Okay, ignoring my clearly way to long ADHD induced absence from writing last months Tarotscopes... and going right into your week ahead... It looks like this week is going to be rather emotional, somewhat competitive and there will be a strong need to seek balance whenever possible.
Monday in particular seemed to be filled with negative anxiety or fear surrounding a routine, relationship or something that you don't want to stay the same anymore and the Reversed Four of Cups. Monday also happens to be the day we roam into the Virgo moon, which means that its time it's time to get Vestive, I mean, give thanks to Vesta for her virginial energy. She will help you hold onto your innocence, give it all up for the pleasure of it or help you uncover some sultry secret that you may or may not have been expecting. Whatever news or events come your way, make sure that you draw the line in something more concrete than sand, but be careful that you don't unnecessarily burn any bridges either.
Tuesday is about home, family and work. Things may be going well, but from your perspective it might not seem like things are so 'hunky-dorie'. Remember that sometimes life is just unfair, and that usually it has less to do with your circumstances and more to do with the view point you're currently using. The Ten of Pentacles Reversed reminds you to reserve your strength for bigger battles.
Such as the one coming up later Monday evening or sometime during Wednesday when the Five of Wand Reversed appears. It looks like some Aries energy has forced it's way onto your weekly horoscope, which leaves you with only two options - offense or defense? It looks like there is no way to run or hide from these relationship, work or family related challenges, but from what I can tell, there is no reason you can't change your perspective and view these challenges as fun chances to test your own mettle.
Thursday looks much more relaxing as the card of Temperance gracefully highlights your day, encouraging you to seek balance in your spiritual, physical and emotional worlds. Friday we can see the reversed King of Wands, who doesn't look like he's in a great mood. He is your partner, father or boss and although his sword may seem mighty, today he's only acting out because of his secret inferiority complex. So while I don't suggest you take any crap that you don't deserve, if this man is someone who is usually in better graces, you might consider just letting him have his moody day - it won't last too long.
Well my fellow Cappy's, it looks like this week is going to be one of those weird miracle weeks - where everything seems to fall into your lap, even though your level of procrastination seems to be higher then usual. On Monday we'll see the entrance of the Virgo moon coming to prod everyone into looking over their lives with a fine toothed comb. Under normal circumstances you would mind the opportunity to dive into your clutter and clear it out - though this time it seems like Vesta wants you to focus on something deeper, which isn't your specialty. She knows that it makes you nervous, anxious or hesitant anytime you have to think about serious relationship, career or family affairs that involve secrets, disagreements or big changes.
Just remember that the Six of Wands is upright in your week, and this highlights you and several large victories in terms of business, education and spirituality. You win some, you lose some, right? This pattern will continue from Monday until Wednesday morning when Libra comes to take over the moon, giving Venus the spotlight in your week again. It appears that she's none to happy that you've been tristing with Vesta, under-focusing on love or keeping secrets from an important person in your life. Though it seems that she's not out for revenge this week, but instead she's decided to work with her current Retrograde and come into balance with Mercury Direct who has just gone into Gemini along with Venus and the Sun. That means that this week is good for communication, transportation and opening up new avenues - though with Mars AND Mercury in Direct, there is going to be plenty of friction involved. Not that we Cappy's usually mind that at all, it kind of fuels the inner goats nature to do it anyways, and that's what brings the victories.
Later in the week, as the Libran Moon gives way to Scorpio, you're not going to feel like working at all - which is fine, if you can be comfortable with that. Thursday and Friday are the days that the universe wants you to balance out and have some fun. All work and no play make Capricorns dull!
You're not really digging the recent Mercury Direct into Gemini Aquarius - it makes your mind work so quickly that you tend to over look things, have more typos or you find yourself speaking in shorthand. Either way, the reversed Ten of Wands tells you to slow it down this week. Mars Direct is coming at you with some intense energy early in the week, so Monday through early Wednesday you're going to want to let someone help you carry your load, lest you drop it all and have to start all over again. Remember that it's not bad to want help, and it will be there the moment you open yourself up to it.
By the late afternoon of Wednesday, we'll be going into a Libra Moon which will last until Friday morning, when it goes into Scoprio. What this means for you, is that during Wednesday and Thursday, you want to focus on BALANCE as much as possible. This is especially true for you because you have the Knight of Swords as your underlying energy, and he is known for going way to fast while delivering his news to you. The latter half of the week should go much better for you as the Scorpio Moon comes home to roost, though it still isn't a good time for traveling or trying to cement any contracts, deals or sign anything. Wait until after the weekend.
You're feeling a bit emotionally bound up in the beginning of the week Pisces. It looks like the Devil card has come to reside with you on Monday and Tuesday, which highlights the mix of Venus Retrograde and Vesta energy conflicting with your water ways. Remember that it won't do you any good to be a smart mouth, get into arguments or to be defiant to those who hold some authority over you. On Wednesday and Thursday while we're in the Libra Moon, you'll find that it's not a great time for making money, but that's okay because you would much rather relax and go play, wouldn't you? The reversed King of Pentacles says you should follow your intuition and seek balance. If that means having some fun after having worked so hard all last week, then go for that!
At the end of the week the reversed Six of Wands shows you have a big change coming in business, relationships or family. The energy looks to be positive, even if the event doesn't initially seem to start out that way.
You're finally going to get some things accomplished this week Aries, and it's about time to. Mercury Direct in Gemini is lending you his power, which is symbolized by the Magician arcana card. This means that you'll have luck under just about any element you choose during the beginning of the week, especially anything that has to do with business, relationships, health or spirituality. The starts are shinning for you now.
In the middle of the week, between Tuesday and Thursday, you seem to be in a foul mood due to one or two of your responsibilities. These just aren't days you feel like being responsible over much of anything, and the reversed Emperor sympathizes with you over that. He suggest that you take it easy and seek balance - so if you're feeling like there is to much work going on, go out and have some fun! And remember, although we can't shuck off all of our responsibilities whenever we feel like it, we can take a break from them all when we need to.
During the end of the week as we go from the Libra moon into the Scorpio Moon, it will be time for you to make a decision, start something new, end something that hasn't been beneficial for you or to get grounded. The Tower is highlighted, so know that while it may not seem all that exciting int he moment, later on you will see just how this sudden change has benefited you.
You're grooving with Vesta's energy in your own sign right now and that's important this week, because as things move along, you might find a few times where you need to step back and remember that things don't always seem so bad. It looks like this will be especially important on Monday and Tuesday as the Five of Cups Reversed lays down before you, encouraging you to remember that although you're life may not feel complete just yet, you still have a strong foundation of energy to build on. So don't give up on that relationship, exercise regimen or new career - it will get better!
The Ten of Wands comes in to highlight the rest of your week along with the Queen of Pentacles, both whom tell me that you'll be really digging the energy head towards you on Thursday and Friday. It's all about Taurus right now, and that suits you just fine.
You need to slow down this week Cancer. I know things are feeling good with work and travel, but if you go to fast, the momentum will carry you past your goal (and not in a positive way). The reversed Knight of Swords highlights the early part of your week, so while the moon goes into Virgo on Monday, you will be feeling the need to get up and move, even if you have no idea where you want to go. This energy will last until Wednesday afternoon, which means it would be better for you to hunker down and chillax, then to get on your high horse and go no where. If you try to force this energy, you're going to be dealing with a lot more conflicts then you're up for - so you have been warned.
The rest of the week looks to be much more complimentary to your energy as the moon changes into Libra. It would be the perfect end to the week if it weren't for this pesky Three of Swords at the end of your week. That card tells me that you are either acting injured when there's nothing wrong with you, or you are allowing someone else to place their delusional woes and worries onto your shoulder. Remember that the worst parts of our lives often only appear to be really bad - later on in life it will seem just as it really is - another passing moment in a long life of ups and downs.
Holy energy Leo! You're cards jumped right out at me this week, which means the universe has several important things it wants you to be aware of. The first is that you are on Venus's nice list this week, and she is sending you the Lovers card - which is not only good for those in intimate relationships, but it is also good for those of you Leo's who've found yourselves in positions of high political office. This means that while the moon is in Virgo from Monday until Wednesday evening, it's a great time to finish or start projects, sign new deals or ask for their vote!
The middle of the week highlights the reversed Nine of Pentacles, meaning that you're going to get a bit of a pinch from Vesta in Taurus, who wants you to come down from your ego inflated cloud 9 for a minute and find balance. If you put the horse behind the cart, you'll find yourself in a huge financial risk along with some famous Leo's in the spotlight (keep an eye out for political scandals surrounding leo's this week!). As the moon goes into Libra at the end of the week, the Empress comes into your sights to bring back that abundance love, money, resources and success you've been after.
Virgo you're feeling vocal this week, and you'll be endowed with the success of your words as the week begins. You could charm a lion out of his most recent kill, talk a goose into laying a golden egg or cuddle safely with a porcupine if you wish it to be so. This is mostly due to the moon being in YOUR sign Monday through Wednesday, and it will be a few moons before she comes back to that station, so take advantage now!
The Nine of Pentacles appears to be reversed in your charts, which isn't as bad for your week as you might think from first glace. She is actually sending you positive vibrations this week and only cautions that you slow down and take some time to think about your significant other, relationship or family this week (if you're committed), or to take some time to pamper your physical self if you're currently unattached.
Thursday the Scorpio Moon makes you a bit moody as you feel the withdrawal from your sign. Don't be to weepy, as the Four of Cups is only blocked in your tarotscope for this week, which means that you'll have a chance to get out of your boredom, depression or anxiety as Friday rolls into town.
Wow you have a busy week this week Libra! The first half starts out with you carry a heavy load of anxieties about health, business or relationship issues. The Nine of Swords and Seven of Swords reversed show me that on Monday and Tuesday you should avoid doing anything overly physical, signing any contracts or making any oral deals. It's just not a good time for it.
Thankfully, if you can keep from getting to depressed from the energy of the beginning of the weed, you'll find that the Ace of Pentacles lands in your land, bring you some intense financial energy as the moon gracefully goes into your sign. Bonus! Because you're ruler is Venus and she is looking for places to send her positive energy to while she's in reverse, you're going to see a big boost in your romantic sector as Thursday comes around. You'll want to be careful though, because Vesta is clearly jealous that you've had so much time with your planetary Mother, and she wants to join in to, even if that means being a third wheel. What this means for you is that the end of the week highlights seductive secrets, adulterous affairs, hot confrontations and frictional love energy. If your taken, the High Priestess whispers to you to defuse the rough energy with some laughter and then take advantage of all that built up moment in your partner. If you're uncommitted for now, then she suggests that you take some time to meditate and find your inner balance. Shouldn't be any problem for the sign of the scales, right?
This week you feel kind of like you've been left with the stick. You've become so crucial and powerful lately, that hardly anyone steps back to see that you really need a lot more help then you're willing to let yourself ask for. That will be the trick this week as you try to get through the Virgo and Libra energy that asks you to find the balance this week.
This might seem especially challenge Monday through Wednesday as the Moon card comes into your stars and highlights the need for you to learn to feel comfortable in the unknowable. I know that you feel better when you know what's going to happen, but sometimes the best experiences in our lives only came about because we learned to trust our intuition and learn to listen when the world asks us to slow down and delegate.
You'll catch my drift as you find yourself ending the week. The moon is going right into your sign on Thursday morning, which puts you right back in the thrown. though I am telling you right now, that if you don't get your team together and delegate some of your work by Wednesday at least, you're going to find yourself in several business, relationship or health jams by Friday night. Don't let that happen Scorpio!
You might be feeling like the thrown is sitting on you this week Sagi, and you're right! It should be the other way around. Which means that you'll need to work on turning that Emperor Reversed back to his upright position. This will be easier than it appears, as you have the Eight of Swords in your weekly scope, which means that although you might feel blind and powerless - you're NOT. All it takes to turn your week around starting on Monday, is to remove your own blindfold and follow your intuition towards the actions that will unbind your wrists.
This is all highlighted around the Virgo moon which causes you to slow down and be exacting. The Four of Cups shows that you might not want to do this right now, but sometimes, it is necessary to do the things we don't want to do, and deal with things we don't want to deal with, in order to find the enlightenment hiding just out of our sight. All this translates to finding your inner calm this week Sagittarius - you've been putting so much out into the world to help and do for others, now it's time to do for yourself. Meditation when you find yourself in any rough spots this week, should do just the trick mighty Archer.