore, you're just going to find yourself in a world of unpleasantness. Since I know you don't need that, slap a silly smile on your face and wait for your mind to catch on. It works better than you think!
These tarotscopes are general readings based from the West Coast (PST), so if you would like a personal reading with details and insight into your world, just send me a jingle
Looking for something new yet traditional? Why not try out my inventive brand of future forecasting with Tarotscopes! It's free, so what could it hurt? =)
Saturday, April 28, 2012
Monday, April 23, 2012
Tarotscopes for April 23rd - 27th
I'm sorry to those of you whom were hoping for a weekend tarotscope. Finding myself farther behind than I thought I would be, I felt it was better to prepare your tarotscopes for next week then to try and do double time and not get the new scopes published by Sunday night. Next weekends will be ready and waiting for you by Friday morning, so you can plan accordingly. =)
Now, for the week of April 23rd through April 27th:
This week is full of the power of the Wands and back by the energy of the Sun, who tells me that there should be plenty of cloudless sunshine this week, which I know we here in Seattle are badly craving!
During this week you'll find yourself wrapped up in the spring passion of Taurus, energized by the twins during the Gemini Moon and romanced by the Cancer moon cycle coming in at the end of the week. Many of you are going to be juggling your financial needs along with the passionate stars in your true love sectors.
The general theme of this week is going to be CHANGES. If you're a Cancer like my better half, this week might be rather turbulent for you in psychological way. Whereas if you follow the fiery ways of my fellow Fire signs, you'll probably encourage the changes to come and leap out there to seek some adventure. Either way, and regardless of your main tryst of signs, some part of you died over the week and a new part of you has been born. Depending on what part of you that was, will determine how your week will play out.
For the most part on Moonday, we will all be feeling the retribution of the Queen of Wands reversed. That could mean you'll be trying to make things right with your sister, mother, partner, co-worker or neighbor. Or it could mean that you're doing battle it out with some inner issues surrounding over-indulgence, health, spending or matters of the home and hearth. By Tuesday you'll be feeling a bit more in sink as the Two of Pentacles lends you his juggling abilities and gives you the chance to atone for anything you've done to others or to yourself. This would be a good day to pay some bills or think about how your going pay off any current debts. Wednesday brings us into the view of the mistress on the Sun card, and she's is praising the power of the moon under Gemini. The air of the twins and earthy nature of the bull will come together to help you get through any spring cleaning, organizing or clearing of emotional imbalance. By Thursday you're really feeling much better and have made things right with your Wand issues, meaning that you've gotten your thoughts in order, made things right in your relationship or come to a final decision about something that's been bothering you. The Six of Wands will make sure that you get a little something for being a brave tyke through all this yucky work.
Friday you will jump out there again under the power of the Cancer tide, and the Eight of Wands will lead you into a whole new perspective. He'll give you eight major things to think about concerning your relationships, career, past and emotional issues. He asks you what you want to manifest in your life now. The marksman isn't the only card in your scope for Friday either, as the Six of Cups has decided to pay you a pleasant surprise. The dwarf and his friend are in a playful mood and they've decided it's a good day to reunite you with someone from your past, or to remind you of the pleasant parts of your past, so they can motivate you towards a successful future.
Wow! It's going to be a busy week for us Cappy's! Love, money, travel, power and justice are all showing significantly in this weeks Capricorn tarotscope. Justice gracefully presides over your Monday and she wants me to inform you that if you were owed anything, it will be repaid today. She also warns that if you owe on something yourself, you should make it right today. So return that favor or make sure you pay back any money you owed. If you're involved in any legal bouts or waiting on any settlement decisions, today they might be settled or start moving forward. Justice also says that if you've been wronged in some way in your relationships in the past few weeks, that today your partner might see the light, apologize or finally realize what it is you want from them. Either way, balance and justice are your Monday themes.
Tuesday you're feeling a bit arrogant from your win on Monday, and although you may be amused by your dark sense of humor today, others might not be able to keep up and they won't thank you if you turn the comedy spotlight on them. Instead, Tuesday is a much better day to ignore the Reversed Fool and focus on your work, finances or relationship. The Two of Pentacles suggest that today you should work on your writing, communication or travel planning. Wednesday you're feeling a bit frisky and a bit romantic, but it seems like you just don't have the magnetism you need to get your partner involved or the energy to go out and find a partner if your single. This isn't a horrible thing! I know what you're thinking cappy's, and although it might be frustrating, the Four of Cups reversed is no reason to get all depressed. You've been working so hard on staying out of that lower personality floor filled with your lesser emotions, and you won't find that anything will change if you go back there. Things will get better as the Two of Wands says, and by Thursday things should already be looking up. The Cancer moon will be over your head, which will not only bring you into a happier tude, but it will bring that romance you've been looking for. But you won't notice any of it if you stay in and sulk. You'll need to decide where you're going to go today. Get out and communicate or spend sometime doing something social, you'll thank me for it on Friday when you're good mood helps you and the Queen of Pentacles really get things done at work, around the home and in the relationship.
The Emperor reminds you that you are super sexy when you follow your own inner drummer. People just can't help but to gravitate towards your confident and gracious energy when you're doing what you really love. So work on a favorite project, finish writing that book, host a party or get out there and show the world how well you can rule it.
You're feeling a strong call in three different directions this week Aquarius. On the one hand, you'd really like to stay where you are and finish organizing your thoughts, on the other hand, you could really use some adventure about now and there's another part of you that knows you should really get out and do something productive . The Three of Wands feels your pain and suggests that there is no need to rush. Think about your options and choose wisely.
Monday is all about getting things done. You've got lots of Wands in your tarotscope, and they are ruled by Fire. Your ruling element is Air, and when mixed with the right amount fire, we get BIGGER fires. This is the sort of energy you'll really be feeling this week as you're driven to get things done, cross things off your list and have some fun. The Eight of Wands is going to make sure you hit your mark on any project, draft or grumble you make on Monday, while the Ace of Cups is going to help you replenish your emotional energy. This is a good day to attend to your body, health, spirituality and intimate relationships.
The Four of Wands is in reverse on Wednesday, and that usually means you're not going to be in the greatest frame of mind. It might be because you didn't get that promotion, or maybe you're partner said something to you that hasn't been sitting well. Either way, that darker mood is going carry on to Thursday if you don't get a handle on things, and that might cause some unfortunate communication, miscommunication or delays when the Knight of Swords enters your charts in reverse.
Friday looks like it will be a social day, and hopefully that will be just what you need to turn that Reversed Three of Cups right side up again. Be forewarned though, that with the mood you're in, things are rather unpredictable right now, and so are you.
Monday quickly rushes up on you as the Knight of Swords ignites your need to get things done, get out of the house or start new projects. The Gemini moon just amps you up even more, blending well with your watery element to make tons of tiny bubbles. Go with your whims today Pisces, and try to carry that good attitude on with you through Tuesday, as it looks like you're going to be receiving some news that the Reversed Nine of Pentacles says will frustrate you or make you anxious. What ever this news is, it's like to make it difficult for you to want to do much of anything afterward, and that's okay. Take some time to recuperate if it feels right. On Wednesday the Eight of Cups says you'll have a better idea of whether or not you want to stay in the relationship, end the project or look for a new job.
On Thursday a man with darker hair will take his seat upon the King of Swords thrown. He's here to support you, help you deal with changes and challenges and to help you stay motivated. Friday you might find you're a bit bored with everything around you. It just seems like all the inspiration has left the world as the Cancer moon leaves you feeling extra emotional. Don't worry though, as the Four of Cups Blocked is facing up, which means you should be looking forward to a fun weekend.
Clearly this weekend left you a bit resentful in the romance department Aries, though that doesn't necessarily mean your drought will continue. In fact, the Ace of Cups intends on replenishing your emotional and energetic cup on Monday as your fiery energy mixes in with the new Gemini (air) moon to ignite some real flames. Now, the only tricky part is that the cards don't say which emotion will be allowed to gather the most of your consciousness. The choice is yours ultimately, do you want to use this new burst of energy to do good, build bridges and strengthen foundations in your career, love and financial sectors? Or do you want to allow the Four of Wands reversed to declare victory as you sink into a stubborn stink? If you choose the later, Wednesday looks to be rather annoying from your perspective. Though if you take the first option, you could turn that reversed Three of Pentacles around and receive the positive social support you really need this week. That support will help you deal with the changes you've decided to make on Thursday surrounding the end of old jobs, relationships or projects.
Friday you'll be getting mixed vibes as the King of Wands sweeps over your stars to help bring you better perspectives about your life. You'll delve deeper into yourself and then come out to realize that the Four of Cups is right, this bad attitude, bad health or bad relationship just isn't worth your time! It's boring and unproductive, and you know that there are better options just within your reach...
Happy birthday to all your Taurus's born between April 23rd and April 29th! This week is full of promising emotional adventures and new beginnings. It doesn't appear to be that great of a week for money, teamwork or new agreements, but the week looks fantastic for changes, romance and greener pastures. On Monday the Five of Wands reversed is suggesting that you should be the one to back down and walk away if anyone tries to pick a fight with you or just rubs you the wrong way.
Bickering, arguing or trying to win debates will only waste your time and upset you further. Though if you can turn away from the challenge, frustration or argument, you'll find yourself getting a lot done which will put you in a better mood. The Gemini moon and the Five of Cups have you a bit emotional on Tuesday as some part of a project or relationship falls apart. Keep in mind that you can still salvage it, but only if you stop wallowing over some spilled milk. If you realize you can always refill those fallen cups, you'll bring yourself into a confident Wednesday where you're finally able to make the decision about whether you want to stay or leave that job, relationship, home, project or organization.
That confidence will carry over into Thursday as the King of Wands guides you through one of the first of many re-births that you will have this year. He advices you to focus on romance, business and/or health today, and to keep your eye out for butterflies. They almost always appear in the corner of our eyes when we are going through transformations like the one you're going to hit on Thursday. Be mindful that some of that transformation might open your eyes a bit farther then you're used to, allowing you to see the Two of Cups reversed in your path on Friday as Cancer takes over the moon.
The Cancer moon tends to awaken the Empath in all of us, and if at that time you have noticed some big issues in your relationship, are in an argument with your partner or you are wondering about taking your relationship to the next level - then it's time to talk about the issues calmly, forgive and forget or stop and slow down before you rush the relationship when there's no need to. Venus is shinning her light down on Taurus's this week, so overall, it's a great week for love, socializing and play - so long as you can keep a handle on your temper, avoid overindulgence and keep some corks on those horns!
Gemini, you're probably feeling a little frisky, a little day-dreamy and very creative. We're under a Gemini moon for most of the week and that's a lot of power in the direction of your natural element, which opens you up to countless opportunities in business, art and love. Though with all those opportunities, it can be all to easy to fall into confusion about what to chose. Though there's no need to rush, so feel free to sit and contemplate your options with the brand new Gemini Moon on Monday.
Tuesday you've had enough contemplation and you're ready to make that decision, start that project or make that agreement, though you're still just not sure what you want to do. Usually the Seven of Wands reversed would agree that you should wait and think about it more, this time he reminds you of the proverb "He's who hesitates is lost", let that anxiety to choose, motivate you to get it over with, just say it or make that decision. It won't be so bad, I promise.
Wednesday the world seems just a little bit more cheerful, and why shouldn't it, you were able to do what needed to be done and that is definitely something to be proud of! The World feels you should sing, dance, play, write, swim or get into the garden to help you celebrate and get in touch with her. Thursday it looks like the Knight of Wands reversed has some bad news for you. He says it's not all that bad really, it's just that some news you were looking forward to might be delayed, or a call you were expecting doesn't seem to come. Or it could be as simple as the frustration of hitting every darn red light on your way to work. Be patient and this to shall pass. Friday the Cancer Moon has you feeling wounded from a lovers spat, disagreement with a co-worker/boss or struggling with a bout of depression. The Three of Hearts needs you to remember that problems in your relationships (whether work or personal) don't signal that those relationships are doomed dead ends. Look for the metaphor in your problems and don't wallow in shoulda, coulda or woulda's. Instead, plan a fun and distracting weekend for yourself. It could be solo adventure, an outing with friends or with a spontaneous romantic getaway partner - you decide.
As per usual, Moonday is going to continue to be a crummy day of the week for you. Though Ten of Wands reversed REALLY wants me to STRESS the importance of perspective in situations like these. Remember that a heavier work load usually means a bigger paycheck, bonus or tip. Extra demands around the home means more things will get done, you're partner will be in a better mood and you'll feel less anxious about the state of your house. It's all in the way you look at it Cancer, and though I know Monday's new moon in Gemini is giving you less control over your emotions than you normally have (which isn't a lot to begin with!), though in this case, any effort you can give to being in a better mood will result in a better week for you.
The power of the Sun rides into your stars on Tuesday with some of Saturn's influence. This makes it a good day for sticking your nose to the grindstone with work, relationships and health. If you've found yourself looking for a new job, in need of rekindling romance or in need of an impromptu vacation, Tuesday is your day. Wednesday you've found yourself in the middle of a lover's spat, argument at work or emotional crisis and the Two of Cups reversed wants to make it clear that you shouldn't over focus on your relationship, obsess about love (or any lack thereof) or make spontaneous decisions (like quitting your job over something silly). Remember that your moods are extra powerful this week Cancer. You could go from horny honey to aggro-crab in less than 60 seconds, and back again or completely off into a new emotional direction. During these kind of roller coasters it's easy to just let loose, but it's not a good idea this week.
Thankfully, once you make it to Thursday, it looks like you'll be finding balance again when the Five of Pentacles brings you that financial reward, repayment of debt or sudden unexpected kindness from nowhere. Even still, you might be feeling a bit out of sorts from so many drab days in a row, and it's important to remember that thing about perspective. Especially when Friday's new moon in Cancer brings you the Four of Pentacles reversed. He's that greedy bugger who comes in and reminds us to ease up when we are smothering our partners, guarding our emotions to closely, pinching pennies to tightly or staying in a situation out of fear or anxiety. Friday is a time to let go, be free and bask in the radiant Cancer moon that you really need to help you rejuvenate. During the day you should take the time to do some soul searching, what are you ready to do or say? What are you moving past or through right now on an emotional level? What does your current job offer you that is practical for the future you see yourself heading towards? Answer these questions and you'll start the weekend off on a better side of the bed.
This last weekend was clearly frustrating for you with people taking too long, payments being delayed or people being jackasses. This week isn't going to be a ton better, and the Nine of Swords reversed wants to make sure you take some time to yourself on Monday. Go somewhere that reminds you of better days, see someone who always makes you laugh or get out into the garden and do some active meditating. Whatever you do, don't let the emotional Gemini moon push you into a depressive-aggressive stupor. It won't make you feel better and it won't help you revert that reversed Five of Swords on Wednesday. If it stays reversed you might find yourself on every one's sh*t list, or that everyone is on yours. Try to remain calm and back away from any situations where you feel the need to take an argument, debate or disagreement to the next level (especially if you're dealing with a Taurus this week!). Wednesday the King of Pentacles is coming down to brighten your day.
He might be bringing you that understanding affection you've been craving, the money you've been waiting for, the appreciation and recognition you deserve or the knight in shinning armor you've been dreaming about. Thursday you'll need to keep your wits about you as the Eight of Swords reversed suggests you're missing something you should be noticing. Friday the Ten of Pentacles reversed advises you to focus on home, financial or health issues. It's a good day to romance your honey, play with the kids, finish building that shed or going to that gym you've been telling yourself you'd go to for months.
Okay so you won the argument, debate or disagreement this weekend, great job. Just keep in mind Virgo, that it is virtuous to be a good loser as much as a sporting winner. This will be the theme of your week, so keep in mind that the game of life isn't about winning or losing, it's about how you play the game. When Monday brings the new Gemini moon into your chart, you're earthy ways are charmed and you find that the Four of Pentacles is opening you up. This will allow you to move to the next level in your relationship, be vulnerable and safe at the same time or to make that career move you've been afraid to make in the past.
Tuesday and Wednesday it seems like you're list of to-do's is only get longer as you run into more issues with the home, your health, your job and your relationship. The Ten of Pentacles reversed wants to remind you that you have a lot more than others do, that you should be grateful for. Think about those things and think about what you could lose if you shake things up simply for entertainment or variety. The Five of Wands reversed warns that you're rather combative mid week and it would be wise to back away from any disagreements, arguments or debates - even if you're positive you could win.
This week brings you into a unique situation in terms of love and business Virgo. You've got some choices to make and it doesn't look like you're going to be given as much time as you'd like to contemplate your options. The Lovers card is dominate in your stars this week and that means it's time to make the commitment, seal the deal, pop the question or sign the agreement. You'll have plenty of opportunity for this during the week - especially on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Once you get that matter handled, it looks like the end of the week is golden for some play, relaxation, spontaneous romance or some time off work. The Page of Pentacles reversed is positive that it's not a good time to start new projects, the Ace of Cups is overflowing with positive emotional energy for you and the Four of Wands reversed says "take two beers and call me in the morning". This works well with you as the Gemini moon shifts into a Cancer moon by Friday and allows you to connect on an emotional level with yourself, a partner or a friend. You really need this, so stop thinking about your to-do list and take a break!
You hold the fiery power of the Ace of Wands this week Scorpio, which will heat up your natural cool-watery nature and allow you to take hold of any opportunities to write, create or take action. The new Gemini moon on Monday brings you a victory, granted it may not be the victory you felt you really deserved, but it's a win none the less. Just make sure not to gloat about it, people really aren't fond of that, even if you should have already received more recognition. Tuesday you're going to be feeling like a day out, but it's really a better day to stay in. Otherwise you'll run into delays, frustration and emotional up's and down's with the Reversed Six of Swords. The Three of Swords might not seem like your best friend on Wednesday, but it's seemingly ugly forecast actually holds the key to making your relationships better. Try to take the time and contemplate your possible options before you decide on anything, especially on Thursday when the Eight of Swords reversed opens you up to some things that were formerly hidden from your conscious vision. Don't be to shocked by what you see or find out concerning your work, relationship or self-introspection.
When the Cancer moon takes over on Friday you'll be back into the power of Water and your ruling planet the Moon, which will keep you in that introverted mood, which is fine, as long as you remember that the chains worn by the characters in the Devil card, are not clasped tight. They could take them off anytime and walk away with the torch, but they don't because they are focusing to much on what they want but don't have. If you find yourself doing the same thing, recognize that the world will only start to change when you learn to change your perspective.
Whoa there Sagi! Slow down that emotional chariot you've been parading around in! I know you're feeling extra energetic from this weekends activities, and I'm glad that is carrying over into your week, though you'll want to be careful not to let the Queen of Cups or Page of Cups lead you blindly into your week. They are there to help you stop and smell the roses, communicate openly and to think outside of the box, but they are powerful and enchanting tarot figures who come with the warning that you might be prone to day dreaming, procrastination, over-fantasizing or over-dramatizing situations. While these normally would not be bad things, you'll need a level head in the middle of the week when Temperance reversed urges you to make a risky decision. You'll need to be extra cautious because Monday will only bolster your ego as you find yourself the host of an impromptu party or the recipient of an unexpected romantic gesture. Wednesday doesn't look to bad either, as it looks like someone in your life is reversing their Judgement. This could mean a win in court, a change of heart from a p.o.'ed partner or some extra allowance from a boss or employer.
Thursday and Friday you've got to find the balance as a relationship, work or health matter comes into focus. This is a time to seriously consider all of your options before moving forward. The Eight of Cups reversed weeps at the sight of you just rushing away from that project, but warns that it's better to jump to quickly and risk injury on the way to success, then to become stagnant and starve because you're afraid of potential injury. Move forward, make the choice or get organized. If you need new skills, more education or some fresh advice, DO NOT be afraid to seek it on Friday, the Eight of Pentacles reversed says that "he who does not ask, will never know".
Now, for the week of April 23rd through April 27th:
This week is full of the power of the Wands and back by the energy of the Sun, who tells me that there should be plenty of cloudless sunshine this week, which I know we here in Seattle are badly craving!
During this week you'll find yourself wrapped up in the spring passion of Taurus, energized by the twins during the Gemini Moon and romanced by the Cancer moon cycle coming in at the end of the week. Many of you are going to be juggling your financial needs along with the passionate stars in your true love sectors.
The general theme of this week is going to be CHANGES. If you're a Cancer like my better half, this week might be rather turbulent for you in psychological way. Whereas if you follow the fiery ways of my fellow Fire signs, you'll probably encourage the changes to come and leap out there to seek some adventure. Either way, and regardless of your main tryst of signs, some part of you died over the week and a new part of you has been born. Depending on what part of you that was, will determine how your week will play out.
For the most part on Moonday, we will all be feeling the retribution of the Queen of Wands reversed. That could mean you'll be trying to make things right with your sister, mother, partner, co-worker or neighbor. Or it could mean that you're doing battle it out with some inner issues surrounding over-indulgence, health, spending or matters of the home and hearth. By Tuesday you'll be feeling a bit more in sink as the Two of Pentacles lends you his juggling abilities and gives you the chance to atone for anything you've done to others or to yourself. This would be a good day to pay some bills or think about how your going pay off any current debts. Wednesday brings us into the view of the mistress on the Sun card, and she's is praising the power of the moon under Gemini. The air of the twins and earthy nature of the bull will come together to help you get through any spring cleaning, organizing or clearing of emotional imbalance. By Thursday you're really feeling much better and have made things right with your Wand issues, meaning that you've gotten your thoughts in order, made things right in your relationship or come to a final decision about something that's been bothering you. The Six of Wands will make sure that you get a little something for being a brave tyke through all this yucky work.
Friday you will jump out there again under the power of the Cancer tide, and the Eight of Wands will lead you into a whole new perspective. He'll give you eight major things to think about concerning your relationships, career, past and emotional issues. He asks you what you want to manifest in your life now. The marksman isn't the only card in your scope for Friday either, as the Six of Cups has decided to pay you a pleasant surprise. The dwarf and his friend are in a playful mood and they've decided it's a good day to reunite you with someone from your past, or to remind you of the pleasant parts of your past, so they can motivate you towards a successful future.
Wow! It's going to be a busy week for us Cappy's! Love, money, travel, power and justice are all showing significantly in this weeks Capricorn tarotscope. Justice gracefully presides over your Monday and she wants me to inform you that if you were owed anything, it will be repaid today. She also warns that if you owe on something yourself, you should make it right today. So return that favor or make sure you pay back any money you owed. If you're involved in any legal bouts or waiting on any settlement decisions, today they might be settled or start moving forward. Justice also says that if you've been wronged in some way in your relationships in the past few weeks, that today your partner might see the light, apologize or finally realize what it is you want from them. Either way, balance and justice are your Monday themes.
Tuesday you're feeling a bit arrogant from your win on Monday, and although you may be amused by your dark sense of humor today, others might not be able to keep up and they won't thank you if you turn the comedy spotlight on them. Instead, Tuesday is a much better day to ignore the Reversed Fool and focus on your work, finances or relationship. The Two of Pentacles suggest that today you should work on your writing, communication or travel planning. Wednesday you're feeling a bit frisky and a bit romantic, but it seems like you just don't have the magnetism you need to get your partner involved or the energy to go out and find a partner if your single. This isn't a horrible thing! I know what you're thinking cappy's, and although it might be frustrating, the Four of Cups reversed is no reason to get all depressed. You've been working so hard on staying out of that lower personality floor filled with your lesser emotions, and you won't find that anything will change if you go back there. Things will get better as the Two of Wands says, and by Thursday things should already be looking up. The Cancer moon will be over your head, which will not only bring you into a happier tude, but it will bring that romance you've been looking for. But you won't notice any of it if you stay in and sulk. You'll need to decide where you're going to go today. Get out and communicate or spend sometime doing something social, you'll thank me for it on Friday when you're good mood helps you and the Queen of Pentacles really get things done at work, around the home and in the relationship.
The Emperor reminds you that you are super sexy when you follow your own inner drummer. People just can't help but to gravitate towards your confident and gracious energy when you're doing what you really love. So work on a favorite project, finish writing that book, host a party or get out there and show the world how well you can rule it.
You're feeling a strong call in three different directions this week Aquarius. On the one hand, you'd really like to stay where you are and finish organizing your thoughts, on the other hand, you could really use some adventure about now and there's another part of you that knows you should really get out and do something productive . The Three of Wands feels your pain and suggests that there is no need to rush. Think about your options and choose wisely.
Monday is all about getting things done. You've got lots of Wands in your tarotscope, and they are ruled by Fire. Your ruling element is Air, and when mixed with the right amount fire, we get BIGGER fires. This is the sort of energy you'll really be feeling this week as you're driven to get things done, cross things off your list and have some fun. The Eight of Wands is going to make sure you hit your mark on any project, draft or grumble you make on Monday, while the Ace of Cups is going to help you replenish your emotional energy. This is a good day to attend to your body, health, spirituality and intimate relationships.
The Four of Wands is in reverse on Wednesday, and that usually means you're not going to be in the greatest frame of mind. It might be because you didn't get that promotion, or maybe you're partner said something to you that hasn't been sitting well. Either way, that darker mood is going carry on to Thursday if you don't get a handle on things, and that might cause some unfortunate communication, miscommunication or delays when the Knight of Swords enters your charts in reverse.
Friday looks like it will be a social day, and hopefully that will be just what you need to turn that Reversed Three of Cups right side up again. Be forewarned though, that with the mood you're in, things are rather unpredictable right now, and so are you.
Monday quickly rushes up on you as the Knight of Swords ignites your need to get things done, get out of the house or start new projects. The Gemini moon just amps you up even more, blending well with your watery element to make tons of tiny bubbles. Go with your whims today Pisces, and try to carry that good attitude on with you through Tuesday, as it looks like you're going to be receiving some news that the Reversed Nine of Pentacles says will frustrate you or make you anxious. What ever this news is, it's like to make it difficult for you to want to do much of anything afterward, and that's okay. Take some time to recuperate if it feels right. On Wednesday the Eight of Cups says you'll have a better idea of whether or not you want to stay in the relationship, end the project or look for a new job.
On Thursday a man with darker hair will take his seat upon the King of Swords thrown. He's here to support you, help you deal with changes and challenges and to help you stay motivated. Friday you might find you're a bit bored with everything around you. It just seems like all the inspiration has left the world as the Cancer moon leaves you feeling extra emotional. Don't worry though, as the Four of Cups Blocked is facing up, which means you should be looking forward to a fun weekend.
Clearly this weekend left you a bit resentful in the romance department Aries, though that doesn't necessarily mean your drought will continue. In fact, the Ace of Cups intends on replenishing your emotional and energetic cup on Monday as your fiery energy mixes in with the new Gemini (air) moon to ignite some real flames. Now, the only tricky part is that the cards don't say which emotion will be allowed to gather the most of your consciousness. The choice is yours ultimately, do you want to use this new burst of energy to do good, build bridges and strengthen foundations in your career, love and financial sectors? Or do you want to allow the Four of Wands reversed to declare victory as you sink into a stubborn stink? If you choose the later, Wednesday looks to be rather annoying from your perspective. Though if you take the first option, you could turn that reversed Three of Pentacles around and receive the positive social support you really need this week. That support will help you deal with the changes you've decided to make on Thursday surrounding the end of old jobs, relationships or projects.
Friday you'll be getting mixed vibes as the King of Wands sweeps over your stars to help bring you better perspectives about your life. You'll delve deeper into yourself and then come out to realize that the Four of Cups is right, this bad attitude, bad health or bad relationship just isn't worth your time! It's boring and unproductive, and you know that there are better options just within your reach...
Happy birthday to all your Taurus's born between April 23rd and April 29th! This week is full of promising emotional adventures and new beginnings. It doesn't appear to be that great of a week for money, teamwork or new agreements, but the week looks fantastic for changes, romance and greener pastures. On Monday the Five of Wands reversed is suggesting that you should be the one to back down and walk away if anyone tries to pick a fight with you or just rubs you the wrong way.
Bickering, arguing or trying to win debates will only waste your time and upset you further. Though if you can turn away from the challenge, frustration or argument, you'll find yourself getting a lot done which will put you in a better mood. The Gemini moon and the Five of Cups have you a bit emotional on Tuesday as some part of a project or relationship falls apart. Keep in mind that you can still salvage it, but only if you stop wallowing over some spilled milk. If you realize you can always refill those fallen cups, you'll bring yourself into a confident Wednesday where you're finally able to make the decision about whether you want to stay or leave that job, relationship, home, project or organization.
That confidence will carry over into Thursday as the King of Wands guides you through one of the first of many re-births that you will have this year. He advices you to focus on romance, business and/or health today, and to keep your eye out for butterflies. They almost always appear in the corner of our eyes when we are going through transformations like the one you're going to hit on Thursday. Be mindful that some of that transformation might open your eyes a bit farther then you're used to, allowing you to see the Two of Cups reversed in your path on Friday as Cancer takes over the moon.
The Cancer moon tends to awaken the Empath in all of us, and if at that time you have noticed some big issues in your relationship, are in an argument with your partner or you are wondering about taking your relationship to the next level - then it's time to talk about the issues calmly, forgive and forget or stop and slow down before you rush the relationship when there's no need to. Venus is shinning her light down on Taurus's this week, so overall, it's a great week for love, socializing and play - so long as you can keep a handle on your temper, avoid overindulgence and keep some corks on those horns!
Gemini, you're probably feeling a little frisky, a little day-dreamy and very creative. We're under a Gemini moon for most of the week and that's a lot of power in the direction of your natural element, which opens you up to countless opportunities in business, art and love. Though with all those opportunities, it can be all to easy to fall into confusion about what to chose. Though there's no need to rush, so feel free to sit and contemplate your options with the brand new Gemini Moon on Monday.
Tuesday you've had enough contemplation and you're ready to make that decision, start that project or make that agreement, though you're still just not sure what you want to do. Usually the Seven of Wands reversed would agree that you should wait and think about it more, this time he reminds you of the proverb "He's who hesitates is lost", let that anxiety to choose, motivate you to get it over with, just say it or make that decision. It won't be so bad, I promise.
Wednesday the world seems just a little bit more cheerful, and why shouldn't it, you were able to do what needed to be done and that is definitely something to be proud of! The World feels you should sing, dance, play, write, swim or get into the garden to help you celebrate and get in touch with her. Thursday it looks like the Knight of Wands reversed has some bad news for you. He says it's not all that bad really, it's just that some news you were looking forward to might be delayed, or a call you were expecting doesn't seem to come. Or it could be as simple as the frustration of hitting every darn red light on your way to work. Be patient and this to shall pass. Friday the Cancer Moon has you feeling wounded from a lovers spat, disagreement with a co-worker/boss or struggling with a bout of depression. The Three of Hearts needs you to remember that problems in your relationships (whether work or personal) don't signal that those relationships are doomed dead ends. Look for the metaphor in your problems and don't wallow in shoulda, coulda or woulda's. Instead, plan a fun and distracting weekend for yourself. It could be solo adventure, an outing with friends or with a spontaneous romantic getaway partner - you decide.
As per usual, Moonday is going to continue to be a crummy day of the week for you. Though Ten of Wands reversed REALLY wants me to STRESS the importance of perspective in situations like these. Remember that a heavier work load usually means a bigger paycheck, bonus or tip. Extra demands around the home means more things will get done, you're partner will be in a better mood and you'll feel less anxious about the state of your house. It's all in the way you look at it Cancer, and though I know Monday's new moon in Gemini is giving you less control over your emotions than you normally have (which isn't a lot to begin with!), though in this case, any effort you can give to being in a better mood will result in a better week for you.
The power of the Sun rides into your stars on Tuesday with some of Saturn's influence. This makes it a good day for sticking your nose to the grindstone with work, relationships and health. If you've found yourself looking for a new job, in need of rekindling romance or in need of an impromptu vacation, Tuesday is your day. Wednesday you've found yourself in the middle of a lover's spat, argument at work or emotional crisis and the Two of Cups reversed wants to make it clear that you shouldn't over focus on your relationship, obsess about love (or any lack thereof) or make spontaneous decisions (like quitting your job over something silly). Remember that your moods are extra powerful this week Cancer. You could go from horny honey to aggro-crab in less than 60 seconds, and back again or completely off into a new emotional direction. During these kind of roller coasters it's easy to just let loose, but it's not a good idea this week.
Thankfully, once you make it to Thursday, it looks like you'll be finding balance again when the Five of Pentacles brings you that financial reward, repayment of debt or sudden unexpected kindness from nowhere. Even still, you might be feeling a bit out of sorts from so many drab days in a row, and it's important to remember that thing about perspective. Especially when Friday's new moon in Cancer brings you the Four of Pentacles reversed. He's that greedy bugger who comes in and reminds us to ease up when we are smothering our partners, guarding our emotions to closely, pinching pennies to tightly or staying in a situation out of fear or anxiety. Friday is a time to let go, be free and bask in the radiant Cancer moon that you really need to help you rejuvenate. During the day you should take the time to do some soul searching, what are you ready to do or say? What are you moving past or through right now on an emotional level? What does your current job offer you that is practical for the future you see yourself heading towards? Answer these questions and you'll start the weekend off on a better side of the bed.
This last weekend was clearly frustrating for you with people taking too long, payments being delayed or people being jackasses. This week isn't going to be a ton better, and the Nine of Swords reversed wants to make sure you take some time to yourself on Monday. Go somewhere that reminds you of better days, see someone who always makes you laugh or get out into the garden and do some active meditating. Whatever you do, don't let the emotional Gemini moon push you into a depressive-aggressive stupor. It won't make you feel better and it won't help you revert that reversed Five of Swords on Wednesday. If it stays reversed you might find yourself on every one's sh*t list, or that everyone is on yours. Try to remain calm and back away from any situations where you feel the need to take an argument, debate or disagreement to the next level (especially if you're dealing with a Taurus this week!). Wednesday the King of Pentacles is coming down to brighten your day.
He might be bringing you that understanding affection you've been craving, the money you've been waiting for, the appreciation and recognition you deserve or the knight in shinning armor you've been dreaming about. Thursday you'll need to keep your wits about you as the Eight of Swords reversed suggests you're missing something you should be noticing. Friday the Ten of Pentacles reversed advises you to focus on home, financial or health issues. It's a good day to romance your honey, play with the kids, finish building that shed or going to that gym you've been telling yourself you'd go to for months.
Okay so you won the argument, debate or disagreement this weekend, great job. Just keep in mind Virgo, that it is virtuous to be a good loser as much as a sporting winner. This will be the theme of your week, so keep in mind that the game of life isn't about winning or losing, it's about how you play the game. When Monday brings the new Gemini moon into your chart, you're earthy ways are charmed and you find that the Four of Pentacles is opening you up. This will allow you to move to the next level in your relationship, be vulnerable and safe at the same time or to make that career move you've been afraid to make in the past.
Tuesday and Wednesday it seems like you're list of to-do's is only get longer as you run into more issues with the home, your health, your job and your relationship. The Ten of Pentacles reversed wants to remind you that you have a lot more than others do, that you should be grateful for. Think about those things and think about what you could lose if you shake things up simply for entertainment or variety. The Five of Wands reversed warns that you're rather combative mid week and it would be wise to back away from any disagreements, arguments or debates - even if you're positive you could win.
This week brings you into a unique situation in terms of love and business Virgo. You've got some choices to make and it doesn't look like you're going to be given as much time as you'd like to contemplate your options. The Lovers card is dominate in your stars this week and that means it's time to make the commitment, seal the deal, pop the question or sign the agreement. You'll have plenty of opportunity for this during the week - especially on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Once you get that matter handled, it looks like the end of the week is golden for some play, relaxation, spontaneous romance or some time off work. The Page of Pentacles reversed is positive that it's not a good time to start new projects, the Ace of Cups is overflowing with positive emotional energy for you and the Four of Wands reversed says "take two beers and call me in the morning". This works well with you as the Gemini moon shifts into a Cancer moon by Friday and allows you to connect on an emotional level with yourself, a partner or a friend. You really need this, so stop thinking about your to-do list and take a break!
You hold the fiery power of the Ace of Wands this week Scorpio, which will heat up your natural cool-watery nature and allow you to take hold of any opportunities to write, create or take action. The new Gemini moon on Monday brings you a victory, granted it may not be the victory you felt you really deserved, but it's a win none the less. Just make sure not to gloat about it, people really aren't fond of that, even if you should have already received more recognition. Tuesday you're going to be feeling like a day out, but it's really a better day to stay in. Otherwise you'll run into delays, frustration and emotional up's and down's with the Reversed Six of Swords. The Three of Swords might not seem like your best friend on Wednesday, but it's seemingly ugly forecast actually holds the key to making your relationships better. Try to take the time and contemplate your possible options before you decide on anything, especially on Thursday when the Eight of Swords reversed opens you up to some things that were formerly hidden from your conscious vision. Don't be to shocked by what you see or find out concerning your work, relationship or self-introspection.
When the Cancer moon takes over on Friday you'll be back into the power of Water and your ruling planet the Moon, which will keep you in that introverted mood, which is fine, as long as you remember that the chains worn by the characters in the Devil card, are not clasped tight. They could take them off anytime and walk away with the torch, but they don't because they are focusing to much on what they want but don't have. If you find yourself doing the same thing, recognize that the world will only start to change when you learn to change your perspective.
Whoa there Sagi! Slow down that emotional chariot you've been parading around in! I know you're feeling extra energetic from this weekends activities, and I'm glad that is carrying over into your week, though you'll want to be careful not to let the Queen of Cups or Page of Cups lead you blindly into your week. They are there to help you stop and smell the roses, communicate openly and to think outside of the box, but they are powerful and enchanting tarot figures who come with the warning that you might be prone to day dreaming, procrastination, over-fantasizing or over-dramatizing situations. While these normally would not be bad things, you'll need a level head in the middle of the week when Temperance reversed urges you to make a risky decision. You'll need to be extra cautious because Monday will only bolster your ego as you find yourself the host of an impromptu party or the recipient of an unexpected romantic gesture. Wednesday doesn't look to bad either, as it looks like someone in your life is reversing their Judgement. This could mean a win in court, a change of heart from a p.o.'ed partner or some extra allowance from a boss or employer.
Thursday and Friday you've got to find the balance as a relationship, work or health matter comes into focus. This is a time to seriously consider all of your options before moving forward. The Eight of Cups reversed weeps at the sight of you just rushing away from that project, but warns that it's better to jump to quickly and risk injury on the way to success, then to become stagnant and starve because you're afraid of potential injury. Move forward, make the choice or get organized. If you need new skills, more education or some fresh advice, DO NOT be afraid to seek it on Friday, the Eight of Pentacles reversed says that "he who does not ask, will never know".
Thursday, April 19, 2012
4/20 Forecast
Because it's one of my favorite holidays, and I'm sure you're interested in knowing what might happen if you attend that party or event, or if you host your own impromptu protest session - I'm going to provide you with this special tarotscope: the 4/20 Forecast
Friday April 20th, 2012 (4/20/2012)
Wow! It looks like this Friday is going to be an active day for everyone! During the first part of the day you're really going to be feeling a drive to get all your chores, responsibilities and errands out of the way. You'll be lead by the fast and furious energy of the Seven of Wands, making sure that nothing sneaks up to surprise you. You're also going to be feeling overly anxious, and I want you to understand that most of them are logical but irrelevant. The world is not like it used to be and people are a lot more open then they used to be. Still though, Aries is fueling the fire that's helping you get things done, and the new Taurus sun is helping to keep you mostly practical, so don't change what you're doing if it's working for you.
By 6pm our Aries moon will be void of course, opening up the opportunity for you to release any tension, stress, anxiety or responsibilities you've been struggling through all week. We will only see that Aries moon again briefly on Saturday before it gives way to a Taurian moon. What this means is that you've got until 6pm to finish up any work, projects or details, after that you might as well raise the white flag. Even if you don't go out and have a good time, you won't be feeling like working or doing anything that requires serious brain power. From the looks on the faces of the Ten of Cups, you're actually going to be in a great mood, despite any issues surround the home, your work or your relationship. The kids will be happily preoccupied and out of your hair, the house will be (mostly) in order and it will be just your luck that your friend, partner or roommate will be in a really good mood to - which only elevates your already good attitude.
You'll be extra attractive tonight and the Empress wants to make sure that you are going to use that Venus fueled fire to go out and have some fun. Be flirty, be open and remind yourself that there's nothing wrong with hanging out with anyone you're comfortable around. Just because you feel like flirting doesn't mean it has to go anywhere, unless of course you want it to, then the way is clear. Now, with all those good vibes permeating every room you enter, the Queen of Swords wants you to be careful not to go overboard. There is a woman, partner, mother or sister in your life who wouldn't be happy to find out you'd been a little to adventurous with your actions. They might put on an air of aloofness and act all noble, but on the other side, they're really hurt that you would do such a thing or decide not to do something you'd previously suggested you would.
Overall, Friday looks like a good spread. Wands, Cups, Swords and the Major Arcana are all involved to make sure that one way or another you have a good time. So go with the flow, take any punches you receive on the way and whatever you do, make sure you don't hole yourself up inside somewhere!
Well Capricorn, it looks like you've got everything taken care of, organized or in balance except that one emotional issue that's been plaguing you for quiet some time. You've worked and struggled to get through the day, but you still can't get away from that thing your partner did, the promotion you still haven't gotten or the way they just don't look at you the same anymore. The first half of your four-twenty Friday is spent in the clouds with the Four of Cups. And while he is glad to keep you company, the character in the card is trying to show you that you need only stop sulking and look up to see that what you need is there, just waiting for you to reach out and grab it. If you can get out of your blue attitude, you'll find that things really aren't so bad and your cup is actually full to the brim (not just half full). When the moon goes void of course after 6pm, you'll feel like a part of you has died. And while you might be feeling rather dramatic, the Ten of Swords reversed wants you to know that things are not always as bad as they seem. Keep an eye out for ten signs that will answer the question you've been asking yourself over and over again. The Three of Cups reversed also wants to remind you that sitting inside and wallowing over what might have been, won't help you get anywhere in life or in your relationships. Get over it and go play, you'll feel better.
So it seems that the man, boss, brother, boyfriend or husband who got on your shit list this week, is still hanging onto your emotional subconscious this Friday. Whatever they did really seemed to put you in a fowl mood, heighten your anxieties or make you feel restricted in some way. The Eight of Swords reversed wants me to remind you that when the blindfold and ropes suddenly fall away, it can be a bit of a shock to your system, but it doesn't mean that the world has literally turned upside down. It just the unexpected change that makes it seem so dramatic. Either way, whatever they did won't be on your mind as the evening comes into focus. You'll have found a way to gain back your Temperance and balance, and you'll be in the mood for some socializing as the sun begins to set. Once that happens, your sign is really going to feel the power of the Ace of Wands, which is the most powerful Air card in the deck, which will bring you into the height of your own element as you paint the town read and yellow.
Wow Pisces, it seems like just this once you've got all your ducks in a line, or is it a row? Either way, you're all set for your next big adventure. Now all you've got to do is make that final decision about where you're going to spend most of your night. Will it be that big 4/20 bash your friends are throwing? Or would you prefer to head to that infamous glass sale that everyone has been whispering about since Monday? The Two of Wands wants me to hint to you that could do both, you know...
Just make sure that you don't decide to spend your evening at home sulking about something that's changed or someone whose not the same as they used to be. the Six of Cups reversed feels that the chances are the situation can't be changed, and if it's a person, you can't change them. So there isn't much use it tossing aside all your plans to try and make someone happy who isn't going to be no matter what you do. Just let the Six of Swords carry you away to more interesting waters and have some fun. Trust me, you'll be thanking me later.
The first part of your Friday the Hanged Man in reverse feels your pain as you feel like your sacrificing everything for everyone else. The work seems to be pouring on, your head hurts and it feels like you'll never be done in time. On top of that, you're not in the greatest mood. The recent Aries moon really gave you a great buzz and the withdrawal into a Taurus moon is making you rather crabby. This doesn't help anything, as the Nine of Wands reversed knows, and he suggests that if you stop and take a minute to acknowledge that something emotional has really been bothering you, then the work load will lighten up. It's really not that the world is piling things onto your list, it's that you subconsciously gravitating towards anything that will keep your mind off of your special him or her who did or didn't do something you had asked. You really shouldn't bottle things up Aries, it doesn't suit you. Instead, find a balanced way to communicate with them and it will seem like your schedule has suddenly opened up, plus you'll notice you've got enough money to go out and have a good time.
"Love, love, love love love love...." This Friday is yours for the taking Taurus. It's a fresh Taurus sun and a soon-to-be Taurus moon on a Friday - Venus's day, and Venus conveniently rules your sign. Heck, the only thing that doesn't seem to be going well for you this Friday is your wallets cooperation. You'd love to go out and get a new piece, treat your significant other to some dinner or just go buy yourself something nice, but the reversed Ace of Pentacles that bonus, payment or windfall you've been hoping for, just isn't going to come in today. Interestingly enough, it looks like the Star will help you find balance through a lighter haired man or woman, and then the Queen of Wands whispers that later on you're going to be feeling rather amorous with someone with darker hair. They seem regal, mysterious and dark - which is just the flavor you've been craving lately. Let him or her seduce you, or be the one seducing if you have darker hair, and you'll find that your 4/20 turns out better than you would have ever expected.
You're clearly feeling a bit moody as Friday comes around. That's nothing out of the ordinary for your airy sign, but this time you should sit back and take some well needed time to yourself. I can tell from the Four of Swords that you would rather be tackling the emotional issue that's been hogging most of your brain power, but the best thing to do right now is let it lay. If you can't let it go, you're more likely to use bad Judgement later which could result in some hold ups, involvement with authorities or bad trips - none of which you want nor need right now. Though if you can overcome your need to pick and pry, you'll soon find you've cut the restraints of the Eight of Swords and tossed your blindfold aside, bringing you a new perspective, plenty of emotional durability and clear path towards the 4/20 festivities you really want to be at anyways.
Thursday left you with a sour taste in your mouth after you put your foot in your mouth, said something you shouldn't have or received a tongue lashing from someone who knew how to make it hurt. Whatever happened, it's still on your mind Friday morning and you're determined to do whatever it takes to make it right. Fortunately, your 4/20 forecast has the Hanged Man in it, showing that you will figure out that sometimes we must sacrifice a little, if it means pleasing someone we really care about. So dress up like the Fool and pretend you're excited to go out, and guess what? You'll actually have a great time! All that pretending will start to permeate your consciousness and actually create a good mood. In fact, you might even run into someone who brings you good news, though maybe not in a way you would usually appreciate. The news will come from someone younger than you, with darker hair. The Page of Swords is in your Friday night 4/20 scope, so make sure you don't overindulge, as you've been known to do from time to time.
Don't worry about what didn't get finished this week Leo, you'll have more time next week to tie up those loose ends. For now, revel in the energy left over in your Five of Cups and be prepared to receive this evening. The Six of Pentacles is coinciding with the Queen of Cups to bring you funds, transportation and flirtation where you decide to be tonight. Though that seems to be the problem, doesn't it? Where do you want to go Leo? And whom do you want to be around? You're feeling pulled in several directions as people are vying for your attention. Don't let anyone tell you what to do and pay attention to those hidden messages the Two of Swords is holding onto for you, she says that you should follow your heart tonight.
Okay, so you won the argument, settled those negotiations or put someone in their place. Great, do you feel better now? I would bet from this Five of Swords that allow you may have achieved a quick victory, it isn't the kind you've been able to savor. Sometimes it's better to let someone else win and you know it. Thankfully, this Friday you've come back down to reality and although you might have to play a bit of catch up with the Two of Pentacles reversed, you'll find yourself with adequate funds and plenty of emotional energy for that 4/20 party you've been planning to go to. You've got the Nine of Cups in your current stars, which is the famous Wish card, so be prepared to open yourself up to the opportunities that will bring your wish into reality. If you can keep your options open and curb your conservative side, you might just find yourself with a new business deal, windfall or generous gift from the Six of Pentacles.
You've got a secret your guarding, I can tell from this Four of Pentacles reversed that's plaguing your subconscious. He knows that holding things in, hiding things from others or being greedy - will only bring you more problems. Not to mention, if you don't open up and share that work load in the Ten of Wands, you're only going to find it takes longer to get the job done. Whereas if you asked for a bit of help, you might meet your quota sooner, finish the project ahead of time or find that clarity you've been looking for. That will be a big relief as you take action to get out and have fun tonight. Just be forewarned that the Five of Swords is in your scope, and he warns you that no one is in the mood to battle with you tonight. 4/20 is generally a peaceful holiday and any combativeness will be rejected amongst your peers tonight.
It may have felt like you were left in the cold financially when your friend, relative or client didn't pay you on time, but it looks like you'll be compensated soon enough. So take some time to rejuvenate from your emotional injury before you go out anywhere. If you just rush out into the scene without taking time to relax and mediate with the Four of Swords, you'll be in a fowl mood and the Knight of Swords reversed shows that you might do more than just put your foot in your mouth. Scorpions are well known for their sting, as Scorpio's are known for their tongue lashings - so be careful what you unleash onto those around you and don't assume that anyone is purposely trying to goad you. It looks like things are going to go much better as the night goes on, though you'll feel like your doing a hundred things at once. And that's because you are! You're very popular tonight and if you're not the big cheese running the 4/20 show, you're the assistant to the big cheese, which means you get the credit, the social time and the pleasure of being able to say you did it all.
You're significant other, business partner, friend or father figure has you feeling a little out of sorts. The reversed King of Swords recommends that you give this person some space to transform into a better version of themselves. Though while you're waiting for them to make the change, the Star is up to bat for you, making sure you have enough energy to see you through the tough times and into the vibrant waters of your chosen 4/20 celebrations. Just be careful not to spend to much, as the reversed Ace of Pentacles says that it will leave you dry for funds over the weekend and you need to make things last.
Friday April 20th, 2012 (4/20/2012)
Wow! It looks like this Friday is going to be an active day for everyone! During the first part of the day you're really going to be feeling a drive to get all your chores, responsibilities and errands out of the way. You'll be lead by the fast and furious energy of the Seven of Wands, making sure that nothing sneaks up to surprise you. You're also going to be feeling overly anxious, and I want you to understand that most of them are logical but irrelevant. The world is not like it used to be and people are a lot more open then they used to be. Still though, Aries is fueling the fire that's helping you get things done, and the new Taurus sun is helping to keep you mostly practical, so don't change what you're doing if it's working for you.
By 6pm our Aries moon will be void of course, opening up the opportunity for you to release any tension, stress, anxiety or responsibilities you've been struggling through all week. We will only see that Aries moon again briefly on Saturday before it gives way to a Taurian moon. What this means is that you've got until 6pm to finish up any work, projects or details, after that you might as well raise the white flag. Even if you don't go out and have a good time, you won't be feeling like working or doing anything that requires serious brain power. From the looks on the faces of the Ten of Cups, you're actually going to be in a great mood, despite any issues surround the home, your work or your relationship. The kids will be happily preoccupied and out of your hair, the house will be (mostly) in order and it will be just your luck that your friend, partner or roommate will be in a really good mood to - which only elevates your already good attitude.
You'll be extra attractive tonight and the Empress wants to make sure that you are going to use that Venus fueled fire to go out and have some fun. Be flirty, be open and remind yourself that there's nothing wrong with hanging out with anyone you're comfortable around. Just because you feel like flirting doesn't mean it has to go anywhere, unless of course you want it to, then the way is clear. Now, with all those good vibes permeating every room you enter, the Queen of Swords wants you to be careful not to go overboard. There is a woman, partner, mother or sister in your life who wouldn't be happy to find out you'd been a little to adventurous with your actions. They might put on an air of aloofness and act all noble, but on the other side, they're really hurt that you would do such a thing or decide not to do something you'd previously suggested you would.
Overall, Friday looks like a good spread. Wands, Cups, Swords and the Major Arcana are all involved to make sure that one way or another you have a good time. So go with the flow, take any punches you receive on the way and whatever you do, make sure you don't hole yourself up inside somewhere!
Well Capricorn, it looks like you've got everything taken care of, organized or in balance except that one emotional issue that's been plaguing you for quiet some time. You've worked and struggled to get through the day, but you still can't get away from that thing your partner did, the promotion you still haven't gotten or the way they just don't look at you the same anymore. The first half of your four-twenty Friday is spent in the clouds with the Four of Cups. And while he is glad to keep you company, the character in the card is trying to show you that you need only stop sulking and look up to see that what you need is there, just waiting for you to reach out and grab it. If you can get out of your blue attitude, you'll find that things really aren't so bad and your cup is actually full to the brim (not just half full). When the moon goes void of course after 6pm, you'll feel like a part of you has died. And while you might be feeling rather dramatic, the Ten of Swords reversed wants you to know that things are not always as bad as they seem. Keep an eye out for ten signs that will answer the question you've been asking yourself over and over again. The Three of Cups reversed also wants to remind you that sitting inside and wallowing over what might have been, won't help you get anywhere in life or in your relationships. Get over it and go play, you'll feel better.
So it seems that the man, boss, brother, boyfriend or husband who got on your shit list this week, is still hanging onto your emotional subconscious this Friday. Whatever they did really seemed to put you in a fowl mood, heighten your anxieties or make you feel restricted in some way. The Eight of Swords reversed wants me to remind you that when the blindfold and ropes suddenly fall away, it can be a bit of a shock to your system, but it doesn't mean that the world has literally turned upside down. It just the unexpected change that makes it seem so dramatic. Either way, whatever they did won't be on your mind as the evening comes into focus. You'll have found a way to gain back your Temperance and balance, and you'll be in the mood for some socializing as the sun begins to set. Once that happens, your sign is really going to feel the power of the Ace of Wands, which is the most powerful Air card in the deck, which will bring you into the height of your own element as you paint the town read and yellow.
Wow Pisces, it seems like just this once you've got all your ducks in a line, or is it a row? Either way, you're all set for your next big adventure. Now all you've got to do is make that final decision about where you're going to spend most of your night. Will it be that big 4/20 bash your friends are throwing? Or would you prefer to head to that infamous glass sale that everyone has been whispering about since Monday? The Two of Wands wants me to hint to you that could do both, you know...
Just make sure that you don't decide to spend your evening at home sulking about something that's changed or someone whose not the same as they used to be. the Six of Cups reversed feels that the chances are the situation can't be changed, and if it's a person, you can't change them. So there isn't much use it tossing aside all your plans to try and make someone happy who isn't going to be no matter what you do. Just let the Six of Swords carry you away to more interesting waters and have some fun. Trust me, you'll be thanking me later.
The first part of your Friday the Hanged Man in reverse feels your pain as you feel like your sacrificing everything for everyone else. The work seems to be pouring on, your head hurts and it feels like you'll never be done in time. On top of that, you're not in the greatest mood. The recent Aries moon really gave you a great buzz and the withdrawal into a Taurus moon is making you rather crabby. This doesn't help anything, as the Nine of Wands reversed knows, and he suggests that if you stop and take a minute to acknowledge that something emotional has really been bothering you, then the work load will lighten up. It's really not that the world is piling things onto your list, it's that you subconsciously gravitating towards anything that will keep your mind off of your special him or her who did or didn't do something you had asked. You really shouldn't bottle things up Aries, it doesn't suit you. Instead, find a balanced way to communicate with them and it will seem like your schedule has suddenly opened up, plus you'll notice you've got enough money to go out and have a good time.
"Love, love, love love love love...." This Friday is yours for the taking Taurus. It's a fresh Taurus sun and a soon-to-be Taurus moon on a Friday - Venus's day, and Venus conveniently rules your sign. Heck, the only thing that doesn't seem to be going well for you this Friday is your wallets cooperation. You'd love to go out and get a new piece, treat your significant other to some dinner or just go buy yourself something nice, but the reversed Ace of Pentacles that bonus, payment or windfall you've been hoping for, just isn't going to come in today. Interestingly enough, it looks like the Star will help you find balance through a lighter haired man or woman, and then the Queen of Wands whispers that later on you're going to be feeling rather amorous with someone with darker hair. They seem regal, mysterious and dark - which is just the flavor you've been craving lately. Let him or her seduce you, or be the one seducing if you have darker hair, and you'll find that your 4/20 turns out better than you would have ever expected.
You're clearly feeling a bit moody as Friday comes around. That's nothing out of the ordinary for your airy sign, but this time you should sit back and take some well needed time to yourself. I can tell from the Four of Swords that you would rather be tackling the emotional issue that's been hogging most of your brain power, but the best thing to do right now is let it lay. If you can't let it go, you're more likely to use bad Judgement later which could result in some hold ups, involvement with authorities or bad trips - none of which you want nor need right now. Though if you can overcome your need to pick and pry, you'll soon find you've cut the restraints of the Eight of Swords and tossed your blindfold aside, bringing you a new perspective, plenty of emotional durability and clear path towards the 4/20 festivities you really want to be at anyways.
Thursday left you with a sour taste in your mouth after you put your foot in your mouth, said something you shouldn't have or received a tongue lashing from someone who knew how to make it hurt. Whatever happened, it's still on your mind Friday morning and you're determined to do whatever it takes to make it right. Fortunately, your 4/20 forecast has the Hanged Man in it, showing that you will figure out that sometimes we must sacrifice a little, if it means pleasing someone we really care about. So dress up like the Fool and pretend you're excited to go out, and guess what? You'll actually have a great time! All that pretending will start to permeate your consciousness and actually create a good mood. In fact, you might even run into someone who brings you good news, though maybe not in a way you would usually appreciate. The news will come from someone younger than you, with darker hair. The Page of Swords is in your Friday night 4/20 scope, so make sure you don't overindulge, as you've been known to do from time to time.
Don't worry about what didn't get finished this week Leo, you'll have more time next week to tie up those loose ends. For now, revel in the energy left over in your Five of Cups and be prepared to receive this evening. The Six of Pentacles is coinciding with the Queen of Cups to bring you funds, transportation and flirtation where you decide to be tonight. Though that seems to be the problem, doesn't it? Where do you want to go Leo? And whom do you want to be around? You're feeling pulled in several directions as people are vying for your attention. Don't let anyone tell you what to do and pay attention to those hidden messages the Two of Swords is holding onto for you, she says that you should follow your heart tonight.
Okay, so you won the argument, settled those negotiations or put someone in their place. Great, do you feel better now? I would bet from this Five of Swords that allow you may have achieved a quick victory, it isn't the kind you've been able to savor. Sometimes it's better to let someone else win and you know it. Thankfully, this Friday you've come back down to reality and although you might have to play a bit of catch up with the Two of Pentacles reversed, you'll find yourself with adequate funds and plenty of emotional energy for that 4/20 party you've been planning to go to. You've got the Nine of Cups in your current stars, which is the famous Wish card, so be prepared to open yourself up to the opportunities that will bring your wish into reality. If you can keep your options open and curb your conservative side, you might just find yourself with a new business deal, windfall or generous gift from the Six of Pentacles.
You've got a secret your guarding, I can tell from this Four of Pentacles reversed that's plaguing your subconscious. He knows that holding things in, hiding things from others or being greedy - will only bring you more problems. Not to mention, if you don't open up and share that work load in the Ten of Wands, you're only going to find it takes longer to get the job done. Whereas if you asked for a bit of help, you might meet your quota sooner, finish the project ahead of time or find that clarity you've been looking for. That will be a big relief as you take action to get out and have fun tonight. Just be forewarned that the Five of Swords is in your scope, and he warns you that no one is in the mood to battle with you tonight. 4/20 is generally a peaceful holiday and any combativeness will be rejected amongst your peers tonight.
It may have felt like you were left in the cold financially when your friend, relative or client didn't pay you on time, but it looks like you'll be compensated soon enough. So take some time to rejuvenate from your emotional injury before you go out anywhere. If you just rush out into the scene without taking time to relax and mediate with the Four of Swords, you'll be in a fowl mood and the Knight of Swords reversed shows that you might do more than just put your foot in your mouth. Scorpions are well known for their sting, as Scorpio's are known for their tongue lashings - so be careful what you unleash onto those around you and don't assume that anyone is purposely trying to goad you. It looks like things are going to go much better as the night goes on, though you'll feel like your doing a hundred things at once. And that's because you are! You're very popular tonight and if you're not the big cheese running the 4/20 show, you're the assistant to the big cheese, which means you get the credit, the social time and the pleasure of being able to say you did it all.
You're significant other, business partner, friend or father figure has you feeling a little out of sorts. The reversed King of Swords recommends that you give this person some space to transform into a better version of themselves. Though while you're waiting for them to make the change, the Star is up to bat for you, making sure you have enough energy to see you through the tough times and into the vibrant waters of your chosen 4/20 celebrations. Just be careful not to spend to much, as the reversed Ace of Pentacles says that it will leave you dry for funds over the weekend and you need to make things last.
april 20th,
free horoscopes,
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Tarotscopes for April 16th - 20th
It's as if the whole World had frozen over the last week, and as Monday comes, it all starts spinning free again, though this week you're going to feel the force of the restart as if a rubber band had been stretched and then released. The Ten of Pentacles Reversed tells me that this week is mostly about family, business and money over other issues. It's a time to check inventory, take a break from work and be with the kids or to stop and examine what's holding you back in life.
This week starts out full of fiery Aries passion in Mercury, the planet of communication, and is then encouraged as the week continues by the emotional psyche of the Pisces moon. This sort of mixture promises to flush out some secrets, end some debates or clear the air in some other way. The High Priestess has her sights set on sending you the knowledge you need to get you going in the right direction. And she tells me there's a woman in your life who is rather important because of the secret, information, skills or abilities she possess that you need. Seek her out and remember to be respectful, or all you will get from her is a burnt batch of cookies. There is also a boss, father figure or partner playing the part of the Emperor Reversed, whose not going to be to happy on Tuesday, so be aware of his moodiness and try to give him plenty of space. For whatever reason, even after you've figured out which direction to travel in, you'll probably still find yourself confuse about everything, especially when it concerns matters of love, which is what the Moon and Reversed Two of Cups are telling me. It's definitely not a good week to try and force your partner into talks about the relationship or to demand any firm decisions - unless of course you're looking to end the relationship, then it's a good week for that, and if it's going to happen, it's likely to be on Friday.
When the World jump starts, it often signifies the end of some aspects of ourselves or parts of our lives, and symbolizes the bold new beginnings that are now taking place. Monday is still in the 4th quarter of the Aquarius moon, which means freedom and creativity play a huge role today. The moon won't stay in Aquarius for long though, and after 5 am, the moon will then shift into Pisces, awakening you sense of nostalgia. This could be a good thing, though it depends on what you're being nostalgic about and the Six of Cups reminds you that good memories are sometimes only good memories because we are no longer in the same situations or circumstances, or because we are no longer involved with the person or persons those good old memories are about. On a better note, the Knight of Cups has made his presence stand out so that I can inform you that you should receive some good news on the emotional/creativity front today. With Aries leading Mercury today, you're also likely to see some good business heading your way if your work is social or directly involves communications in some way. Keeping that good news in mind, the card of Judgement is reversed today, which means that even though you could be receiving plenty of good news, your view or perspective of things today might be jaded. Try to take the time to step out of your skin and be thankful for what you have. There is plenty of Saturn energy still residing today from last friday's Capricorn moon, which brings out the Devil in us all. If you been fighting, arguing, debating or trying to release a deep inner passion since last week, this week doesn't look much better for you. Frustration, immobility and depression could be highlighted for you this week if you don't create a change of perspective.
On Tuesday you might feel torn in two, especially if what has ended for you this week, surrounds an emotional issue. Though the good news is, you've got the Page of Swords in all his youthfulness, charging into your stars. He wants to remind you to be open about your feelings, but to be careful about how you share you're opinions. Yes your partner, boss or friend wants to know what you're thinking, but they don't want to be clobbered by a 20 pound sword of retribution either. The Ace of Cups is in reverse as the moon goes void of course after 2pm, so you might feel out of sorts for a while. The High Priestess whispers a reminder that the best things come to those who wait, so be patient and remember that you're cat would like some attention too. There is definitely a woman floating around this tuesday who either really gets your goat, or whom you find is full of fantastic wisdom. She is the key either way, and it's up to you to decide whether you need more or less of her in your life.
There is a man in your world who sometimes just makes you want to jump of the Tower and escape everything, even at the risk of further injury. With the moon going from Pisces into Aries after 3pm, it looks like you might be considering a drastic career, relationship or partnership change. While it is definitely good to scope out your options, and you should never feel locked down with anyone or with any place, the Five of Swords wants to make sure that you don't act out in haste. Yes, the Five of Pentacles says, it can be difficult to bite your tongue and refuse allowing yourself to act on impulse right now, but it might be more of a victory if you step back and allow yourself to see the bigger picture. You might think about scoping out some jobs new jobs or career moves you feel would suit you better, or you might consider what other relationship opportunities you have out there if you're taken, or if you're single, feel free to take a chance and get out, just don't latch onto the first guy or gal who approaches you at the bar. Before the end of Wednesday, you should keep your eyes open for any opportunities in disguise, for it's through those subtle chances that we take, that we often find the biggest rewards. Today the reward is likely to be a monetary windfall that you could really use, but only if you keep your mind open to just about anything.
Today the day is ruled by masculine energy, but driven by the feminine. It seems that you have a lot on your plate as the sun enters Taurus and you find yourself at another crossroad. The Queen of Cups has come into your chart to try and nurture you, but if that won't work or she feels you don't really deserve it, her purpose will become a need to goad you into something you'd rather not be doing right now. The Queen represents that woman in your life, who you either look up to or just can't get away from. Or it could be that you find both those aspects in the same woman, who could be your wife, girlfriend or mate. Remember that she isn't trying to make your day worse, she does really care, she's just not always sure of how you want her to be around you, which can give off the appearance that she is needy, desperate or wishy-washy, when she's really not. It's just that one part of her wants to be the wise, strong and independent Queen she thinks you want her to be, and the other part of her wants to scream at you to just give her the tiniest clue as to what you want from her. The Two of Wands Reversed makes his presence known by the end of the day, and he wants to remind you that if you feel like you've made a bad decision or any mistakes in how you communicated with someone earlier, that it's never to late to walk back down the path and try the other direction.
It looks like the Taurian way of 'bully' into everything, is going to win out today. Which means that you've either gone charging into a situation you can't back out of now, or someone else in your life has been way to pushy or headstrong and has made you distance yourself from the situation. The irony here, is that all this chaotic and emotional energy this week, has actually charged you up, not drained you. If you're in a relationship, even if you've been bickering all week, this Friday looks good for intimacy. And with Friday being Venus's day, combined with it being a new sun in Taurus, it looks like there's going to be some lightning charged love energy coming your way. And in true bull fashion, you're always 'horny' (pun intended!), especially today. In fact, the only thing that would get in the way of taking advantage of the positive energy from the Reversed Two of Cups, is if you let your anxieties about your relationship, career situation or emotional trauma - get in your way. The Nine of Swords reversed jumps into your chart to remind you that If you find that you're having trouble seeing the humor in life, or you can't stop focusing on how much you hate the way they do that annoying little thing, then it would be a good idea for you to step outside of yourself and have some alone time with the Four of Swords.
You old goat, you know you've always got something up your sleeve incase your original plans didn't work out, and Monday shows it. The Two of Pentacles shows you juggling home life and business like a specialist, even though the Five of Cups clearly shows someone has set you off emotionally. You had really high hopes for projects or partner, and you're certainly not happy about how things went, but you're basic nature is to get back up on that horse and try again. Thankfully, you already knew just what you would do if this happened, didn't you? With Aries controlling your Mercury, you're likely to be in the middle of multiple intense conversations. One person needs your help getting their life in order, and someone else needs you to need them right now. Usually, I wouldn't have a problem suggesting you go gung-ho and tackle both problems, but this Tuesday and Wednesday, it's more important for you to focus on business then relationships. It's not that you're relationship isn't important, or that they don't want you're attention, it's just that you're so much more attractive when you're following your own agenda. This will mean some sacrifices on their part, and your partner or boss might be upset or confused about you're motives, but in the end they'll figure it out or get out of the way, as most people in your life do. The Hanged Man is sacrificial, but he's not a doormat, and you shouldn't be either.
Thursday you might feel like you or someone you love is playing the part of the Fool. Taking risks that are to big or not taking the time to stop and smell the roses before rushing off to work. If you're partner has been acting funny, controlling or overly needy lately, now is the time to step out of your 'business' hat and show them how much you care. Alternatively, if you're just tired of their combativeness, Friday is a good day to step away and do you're own thing. The Heirophant agrees, and suggests that you might find solace in your occult hobbies or some social activities, though he wants to make sure you remember that don't hide yourself so far away from everyone that you can't be accessed at all. You want to create some distance, and take time for yourself, but the King of Cups wants to know that even when you're on your own distant island, you haven't really left him.
For you the day starts out just right on Monday. It's the last day of the moon in Aquarius for a while, which is extra particular for you. The King of Pentacles swaggers his way into your world and whispers sweet nothings about you soon-to-come good fortune in financial, business or career matters. He's steeling a little grin as well, for he knows that you're ultra attractive right now, just like the Empress beside him. Embrace the beginning of your week, as Monday and Tuesday are both great days for adventure, money, love and romance - so long as no pisses you off. On Wednesday you've probably already noticed that your partner, boss or father figure has taken a big interest in what you've been up to. Remember that they aren't trying to smother you or kill you're buzz, they just aren't sure when it will be their turn to receive some of your attention again. They see you as independent, honest and full of abundant energy, and it seems to be directed everywhere else but near them, and that can make your partner, boss or father figure feel rather insignificant in your life by Thursday. If you care, you should stop and make sure they understand that it's not that you're ignoring them or that you don't feel the need to be with them, you're just not really in the mood to focus on emotional/spiritual needs right now. You're in the mood for action, adventure and some good food, that's about it. If they can't cut it, so the Ace of Swords says, then they better stay out of fencing class.
Thursday brings with it a brand new Taurus moon, and sustains your Aries in Mercury, which means that you're in the mood for some lovin. The Knight of Wands is happy to help you charge into any situation like the knight (or knightess) that you picture yourself as sometimes. Though the Six of Swords wants you to make sure that if you are going to rush right in, that you don't have plans to rush right out again an catch the next boat to Burmuda. If you're taken, this would be a good time to sit down and figure out what you want from your relationship, and more importantly right now - what you're partner wants. This isn't a time to decide the fate of your romance from this discussion, but it is something you should take some time to consider before the weekend begins. If you're single, get out there and party. There's no need for attachment, but it's there if you want it, so have fun, seek adventure and don't forget to grab some savory substance while you're out.
Poor Pisces, this week just isn't your week. On one hand, you have this drive to seek out something new, fantastic and adventurous. On the other hand, you have a lot of responsibilities and projects that need to be finished before you can move onto something greater. What to do... what to do... Monday highlights the Heirophant, sitting stealthily between his stone pillars. He is suggesting that today is a good day for a walk in the sunshine. Just make sure that while you're doing your walking meditation, that you don't let the Fool walk you right off a cliff. He can be tricky that way, lol. Tuesday and Wednesday are not fantastic days, but the silver lining is that they will help you clear away some of your load and free up some play time. The Ten of Wands reversed is really apparent on wednesday as the moon goes back into Aries in the afternoon. It's a day for you to focus on any business, ego or health needs. If you have any unfinished projects, don't abandon them.
Thursday and Friday are good days to continue those projects, do some spring cleaning or to sit back and contemplate life. The sun will be in Taurus, so make sure to pamper yourself a bit and try to avoid being too sacrificial. Yes people love it when you do things for them, but is that really all you want them to like you for? The Hanged Man didn't think so. With all the Cups energy combining with the New Moon in your sign, it's probably going to be an up an down week for you emotionally, so be mindful of your moods lest they interfere with your work and relationships more than necessary.
Everyone seems a bit wishy-washy as the skies prepare to take on your moon for the next month. And if they're not emotional, is seems like they're just plain slow. As we roll into a sun in Taurus, you're really going to be feeling your martian energy kicking in. You want to get things do, get other things out of the way, tie up loose ends and finally find the solutions to your relationship problems (especially if you have Aries in your moon sign). Even with you're short temper and all the hold ups that only frustrate you further, this week looks like it's going to be a victorious one for you Aries. There might be a few casualties along the way, but after all the bandages are applied and the wounds licked, you be feeling superior again. Amazingly, thanks to Strength and Temperance on Monday, it looks like you are somehow able to pull off all these amazing 5 day feats with some patience and grace. This is a heck of a time for the Aries sun and Aries moon sign persons.
You're week is full of the fiery energy of Wands as the Seven of Wands, Page of Wands, Eight of Wands, Ten of Wands and Six of Wands dominate just about everything you're doing. Tuesday and Wednesday you're quiet competitive, though far from arrogant, which gives you the edge you need to barrel through any bad news you get from someone younger than you. Fleeting into Thursday you've found a favored project has gone afowl and it really drags you down for a moment. Though you're far from out for the count as that Taurus sun comes in and drives you to kick some ass and take some names. Here is where you want to be careful though Aries - for throughout the week this is going to be the only real rough patch - the Eight of Wands is reversed and he suggests that you make sure you don't burn any old bridges right now, nor should you try and start a bunch of new projects. Go with the flow on any hobbies, career issues or home projects that you have yet to finish, they are where you'll find the most accomplishment, which will drive you through what seems like a slow starting Friday with the Ten of Wands reversed, but which picks up with an impromtu party with the Three of Pentacles. If you're looking for love, the man or woman of your dreams might attend this party, so make sure to shave! If you're taken, then take this social opportunity to remind your mate that even when you're over focused on everything but him/her, that doesn't mean you don't love them and have naughty thoughts about them throughout the day (trust me, they want to know).
Taurus, Oh Taurus, what is it that you have in store for us? It's the bright blazing sun in your sign this month, and you're already raring for the green flag to wave so you can charge out into those beautiful meadows just beyond your pen. And who could blame you, with you're birthday already knocking down the door? Sadly, I have to burst one bubble for you - it doesn't look like anyone has planned on giving you cash, a raise or time away from work for your birthday. Still, that doesn't mean it's going to be a bad week for Taurians with Arian tendencies. In fact, if you can plow through any financial worries and finish with those loose ends on Monday and Tuesday, and get over any relationship or emotional hurdles on Wednesday, it looks like Friday will bring some very good news with the Knight of Swords. If you have a birthday during the week, Friday would definitely be the best day to celebrate, and you deserve it, so don't delay making your plans if you haven't already.
Whoa Gemini! If it feels like the world is spinning, that's because it is! Though this isn't the time to feel nauseated, it's time to go with the flow and let the World float you toward where you need to be. Monday is definitely a synchronistic day for you Gemini and you're really feeling that artistic Aquarian moon. As Aries takes over mars and Pisces takes to task with the moon, you are finding yourself a bit drained. Maybe it was that late night music session, or that passionate fighting (and making up!) with your mate that lasted until the early hours, but either way, on Tuesday you're feeling a bit sluggish. Which is fine in all reality, because the cards aren't right for money or much of anything productive. So just chillax and enjoy whatever or whomever finds their way into your environment.
By Wednesday you might start to feel a bit concerned about the states of things around you. Maybe it's time to clean out some closets or continue with your spring cleaning (either physically or emotionally). I know you're really not up for more work, but the Star needs you to know that it won't just look better, the work will actually help you feel better too, and it will create some space that you can later use for your more preferred creative activities. It looks like the Knight of Wands reversed has glided into your scene to make sure that you're not disturbed while the world makes sure you have that needed time for introspection. Just remember that the universe is giving you this time purposely, to help you grow, and it's not just that everyone is ignoring you. Quiet the opposite, if you weren't so involved in your own head right now, you might see that others in your life find you ultra attractive right now.
Thursday is a good day to finish up final projects, do dump runs or figure out your agenda for the weekend. By the evening time, even you are starting to feel the seductive vibrations of the Taurian sun and Arian moon, which come together to bring you fun evening of frolic that will give you the opportunity to get out of you're own head for a while.
Poor Cancer. From your point of view, every Monday is a flop. Though I've got some news for you, it's not really that Mondays are all that bad - the reason they always seem so topsy turvy and unpredictable for you, is because mondays are ruled by the same planet that rules your sign - the Moon. That's right, mondays were originally Moonday's, way back when before they spruced up the calendars. Sadly, I can't tell you this monday is going to be a whole lot better than any other, though I can tell you that it will be busy, which suits you just fine. Now, you may not be busy in the way you had expected, but there will be plenty to do non-the-less. Maybe your boss has some special task he'd only ever ask you to do, because he knows you are who everyone goes to when they want quality work done. Or maybe you'll find you're able to get off work early, and when you get home it seems like everyone wants to come over or have you come over and help them with something. You love to be needed, even if you'll never admit it, and Monday and Tuesday are great days for being needed. Tuesday in particular, you'll find there's a woman in your life who could really use some extra attention from you. She could be a mother figure, sister, bff or daughter, though I suspect she's you're partner. She's feeling a bit down on the inside and is having trouble communicating it to you, so she's been trying to use her artistic actions to capture your attention and play on your emotional strings. If you open up to her and show her she can be vulnerable with you, she'll let her guard down and you in, or so the Queen of Swords has said.
Wednesday you better keep your schedule open for some fun and organization. It's a great day to get out and spend some money, organize your garden shed or to take your partner or mother for a surprise excursion. If you can go somewhere there's some fresh water, you'll be even better off. Heck, Wednesday looks so lucky for you, you might just find some extra money or other item of value lands in your lap. This will be a great big ego booster, so make sure not to let the new Aries moon inflate your inner narcissist to much. You don't have to worry to much though, because it looks like a there's someone younger then you full of the earthy energy being driven by the incoming Taurian sun, who'll make sure your head doesn't float away. You might feel a little smothered by this persons actions, though they know you'll get over it, and by Thursday evening you'll already be feeling like a King or Queen once again. Friday is a fantastic day for money and social events, and hey! It also happens to be your favorite holiday (4/20!), which means it's a perfect time to get out and mingle. In fact, all the venus energy of Friday's mixed with the venus ruled Taurus sun, has opened up the opportunity for a secret wish of yours to come true. The Three of Pentacles encourages you to be bold, flirtatious and adventurous, which will activate the full power of the Nine of Cups, which is the card of wishes after all.
You silly Lion, you're sure feeling frisky this week aren't you? I can see that someone from your past is coming to call on Monday, and it looks like you've either been expecting them, hoping to see them or you will be pleasantly surprised. Either way, Monday is a good day for play. Don't worry about your other responsibilities to much now, the Knight of Pentacles is around to keep an eye on your investments, business or projects. And the Nine of Swords is tell me she feels you've done plenty of introspection and perfecting of your work, that now is a good time to release the worry and open up to the fun opportunities available to you from all your hard work. If you can, you might be able to get that Fool reversed to turn back on his feet and show you a good time. Just be careful though, because the Fool is feeling as unsure of his footing as you are. The good news is, you're much more sure of you're own footing by Thursday and you are able to ride through any necessary business communications pretty easily. Sadly, it looks like you're going to have to make a tough decision come Friday... It doesn't look like it's a good time to sign any contracts, make any new deals, finish any projects or start anything new. So you might as well enjoy the fun and freedom that 4/20 Friday can offer to you.
It looks like your in for a rocky road this week Virgo, though there's no need to fret, even though you probably will anyways. Monday you'll find yourself having to spend a bit more than you were expecting, though it looks like you had some money put away for just such an occasion. By Tuesday you're feeling more fiery and the Knight of Wands comes calling with some good news that helps you ride through Wednesday's lack of accomplishment and Thursdays stagnate energy. If you can pull yourself out of that haze and find a way to stop trying to work so hard by Friday, you'll be able to get out and having a good time. You really could use some unadulterated fun too, so make sure you listen to the Nine of Wands reversed and put down that shovel, pen, keyboard or argument. It's not healthy to try and do so many things at once, as the Eight of Wands reversed knows all to well. And don't think it's because I'm challenging your abilities - you're fully capable of accomplishing anything you set your mind to. It's just that now is not the time to worry about work, communication or projects. The weekend will be better, just hold on.
Libra libra libra... It looks like you're still paying the price on Monday for something you did over last weekend. You're feeling a bit tied up now, and not in a positive way, which is what the reversed Eight of Swords is showing me. She says that you should've known better than to stay up all night, push peoples buttons or get into other peoples things. I know that you were just exploring, experimenting and enjoying your carefree side, but you need to remember to pick up after yourself, even when you feel the urge to move right on to the next activity. Because of your actions, Monday will be a day of catching up. You're pretty much going to be home bound and communications will be at a major slow down. Though it looks like you're able to make things right, get everything cleaned up or find balance by Tuesday which shos you entering the spotlight with the Four of Wands. You're really feeling the playful energy of the Pisces moon, though you'll have to be careful of that care free side once again. It's fine to be open and free, but you can't neglect you're regular activities. Either way though, you're dualistic side finds another way to get you out of that spat you had with your mother, sister or boss on Wednesday. She wasn't to happy about your current pattern of spending habits, destruction of items she values or decision not to help out around the house.
Thursday looks to be full of love, open communication, freedom and possibly some sensual social activities, which is just what you were looking for. Just makes sure you pour your own drinks, get home early and/or not share to many secrets with a new lover. If you're taken, you'll be feeling extra amorous with your partner and it's a good day to talk with them about future plans. Friday looks to be fun, but only if you don't try to analyze other peoples actions to deeply. They might seem like your soul mate, but the truth is that they aren't ready to commit, nor are you. The Three of Hearts reversed totally feels your pain, but you are encouraged to keep things casual, remind yourself not to look to deeply into peoples motives and you'll have a great time Friday night.
I can see that you've been feeling particularly reclusive this week Scorpio. That's all well and good, and you definitely some time for spiritual inspection, though it looks like you might have injured someones feelers on Monday. If you spent more than you should have, refused someone else to spend a little extra or neglected a marked calendar event with your family, you're going to find yourself spending all day making it right. Thankfully, you know just what to do by Tuesday as the Pisces moon opens up your psychic side. That heightened intuition aligns you with the Judgement card in your scope this week, and you're able to bring everything back into full balance by Wednesday. Business looks plentiful from Wednesday on, and it looks like your keen enough to stay on your toes and not miss any opportunities. You're really feeling the earthy Taurian sun warming up your wavy waters by Thursday and Friday, which are great days for you to seek adventure, start a new project with the Page of Pentacles and Eight of Wands or get away with that secret deal or affair you and the Two of Pentacles have been juggling on the side.
Don't be too foolish this week Sagi. I know you have big plans for Friday night, but that's no reason to give up on everything else you need to attend to this week. This also isn't a week you can find that solitude and freedom you've really been needing. The Eight of Wands tells me that Monday is a good day to work on projects you've been neglecting, and it is the only day this week that is good for starting new projects that you've procrastinated yourself away from. Tuesday there is potential for a lovers or siblings spat, so try to hold your tongue and remember that you can just walk away, you don't have to arch your bow and fight.
Wednesday and Thursday you're craving a reprieve but it just isn't coming, and that aligns you with fowl Judgement and home life struggles. Don't worry though Sagittarius, this isn't the time to feel like you should wonder away. Your best success this week will be in realizing how much you are needed at home right now. Yes business is hell right now and you've had to work your butt off, and yes you deserve time for fun and freedom, but you've been neglecting things for way too long and on Thursday and the Ten of Pentacles reversed warns that this behavior pattern is going to jump up and bite you when you'd least like it to. There is a silver lining though for you Sagittarians, as Friday welcomes you into it's arms, you'll find that you've somehow managed to give everyone a decent amount of your time, and although you didn't get a chance to get the cleaning done, you've at least been able to find something fabulous to wear to that Friday night 4/20 party you've been raring to go to.
This week starts out full of fiery Aries passion in Mercury, the planet of communication, and is then encouraged as the week continues by the emotional psyche of the Pisces moon. This sort of mixture promises to flush out some secrets, end some debates or clear the air in some other way. The High Priestess has her sights set on sending you the knowledge you need to get you going in the right direction. And she tells me there's a woman in your life who is rather important because of the secret, information, skills or abilities she possess that you need. Seek her out and remember to be respectful, or all you will get from her is a burnt batch of cookies. There is also a boss, father figure or partner playing the part of the Emperor Reversed, whose not going to be to happy on Tuesday, so be aware of his moodiness and try to give him plenty of space. For whatever reason, even after you've figured out which direction to travel in, you'll probably still find yourself confuse about everything, especially when it concerns matters of love, which is what the Moon and Reversed Two of Cups are telling me. It's definitely not a good week to try and force your partner into talks about the relationship or to demand any firm decisions - unless of course you're looking to end the relationship, then it's a good week for that, and if it's going to happen, it's likely to be on Friday.
When the World jump starts, it often signifies the end of some aspects of ourselves or parts of our lives, and symbolizes the bold new beginnings that are now taking place. Monday is still in the 4th quarter of the Aquarius moon, which means freedom and creativity play a huge role today. The moon won't stay in Aquarius for long though, and after 5 am, the moon will then shift into Pisces, awakening you sense of nostalgia. This could be a good thing, though it depends on what you're being nostalgic about and the Six of Cups reminds you that good memories are sometimes only good memories because we are no longer in the same situations or circumstances, or because we are no longer involved with the person or persons those good old memories are about. On a better note, the Knight of Cups has made his presence stand out so that I can inform you that you should receive some good news on the emotional/creativity front today. With Aries leading Mercury today, you're also likely to see some good business heading your way if your work is social or directly involves communications in some way. Keeping that good news in mind, the card of Judgement is reversed today, which means that even though you could be receiving plenty of good news, your view or perspective of things today might be jaded. Try to take the time to step out of your skin and be thankful for what you have. There is plenty of Saturn energy still residing today from last friday's Capricorn moon, which brings out the Devil in us all. If you been fighting, arguing, debating or trying to release a deep inner passion since last week, this week doesn't look much better for you. Frustration, immobility and depression could be highlighted for you this week if you don't create a change of perspective.
On Tuesday you might feel torn in two, especially if what has ended for you this week, surrounds an emotional issue. Though the good news is, you've got the Page of Swords in all his youthfulness, charging into your stars. He wants to remind you to be open about your feelings, but to be careful about how you share you're opinions. Yes your partner, boss or friend wants to know what you're thinking, but they don't want to be clobbered by a 20 pound sword of retribution either. The Ace of Cups is in reverse as the moon goes void of course after 2pm, so you might feel out of sorts for a while. The High Priestess whispers a reminder that the best things come to those who wait, so be patient and remember that you're cat would like some attention too. There is definitely a woman floating around this tuesday who either really gets your goat, or whom you find is full of fantastic wisdom. She is the key either way, and it's up to you to decide whether you need more or less of her in your life.
There is a man in your world who sometimes just makes you want to jump of the Tower and escape everything, even at the risk of further injury. With the moon going from Pisces into Aries after 3pm, it looks like you might be considering a drastic career, relationship or partnership change. While it is definitely good to scope out your options, and you should never feel locked down with anyone or with any place, the Five of Swords wants to make sure that you don't act out in haste. Yes, the Five of Pentacles says, it can be difficult to bite your tongue and refuse allowing yourself to act on impulse right now, but it might be more of a victory if you step back and allow yourself to see the bigger picture. You might think about scoping out some jobs new jobs or career moves you feel would suit you better, or you might consider what other relationship opportunities you have out there if you're taken, or if you're single, feel free to take a chance and get out, just don't latch onto the first guy or gal who approaches you at the bar. Before the end of Wednesday, you should keep your eyes open for any opportunities in disguise, for it's through those subtle chances that we take, that we often find the biggest rewards. Today the reward is likely to be a monetary windfall that you could really use, but only if you keep your mind open to just about anything.
Today the day is ruled by masculine energy, but driven by the feminine. It seems that you have a lot on your plate as the sun enters Taurus and you find yourself at another crossroad. The Queen of Cups has come into your chart to try and nurture you, but if that won't work or she feels you don't really deserve it, her purpose will become a need to goad you into something you'd rather not be doing right now. The Queen represents that woman in your life, who you either look up to or just can't get away from. Or it could be that you find both those aspects in the same woman, who could be your wife, girlfriend or mate. Remember that she isn't trying to make your day worse, she does really care, she's just not always sure of how you want her to be around you, which can give off the appearance that she is needy, desperate or wishy-washy, when she's really not. It's just that one part of her wants to be the wise, strong and independent Queen she thinks you want her to be, and the other part of her wants to scream at you to just give her the tiniest clue as to what you want from her. The Two of Wands Reversed makes his presence known by the end of the day, and he wants to remind you that if you feel like you've made a bad decision or any mistakes in how you communicated with someone earlier, that it's never to late to walk back down the path and try the other direction.
It looks like the Taurian way of 'bully' into everything, is going to win out today. Which means that you've either gone charging into a situation you can't back out of now, or someone else in your life has been way to pushy or headstrong and has made you distance yourself from the situation. The irony here, is that all this chaotic and emotional energy this week, has actually charged you up, not drained you. If you're in a relationship, even if you've been bickering all week, this Friday looks good for intimacy. And with Friday being Venus's day, combined with it being a new sun in Taurus, it looks like there's going to be some lightning charged love energy coming your way. And in true bull fashion, you're always 'horny' (pun intended!), especially today. In fact, the only thing that would get in the way of taking advantage of the positive energy from the Reversed Two of Cups, is if you let your anxieties about your relationship, career situation or emotional trauma - get in your way. The Nine of Swords reversed jumps into your chart to remind you that If you find that you're having trouble seeing the humor in life, or you can't stop focusing on how much you hate the way they do that annoying little thing, then it would be a good idea for you to step outside of yourself and have some alone time with the Four of Swords.
You old goat, you know you've always got something up your sleeve incase your original plans didn't work out, and Monday shows it. The Two of Pentacles shows you juggling home life and business like a specialist, even though the Five of Cups clearly shows someone has set you off emotionally. You had really high hopes for projects or partner, and you're certainly not happy about how things went, but you're basic nature is to get back up on that horse and try again. Thankfully, you already knew just what you would do if this happened, didn't you? With Aries controlling your Mercury, you're likely to be in the middle of multiple intense conversations. One person needs your help getting their life in order, and someone else needs you to need them right now. Usually, I wouldn't have a problem suggesting you go gung-ho and tackle both problems, but this Tuesday and Wednesday, it's more important for you to focus on business then relationships. It's not that you're relationship isn't important, or that they don't want you're attention, it's just that you're so much more attractive when you're following your own agenda. This will mean some sacrifices on their part, and your partner or boss might be upset or confused about you're motives, but in the end they'll figure it out or get out of the way, as most people in your life do. The Hanged Man is sacrificial, but he's not a doormat, and you shouldn't be either.
Thursday you might feel like you or someone you love is playing the part of the Fool. Taking risks that are to big or not taking the time to stop and smell the roses before rushing off to work. If you're partner has been acting funny, controlling or overly needy lately, now is the time to step out of your 'business' hat and show them how much you care. Alternatively, if you're just tired of their combativeness, Friday is a good day to step away and do you're own thing. The Heirophant agrees, and suggests that you might find solace in your occult hobbies or some social activities, though he wants to make sure you remember that don't hide yourself so far away from everyone that you can't be accessed at all. You want to create some distance, and take time for yourself, but the King of Cups wants to know that even when you're on your own distant island, you haven't really left him.
For you the day starts out just right on Monday. It's the last day of the moon in Aquarius for a while, which is extra particular for you. The King of Pentacles swaggers his way into your world and whispers sweet nothings about you soon-to-come good fortune in financial, business or career matters. He's steeling a little grin as well, for he knows that you're ultra attractive right now, just like the Empress beside him. Embrace the beginning of your week, as Monday and Tuesday are both great days for adventure, money, love and romance - so long as no pisses you off. On Wednesday you've probably already noticed that your partner, boss or father figure has taken a big interest in what you've been up to. Remember that they aren't trying to smother you or kill you're buzz, they just aren't sure when it will be their turn to receive some of your attention again. They see you as independent, honest and full of abundant energy, and it seems to be directed everywhere else but near them, and that can make your partner, boss or father figure feel rather insignificant in your life by Thursday. If you care, you should stop and make sure they understand that it's not that you're ignoring them or that you don't feel the need to be with them, you're just not really in the mood to focus on emotional/spiritual needs right now. You're in the mood for action, adventure and some good food, that's about it. If they can't cut it, so the Ace of Swords says, then they better stay out of fencing class.
Thursday brings with it a brand new Taurus moon, and sustains your Aries in Mercury, which means that you're in the mood for some lovin. The Knight of Wands is happy to help you charge into any situation like the knight (or knightess) that you picture yourself as sometimes. Though the Six of Swords wants you to make sure that if you are going to rush right in, that you don't have plans to rush right out again an catch the next boat to Burmuda. If you're taken, this would be a good time to sit down and figure out what you want from your relationship, and more importantly right now - what you're partner wants. This isn't a time to decide the fate of your romance from this discussion, but it is something you should take some time to consider before the weekend begins. If you're single, get out there and party. There's no need for attachment, but it's there if you want it, so have fun, seek adventure and don't forget to grab some savory substance while you're out.
Poor Pisces, this week just isn't your week. On one hand, you have this drive to seek out something new, fantastic and adventurous. On the other hand, you have a lot of responsibilities and projects that need to be finished before you can move onto something greater. What to do... what to do... Monday highlights the Heirophant, sitting stealthily between his stone pillars. He is suggesting that today is a good day for a walk in the sunshine. Just make sure that while you're doing your walking meditation, that you don't let the Fool walk you right off a cliff. He can be tricky that way, lol. Tuesday and Wednesday are not fantastic days, but the silver lining is that they will help you clear away some of your load and free up some play time. The Ten of Wands reversed is really apparent on wednesday as the moon goes back into Aries in the afternoon. It's a day for you to focus on any business, ego or health needs. If you have any unfinished projects, don't abandon them.
Thursday and Friday are good days to continue those projects, do some spring cleaning or to sit back and contemplate life. The sun will be in Taurus, so make sure to pamper yourself a bit and try to avoid being too sacrificial. Yes people love it when you do things for them, but is that really all you want them to like you for? The Hanged Man didn't think so. With all the Cups energy combining with the New Moon in your sign, it's probably going to be an up an down week for you emotionally, so be mindful of your moods lest they interfere with your work and relationships more than necessary.
Everyone seems a bit wishy-washy as the skies prepare to take on your moon for the next month. And if they're not emotional, is seems like they're just plain slow. As we roll into a sun in Taurus, you're really going to be feeling your martian energy kicking in. You want to get things do, get other things out of the way, tie up loose ends and finally find the solutions to your relationship problems (especially if you have Aries in your moon sign). Even with you're short temper and all the hold ups that only frustrate you further, this week looks like it's going to be a victorious one for you Aries. There might be a few casualties along the way, but after all the bandages are applied and the wounds licked, you be feeling superior again. Amazingly, thanks to Strength and Temperance on Monday, it looks like you are somehow able to pull off all these amazing 5 day feats with some patience and grace. This is a heck of a time for the Aries sun and Aries moon sign persons.
You're week is full of the fiery energy of Wands as the Seven of Wands, Page of Wands, Eight of Wands, Ten of Wands and Six of Wands dominate just about everything you're doing. Tuesday and Wednesday you're quiet competitive, though far from arrogant, which gives you the edge you need to barrel through any bad news you get from someone younger than you. Fleeting into Thursday you've found a favored project has gone afowl and it really drags you down for a moment. Though you're far from out for the count as that Taurus sun comes in and drives you to kick some ass and take some names. Here is where you want to be careful though Aries - for throughout the week this is going to be the only real rough patch - the Eight of Wands is reversed and he suggests that you make sure you don't burn any old bridges right now, nor should you try and start a bunch of new projects. Go with the flow on any hobbies, career issues or home projects that you have yet to finish, they are where you'll find the most accomplishment, which will drive you through what seems like a slow starting Friday with the Ten of Wands reversed, but which picks up with an impromtu party with the Three of Pentacles. If you're looking for love, the man or woman of your dreams might attend this party, so make sure to shave! If you're taken, then take this social opportunity to remind your mate that even when you're over focused on everything but him/her, that doesn't mean you don't love them and have naughty thoughts about them throughout the day (trust me, they want to know).
Taurus, Oh Taurus, what is it that you have in store for us? It's the bright blazing sun in your sign this month, and you're already raring for the green flag to wave so you can charge out into those beautiful meadows just beyond your pen. And who could blame you, with you're birthday already knocking down the door? Sadly, I have to burst one bubble for you - it doesn't look like anyone has planned on giving you cash, a raise or time away from work for your birthday. Still, that doesn't mean it's going to be a bad week for Taurians with Arian tendencies. In fact, if you can plow through any financial worries and finish with those loose ends on Monday and Tuesday, and get over any relationship or emotional hurdles on Wednesday, it looks like Friday will bring some very good news with the Knight of Swords. If you have a birthday during the week, Friday would definitely be the best day to celebrate, and you deserve it, so don't delay making your plans if you haven't already.
Whoa Gemini! If it feels like the world is spinning, that's because it is! Though this isn't the time to feel nauseated, it's time to go with the flow and let the World float you toward where you need to be. Monday is definitely a synchronistic day for you Gemini and you're really feeling that artistic Aquarian moon. As Aries takes over mars and Pisces takes to task with the moon, you are finding yourself a bit drained. Maybe it was that late night music session, or that passionate fighting (and making up!) with your mate that lasted until the early hours, but either way, on Tuesday you're feeling a bit sluggish. Which is fine in all reality, because the cards aren't right for money or much of anything productive. So just chillax and enjoy whatever or whomever finds their way into your environment.
By Wednesday you might start to feel a bit concerned about the states of things around you. Maybe it's time to clean out some closets or continue with your spring cleaning (either physically or emotionally). I know you're really not up for more work, but the Star needs you to know that it won't just look better, the work will actually help you feel better too, and it will create some space that you can later use for your more preferred creative activities. It looks like the Knight of Wands reversed has glided into your scene to make sure that you're not disturbed while the world makes sure you have that needed time for introspection. Just remember that the universe is giving you this time purposely, to help you grow, and it's not just that everyone is ignoring you. Quiet the opposite, if you weren't so involved in your own head right now, you might see that others in your life find you ultra attractive right now.
Thursday is a good day to finish up final projects, do dump runs or figure out your agenda for the weekend. By the evening time, even you are starting to feel the seductive vibrations of the Taurian sun and Arian moon, which come together to bring you fun evening of frolic that will give you the opportunity to get out of you're own head for a while.
Poor Cancer. From your point of view, every Monday is a flop. Though I've got some news for you, it's not really that Mondays are all that bad - the reason they always seem so topsy turvy and unpredictable for you, is because mondays are ruled by the same planet that rules your sign - the Moon. That's right, mondays were originally Moonday's, way back when before they spruced up the calendars. Sadly, I can't tell you this monday is going to be a whole lot better than any other, though I can tell you that it will be busy, which suits you just fine. Now, you may not be busy in the way you had expected, but there will be plenty to do non-the-less. Maybe your boss has some special task he'd only ever ask you to do, because he knows you are who everyone goes to when they want quality work done. Or maybe you'll find you're able to get off work early, and when you get home it seems like everyone wants to come over or have you come over and help them with something. You love to be needed, even if you'll never admit it, and Monday and Tuesday are great days for being needed. Tuesday in particular, you'll find there's a woman in your life who could really use some extra attention from you. She could be a mother figure, sister, bff or daughter, though I suspect she's you're partner. She's feeling a bit down on the inside and is having trouble communicating it to you, so she's been trying to use her artistic actions to capture your attention and play on your emotional strings. If you open up to her and show her she can be vulnerable with you, she'll let her guard down and you in, or so the Queen of Swords has said.
Wednesday you better keep your schedule open for some fun and organization. It's a great day to get out and spend some money, organize your garden shed or to take your partner or mother for a surprise excursion. If you can go somewhere there's some fresh water, you'll be even better off. Heck, Wednesday looks so lucky for you, you might just find some extra money or other item of value lands in your lap. This will be a great big ego booster, so make sure not to let the new Aries moon inflate your inner narcissist to much. You don't have to worry to much though, because it looks like a there's someone younger then you full of the earthy energy being driven by the incoming Taurian sun, who'll make sure your head doesn't float away. You might feel a little smothered by this persons actions, though they know you'll get over it, and by Thursday evening you'll already be feeling like a King or Queen once again. Friday is a fantastic day for money and social events, and hey! It also happens to be your favorite holiday (4/20!), which means it's a perfect time to get out and mingle. In fact, all the venus energy of Friday's mixed with the venus ruled Taurus sun, has opened up the opportunity for a secret wish of yours to come true. The Three of Pentacles encourages you to be bold, flirtatious and adventurous, which will activate the full power of the Nine of Cups, which is the card of wishes after all.
You silly Lion, you're sure feeling frisky this week aren't you? I can see that someone from your past is coming to call on Monday, and it looks like you've either been expecting them, hoping to see them or you will be pleasantly surprised. Either way, Monday is a good day for play. Don't worry about your other responsibilities to much now, the Knight of Pentacles is around to keep an eye on your investments, business or projects. And the Nine of Swords is tell me she feels you've done plenty of introspection and perfecting of your work, that now is a good time to release the worry and open up to the fun opportunities available to you from all your hard work. If you can, you might be able to get that Fool reversed to turn back on his feet and show you a good time. Just be careful though, because the Fool is feeling as unsure of his footing as you are. The good news is, you're much more sure of you're own footing by Thursday and you are able to ride through any necessary business communications pretty easily. Sadly, it looks like you're going to have to make a tough decision come Friday... It doesn't look like it's a good time to sign any contracts, make any new deals, finish any projects or start anything new. So you might as well enjoy the fun and freedom that 4/20 Friday can offer to you.
It looks like your in for a rocky road this week Virgo, though there's no need to fret, even though you probably will anyways. Monday you'll find yourself having to spend a bit more than you were expecting, though it looks like you had some money put away for just such an occasion. By Tuesday you're feeling more fiery and the Knight of Wands comes calling with some good news that helps you ride through Wednesday's lack of accomplishment and Thursdays stagnate energy. If you can pull yourself out of that haze and find a way to stop trying to work so hard by Friday, you'll be able to get out and having a good time. You really could use some unadulterated fun too, so make sure you listen to the Nine of Wands reversed and put down that shovel, pen, keyboard or argument. It's not healthy to try and do so many things at once, as the Eight of Wands reversed knows all to well. And don't think it's because I'm challenging your abilities - you're fully capable of accomplishing anything you set your mind to. It's just that now is not the time to worry about work, communication or projects. The weekend will be better, just hold on.
Libra libra libra... It looks like you're still paying the price on Monday for something you did over last weekend. You're feeling a bit tied up now, and not in a positive way, which is what the reversed Eight of Swords is showing me. She says that you should've known better than to stay up all night, push peoples buttons or get into other peoples things. I know that you were just exploring, experimenting and enjoying your carefree side, but you need to remember to pick up after yourself, even when you feel the urge to move right on to the next activity. Because of your actions, Monday will be a day of catching up. You're pretty much going to be home bound and communications will be at a major slow down. Though it looks like you're able to make things right, get everything cleaned up or find balance by Tuesday which shos you entering the spotlight with the Four of Wands. You're really feeling the playful energy of the Pisces moon, though you'll have to be careful of that care free side once again. It's fine to be open and free, but you can't neglect you're regular activities. Either way though, you're dualistic side finds another way to get you out of that spat you had with your mother, sister or boss on Wednesday. She wasn't to happy about your current pattern of spending habits, destruction of items she values or decision not to help out around the house.
Thursday looks to be full of love, open communication, freedom and possibly some sensual social activities, which is just what you were looking for. Just makes sure you pour your own drinks, get home early and/or not share to many secrets with a new lover. If you're taken, you'll be feeling extra amorous with your partner and it's a good day to talk with them about future plans. Friday looks to be fun, but only if you don't try to analyze other peoples actions to deeply. They might seem like your soul mate, but the truth is that they aren't ready to commit, nor are you. The Three of Hearts reversed totally feels your pain, but you are encouraged to keep things casual, remind yourself not to look to deeply into peoples motives and you'll have a great time Friday night.
I can see that you've been feeling particularly reclusive this week Scorpio. That's all well and good, and you definitely some time for spiritual inspection, though it looks like you might have injured someones feelers on Monday. If you spent more than you should have, refused someone else to spend a little extra or neglected a marked calendar event with your family, you're going to find yourself spending all day making it right. Thankfully, you know just what to do by Tuesday as the Pisces moon opens up your psychic side. That heightened intuition aligns you with the Judgement card in your scope this week, and you're able to bring everything back into full balance by Wednesday. Business looks plentiful from Wednesday on, and it looks like your keen enough to stay on your toes and not miss any opportunities. You're really feeling the earthy Taurian sun warming up your wavy waters by Thursday and Friday, which are great days for you to seek adventure, start a new project with the Page of Pentacles and Eight of Wands or get away with that secret deal or affair you and the Two of Pentacles have been juggling on the side.
Don't be too foolish this week Sagi. I know you have big plans for Friday night, but that's no reason to give up on everything else you need to attend to this week. This also isn't a week you can find that solitude and freedom you've really been needing. The Eight of Wands tells me that Monday is a good day to work on projects you've been neglecting, and it is the only day this week that is good for starting new projects that you've procrastinated yourself away from. Tuesday there is potential for a lovers or siblings spat, so try to hold your tongue and remember that you can just walk away, you don't have to arch your bow and fight.
Wednesday and Thursday you're craving a reprieve but it just isn't coming, and that aligns you with fowl Judgement and home life struggles. Don't worry though Sagittarius, this isn't the time to feel like you should wonder away. Your best success this week will be in realizing how much you are needed at home right now. Yes business is hell right now and you've had to work your butt off, and yes you deserve time for fun and freedom, but you've been neglecting things for way too long and on Thursday and the Ten of Pentacles reversed warns that this behavior pattern is going to jump up and bite you when you'd least like it to. There is a silver lining though for you Sagittarians, as Friday welcomes you into it's arms, you'll find that you've somehow managed to give everyone a decent amount of your time, and although you didn't get a chance to get the cleaning done, you've at least been able to find something fabulous to wear to that Friday night 4/20 party you've been raring to go to.
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